Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Virtual model of part of cutting machine in ADAMS
Juriga, Jakub ; Vetiška, Jan (oponent) ; Hadaš, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce)
In theoretical part, this master´s thesis deals with vibrations in cutting machine and description of creation of self-excited vibrations theory. In practical part, there is problem of chatter in cutting machine solved with using simulation program Adams and computing program MATLAB. Gradually, Multi body system of cutting machine and model of cutting tool with features flexible body are analyzed. At the end all both models were used to create complex model of the cutting machine .
Virtual model of part of cutting machine in ADAMS
Juriga, Jakub ; Vetiška, Jan (oponent) ; Hadaš, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce)
In theoretical part, this master´s thesis deals with vibrations in cutting machine and description of creation of self-excited vibrations theory. In practical part, there is problem of chatter in cutting machine solved with using simulation program Adams and computing program MATLAB. Gradually, Multi body system of cutting machine and model of cutting tool with features flexible body are analyzed. At the end all both models were used to create complex model of the cutting machine .

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