Original title: Assessment of perception and acceptability of composting toilets in West Sumba, Indonesia
Authors: Valčíková, Soňa ; Banout, Jan (advisor) ; Tereza, Tereza (referee)
Document type: Master’s theses
Language: eng
Publisher: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
Abstract: Lack of access to improved sanitation in Indonesia is reflected in persistence of practicing open defecation causing diarrhoea that is a major reason of under-five mortality. Composting toilets are considered as ecological sanitation representing dry type of sanitation system that is independent of water supply. Due to natural processes of composting that occur under specific conditions, human waste is transformed into compost that can be used as fertiliser. Although the approach of sustainable sanitation is being introduced in many developing countries, ecological sanitation have not yet been widely implemented in Indonesia except small pilot projects. However, due to sanitation programme of local non-government organisation Project Hope Sumba settled on Indonesian island of Sumba, composting toilets have been built to serve local people as improved sanitation to eradicate open defecation. The objective of the thesis was to assess user acceptance of composting toilets and perception of ecological sanitation in sub-district of Wewewa Tengah of West Sumba. Additionally, identification of criteria that influence acceptance of composting toilets have been summarized. Primary data have been collected in February and March 2015. The research was based on the interview accompanied by the structured questionnaire with 80 respondents who obtained the composting toilets within the sanitation programme. Waterless single-vault and double vault composting toilets without mixing urine and excreta device were installed as well as urine-diverting ones. Based on the survey, majority of the beneficiaries 57.5% has decided to quit using the composting toilets and rebuilt them to septic tank system. The main reasons for stop using the toilets were the fact that composting toilet does not work correctly because of lack of instructions. Based on the results of the survey, the most important factors affecting acceptance of composting toilets were frequency of using the bulking agent as it contributes to ensure correct process of composting, the experience of final compost application, understanding process of composting and having an off-farm activity. Despite certain failures, the project represents unique experience of composting toilets in Indonesia and can serve as source of valuable information for further projects.

Institution: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (web)
Document availability information: Available in the CZU repository.
Original record: https://is.czu.cz/zp/index.pl?podrobnosti_zp=200311

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-257219

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Universities and colleges > Public universities > Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Academic theses (ETDs) > Master’s theses
 Record created 2016-09-21, last modified 2022-03-03

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