Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Measurement of anechoic chambers
Švec, Marek ; Nováček, Zdeněk (oponent) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
This Master’s project deals with general aspects and possible solution of effective shielded cover and cell/chamber shielding measurement for needs of electromagnetic compatibility EMC on the basis of available norms and standards. Electromagnetic shielding is one of the most anticlutter means of EMC. Its main task is reduction of disturbing emission at the side of sources of disturbing signals as well as electromagnetic resistance increase at the side of disturbing signal receivers. Shielding is considered to be an important structural means to reduce electromagnetic field referring to a defined space part. Technical means for achieving the given goals are called shielded covers or shielded cells/chambers. Shielding is one of highly effective methods related to electromagnetic protection, for instance against power/output disturbance. To express the shielding quality so called shielding effectiveness SE is used. It represents logarithmic rate of shielding coefficient that is defined by the intensity ratios of electric and magnetic fields in a certain point of the shielded space to electric or magnetic field intensity incident/impinging on the shielded screen or wall.
Measurement of anechoic chambers
Švec, Marek ; Nováček, Zdeněk (oponent) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
This Master’s project deals with general aspects and possible solution of effective shielded cover and cell/chamber shielding measurement for needs of electromagnetic compatibility EMC on the basis of available norms and standards. Electromagnetic shielding is one of the most anticlutter means of EMC. Its main task is reduction of disturbing emission at the side of sources of disturbing signals as well as electromagnetic resistance increase at the side of disturbing signal receivers. Shielding is considered to be an important structural means to reduce electromagnetic field referring to a defined space part. Technical means for achieving the given goals are called shielded covers or shielded cells/chambers. Shielding is one of highly effective methods related to electromagnetic protection, for instance against power/output disturbance. To express the shielding quality so called shielding effectiveness SE is used. It represents logarithmic rate of shielding coefficient that is defined by the intensity ratios of electric and magnetic fields in a certain point of the shielded space to electric or magnetic field intensity incident/impinging on the shielded screen or wall.

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