National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Rationalisation of organisation Koukola
Nevrkla, Josef ; Navrátil, Petr (referee) ; Hlavenka, Bohumil (advisor)
Bachelor thesis deals with analysis of the company in the first part. The aim is to find an analysis of current shortcomings. The second part is aimed at eliminating these deficiencies with the proposed alternatives. Followed by a detailed selection process to the variant.
Rationalisation of organisation Koukola
Nevrkla, Josef ; Navrátil, Petr (referee) ; Hlavenka, Bohumil (advisor)
Bachelor thesis deals with analysis of the company in the first part. The aim is to find an analysis of current shortcomings. The second part is aimed at eliminating these deficiencies with the proposed alternatives. Followed by a detailed selection process to the variant.

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2 Nevrkla, Jakub
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