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Tělesná zdatnost u dětí ve věku 8-10 let v městských a venkovských školách.
Glatz, Petr ; Flemr, Libor (vedoucí práce) ; Dragounová, Zuzana (oponent)
10 let v a . 10 let. Metody: V po . Z Abstract Title: Physical fitness for children aged 8-10 years in urban and rural schools. Objectives: The main goal of this work is to verify the level of physical fitness of students 8 to 10 years old at rural and urban school. Methods: The evaluation includes the measurement of physical testing based on the Unifittest set. All date were statistically processed and shown in graphs. Results: The data are compared between rural school and urban school. In general, there are no big differences between those two forms of basic education. Keywords: Rural School, urban school, Unifittest, physical fitness, somatic data

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