National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Lexical aspects of Czech-Slovak langugage relations in the period of National Revival
Dušková, Aneta ; Nábělková, Mira (advisor) ; Junek, Marek (referee)
The thesis focuses on the issue of Czech-Slovak language relations in the period of the National Revival, with a concentration on the lexical similarities and differences and the projection of the language contact in texts and lexicographical works in the Czech environment. The core of the thesis is the cultural and social context of the works of Vilém Dušan Lambl, conditions of the genesis and analysis of his Short Slovak dictionary, published in 1848 in the Journal of the Czech Museum. Lambl's dictionary, which has not been paid any special linguistic attention yet, is one of the first lexicographic attempts of Slovak and Czech lexical confrontation. Key words: Czech-Slovak language relations, lexical confrontation, Czech-Slovak lexicography, National Revival, Vilém Dušan Lambl
Lexical aspects of Czech-Slovak langugage relations in the period of National Revival
Dušková, Aneta ; Nábělková, Mira (advisor) ; Junek, Marek (referee)
The thesis focuses on the issue of Czech-Slovak language relations in the period of the National Revival, with a concentration on the lexical similarities and differences and the projection of the language contact in texts and lexicographical works in the Czech environment. The core of the thesis is the cultural and social context of the works of Vilém Dušan Lambl, conditions of the genesis and analysis of his Short Slovak dictionary, published in 1848 in the Journal of the Czech Museum. Lambl's dictionary, which has not been paid any special linguistic attention yet, is one of the first lexicographic attempts of Slovak and Czech lexical confrontation. Key words: Czech-Slovak language relations, lexical confrontation, Czech-Slovak lexicography, National Revival, Vilém Dušan Lambl
Analysis of projected common facilities in land adjustment in selected cadastral areas of the district Tábor
This thesis focuses on the analysis of projected common facilities in land adjustment in selected cadastral areas of the district Tabor. For this purpose has been selected three cadastral - Doubí nad Lužnicí, and Božejovice Stoklasná Lhota. In the application part in these territories assessed the status of common facilities (measures to access land, measures for protection of agricultural land, water management measures and measures to protect and improve the environment), both in projection and the actual situation. The results obtained are compared with each other. On the obtained knowledge and information for each land adjustments are recommended proposals for measures of common facilities.
Influence of comprehensive landscaping on the degree realization TSES in specific cadastral areas of South bohemian region in areas with a predominance of permanent grassland.
This thesis deals with the influence of complex landscaping to the degree of realization TSES in defined cadastral area Skláře na Šumavě in South Bohemia. Selected area has a predominance of permanent grassland. The final objective of this thesis is, what impact has comprehensive landscaping for a level of realization TSES in the area with permanent grassland. The thesis comprehensively solves the different influences to the credited area. The application part presents the real territory, where the selected area is processed with the help of a computer program ArcMap. In my work I have focused on the assessment of the territorial system of ecological stability in some aspects and the zoning of territory. Important for the stability is the need for a monitoring of the area and together with it development of the elements, that have to fill their function. On the basis of knowledge and obtained information are proposes measures. The measures should be cause the effective protection of implemented elements of TSES. The solution should improve the ecological stability of the area.

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4 DUŠKOVÁ, Aneta
1 Dušková, Adéla
5 Dušková, Alena
3 Dušková, Andrea
4 Dušková, Anna
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