Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 15 záznamů.  předchozí11 - 15  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Sol-Gel Derived Au-Enriched TiO2 and TiO2-ZrO2 Photocatalysts and Their Examination in Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide
Matějová, Lenka ; Reli, M. ; Čapek, L. ; Matějka, V. ; Šolcová, Olga ; Obalová, L. ; Kočí, K.
Considering the aspects of preparation of gold-based photocatalysts and gold photocatalysis, it is worth a mention that it is more complicated issue than in the case of other noble metals due to the gold crystallinity. In this contribution some critical aspects of the gold photocatalysis will be discussed. Au-supported TiO2 and TiO2-ZrO2 photocatalysts and their pristine counterparts were prepared by using the sol-gel process controlled within reverse micelles environment and by impregnation under vacuum. All photocatalysts were characterized by OEA, ICP/MS, N2 physisorption, XRD, TEM/SEAD and UV-Vis. The performance of laboratory-prepared photocatalysts was examined in CO2 photocatalytic reduction and was compared with the catalytic performance of commercial TiO2 Evonic P25. Logically, the determined physicochemical and optical properties of photocatalysts were correlated with their catalytic performance and some interesting aspects of gold photocatalysis were revealed.
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22013080910510 - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Plný text: content.csg - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Optimized Doped Titania for Photocatalysis Applications
Krejčíková, Simona ; Kočí, K. ; Obalová, L. ; Čapek, L. ; Šolcová, Olga
This study is focused on preparation and characterization of the specially designed TIO2 and its modified versions (doped by metal) suitable for photodegradations of organic pollutants.
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Vliv velikosti krystalitů TiO2 na jeho fotokatalytickou reaktivitu
Kočí, K. ; Obalová, L. ; Matějová, Lenka ; Šolcová, Olga ; Plachá, D. ; Lacný, Z.
Fotokatalytická aktivita TiO2 částic byla testována na reakci fotodegradace CO2 vodou. S klesající velikostí částic TiO2 roste výtěžek methanu. Získané výsledky byly porovnány s katalyzátorem Degussa P25. Ve všech případech byla aktivita připravených TiO2 částic vyšší než u Degussy P25.

Teplá, O. ; Pěknicová, Jana ; Mrázek, M. ; Kočí, K. ; Chládek, David ; Míka, M. ; Badalová, J. ; Pecka, T. ; Fulka, F.
Iscare IVF a.s. had a long record of successful azoospermic treatment since 1997, when the first pregnancies by MESA a TESE were published in the Czech republic. A series of diferent implanted laboratory techniques supported good results from last year. The medical problem is solved during the other field of application-histlogical findings and immunofluorescent methods.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 15 záznamů.   předchozí11 - 15  přejít na záznam:
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