Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Fatigue of selected water turbine components based on operating conditions
Androvič, Dominik ; Pochylý, František (oponent) ; Habán, Vladimír (vedoucí práce)
This diploma thesis deals with the determination of the service life of the journal bushings of the rotary bearing of the Kaplan turbine rotor blades. Due to the change in the way turbines are operated in recent years, a reduction in the service life of the journal bushings has been observed. The work aimed to create a model that would capture the effect of the turbine's operating mode on the service life of the sliding bushings. To simulate the behavior of the rotary bearing, the task was divided into hydraulic and mechanical parts. The hydraulic load of the Kaplan turbine blade was solved on a simplified model represented by a separate aerodynamic profile using CFD calculation. The mechanical part of the model was made up of a rotary pin mounted in journal bushings. The load of the bearing was derived from the CFD calculation and the FEM method with a contact task was used for the calculation. The basic service life of the selected type of journal bushings was derived from the foundation of an empirical relationship and contact pressures derived from the mechanical part of the model. Based on available experimental studies, our effort was to assess the influence of regulation by microdisplacements on the service life of the selected type of journal bushings or to correct the basic calculated service life.

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