Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.03 vteřin. 
Material Characterization and Modeling of Interband Cascade Light Emitting Diodes
Herzánová, Kristína ; Bastard, Gérald (oponent) ; Detz, Hermann (vedoucí práce)
This thesis focuses on the material and loss characterization of heterostructures used in interband cascade devices and the modeling of interband cascade light-emitting devices (ICLEDs). Interband cascade devices, particularly lasers and light-emitting diodes, are critical for mid-infrared photonic applications due to their efficient operation and potential for integration into photonic circuits. The study involves extracting material parameters from spectroscopic ellipsometry and FTIR measurements, and extending an existing transport model to account for radiative recombination processes, specifically the spontaneous emission in ICLEDs. Among the different loss mechanisms in these devices, particular attention was given to the valence intersubband absorption, which degrades the operation of interband cascade devices in the mid-infrared wavelength region above 4 m. The results, obtained through experimental characterization of interband cascade laser (ICL) waveguides examining their transmission losses, demonstrated the impact of valence intersubband absorption under various operating conditions. This research contributes to the optimization of interband cascade structures, leading to enhanced performance and broader applicability in sensing, environmental monitoring, and biomedical diagnostics.

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