Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Jasové poměry v místech zrakových úkolů v učebnách
Helštýnová, Barbara ; Novák, Tomáš ; Sokanský, Karel ; Bos, Petr
Possibilities of action learning methods such as interactive whiteboards, blackboards and whiteboards along with copying to a workbook depends not only on visual comfort, but also on the subjective feeling of the observer. This measurement could be performed objective was chosen as the place of visual task workbook, as the surrounding visual task desk (table) and a background visual task was elected boards according to the type of measurement rooms. Measurements was done by luxmeter and luminance analyzer. Because the evaluating the overall illuminance of the room, so the task area. Further analysis was performed luminance from which it was calculated contrast to which the eye responds and transmits the visual perception.

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