
Postery Nalezeno 55 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí36 - 45další  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Globální monitoring životního prostředí a bezpečnosti
Stein, Zbyněk
Ve dnech 29.–30. května 2012 proběhla na půdě Ministerstva dopravy první národní konference věnovaná evropskému programu monitorování životního prostředí a bezpečnosti (GMES) zaměřená na uživatele. Organizátorem akce byla CENIA, česká informační agentura životního prostředí. Cílem konference bylo především informovat uživatele o již dostupných produktech a službách programu GMES, poukázat na budoucí portfolio dat a diskutovat potřeby uživatelů, kteří je budou moci využívat.
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National grey literature cooperation model
Pejšová, Petra ; Vyčítalová, Hana
The National Library of Technology (NTK) has a long tradition of collecting grey literature on the national level. NTK became SIGLE system partner in the 1980s and from 2008 it has been the coordinator of the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL). NTK has created a grey literature partnership network in the Czech Republic. Over 130 institutions dedicated to research, science, education, culture etc. participate in this network and provide grey literature to the NRGL. NTK manages cooperation among these institutions and NRGL, provides methodology and standards, and deals with the legal aspects of repository management and collecting grey literature. We have created a model of the main parties involved in collecting and publishing grey literature in order to gain a better insight in the structure, and to enhance further cooperation. We defined the role of partners, type of participants, services, and tools used for grey literature publishing. In our poster, we would like to present the Czech national model as an inspiration for institutions in other countries.
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Survey of Enhanced publications in the Czech Republic
Pejšová, Petra ; Vyčítalová, Hana
The poster presents survey about the state of enhanced publications in the Czech Republic. The goal of this survey was to find out situation of enhanced publications at research institutions in the Czech Republic. What research data arise? How are they stored and archived? To whom they made available? Are there the real enhanced publications, i.e. research publications linked directly to research data? 113 Czech research institutions were contacted with online questionnaire during 11th September to 7th October 2013. The poster will show the results from 65 Czech research institutions which filled in the questionnaire.
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Czech Scientists Database
Pejšová, Petra ; Hvězdová, Lenka
Poster prezentuje ideový návrh databáze českých vědců, vytvořený na základě analýzy zahraničních databází vědy a výzkumu. Na tomto příkladu jsme demonstrovali novou roli knihoven, která se posouvá od poskytování informací k jejich tvorbě a publikování.
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Evaluation of Chemical and Technological Properties of Grain and Milling Franctions of Hulless Barley for Bakery Use
Vaculová, Kateřina ; Balounová, Marta ; Jirsa, Ondřej ; Sedláčková, Irena
Wider use of barley with great food potential due to its high nutritional value of grain is constrained by lack of knowledge about the functionality of barley grain components in terms of processing and food products development. Selected genotypes of hulless spring barley (cv. AF Lucius, lines KM 2084, KM 2283, KM 1057 and genetic resource Nudimelanocrithon) were examined for chemical composition (crude protein, starch, β-glucans, macro-minerals) and breadmaking properties of grain and grain milling fractions (flour, semolina, bran). Differences in chemical composition of genotypes reflected in both the yield and rheological properties of individual milling fractions, measured with farinograph and extensograph. The addition of barley flour (15-30%) or barley semolina and bran (10 and 20%) to standard wheat flour reflected in different rheological properties depending on a barley genotype. The farinograph parameters largely varied in individual materials, however, the percentage of barley fractions in the mixture did not affect the values considerably. In comparison with standard wheat flour, values of extensograph parameters were low (especially for energy and extensibility) in all barley samples studied. However, they were affected by both the proportion of barley fraction and its interaction with a rest period. When the rest period was longer (90 min), even higher additions of semolina or bran (especially in cv. AF Lucius) were technologically acceptable.
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Identifying candidates for the new subject headings based on the web behaviour of end-users
Busch, Kristýna
This poster describes how the National Technical Library of Prague carried out a Web server transaction log analysis in order to identify possible candidates for the new subject headings in the Polythematic Structured Subject Heading System. It describes the log analysis objectives, methods, and results.
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Metabolic rhythms of unicellular, nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria and possible interplay with modeled KaiABC circadian oscillator
Červený, Jan ; Nedbal, Ladislav
Circadian clocks of living organisms provide evolutionary advantage and make living in dynamic environment more efficient. The clocks affect human lives and health as well as control the simplest organisms such as prokaryotic cyanobacteria. The cyanobacteria represent an excellent model that is amendable to a multitude of genetic, biochemical, and biophysical methods. The cyanobacterium, Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 relies on the circadian clock to permit, in the same cell, anoxygenic nitrogen fixation at night and oxygenic photosynthesis during solar day. We measured real-time, in-situ photosynthetic and respiratory activities as well as the culture growth under light forcing conditions and also under constant light, i.e. free-running mode. Interestingly, the experiments show a strong 24h-period dynamic pattern that is replaced by apparent 12h-period in free running mode. The 24h-pattern does not change significantly when changing the light/dark ratio from 16hL/8hD to 12hL/12hD and 8hL/16hD. Furthermore, we tried to elucidate connection between these metabolic rhythms and known structure of KaiABC circadian oscillator by means of mathematical modeling. One of simulation results show a strong correlation between the presumed catabolic event indicated by significant peak in respiratory activity, and simulated dynamics of KaiB4 complex in modeled circadian pacemaker. A causal relationship between these 2 events is suggested because KaiB4 facilitates dephosphorylation of KaiC6 hexamer, which is known to signal upcoming dark period.
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Postery : Nalezeno 55 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí36 - 45další  přejít na záznam:
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