Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Route control
Dolobáč, Dávid ; Janáková, Ilona (oponent) ; Richter, Miloslav (vedoucí práce)
This thesis sets itself the task to detect geometric changes, located on a previously known route, which is considered as a template or pattern. Geometric changes represent rigid transformations of objects in a scene, specifically their rotation, displacement and their combinations. Another type of change is the addition of new or removal of original objects. The original route is captured with a monocular camera and by using methods of photogrammetry, a 3D model of a scene in a point representation is reconstructed from the video sequence. In the same manner, a 3D model of the scene containing changes is created, but this model captures only the local section of the original route. This local point cloud is registered in the 3D model of the original route, so that the 3D models can be directly compared with each other. The investigated space is divided into cubic voxels of the same size which are successively traversed and the degree of similarity of local surfaces is investigated for each of them. The solution results in 3D points from both clouds marked as changed or unchanged. The mentioned methods are tested on real data in scenarios with different geometric modifications of the scene and the evaluation of change detection is implemented as in the case of a binary classifier.

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