Economic Research Bulletin (2017, No.1) Číslo části: Volume 15, Number 1, May 2017 Název části: Trade and External Relations
Česká národní banka Typ dokumentu: Firemní tisk ISSN: 1803-7089
Abstrakt: One of the key determinants of economic development in small open economies such as the Czech one is the external environment. Understanding the linkages to the external world is therefore of utmost importance for policymakers. It is not only international trade that is important. Capital flows and exchange rate fluctuations are also among the economic phenomena that should be monitored and analysed. The articles in this Research Bulletin represent a sample of the CNB’s research dealing with modelling of trade and capital flows and exchange rate fluctuations. The first article decomposes aggregate export growth in the Czech Republic in 2005–2014. The second article presents research aimed at improving the trade forecast. The third article also contains research relevant to economic forecasting. The fourth article studies the role of exchange rate movements.
Klíčová slova:
fiskální politika; inflace; makroekonomie; fiscal policy; inflation; macroeconomics
Práva: Dílo je chráněno podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.