National Repository of Grey Literature 920 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.12 seconds. 

Etiology of traumas of the locomotive apparatus sufferd by seniors and requiring acute rescue solution
ETIOLOGY OF TRAUMAS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE APPARATUS SUFFERED BY SENIORS AND REQUIRING ACUTE RESCUE SOLUTION The paper is focused on the research pertaining to injuries of bones, joints and muscles suffered by the senior population. The subject of the research was the injuries occurred in the past five years that were attended to by the medical rescue service. The theoretical part is focused on description of pathophysiological changes of the skeletal and the muscle system that take place at old age, and defines the basic health risk factors and further effects that may lead to injuries. The objective of the empiric part was collection of the information on whose basis the occurrence and the origin of injuries of the locomotive apparatus suffered by seniors will be defined in relation to the actions of the medical rescue service with respect to sex, and description of the household environment conditions or some other effects (such as alcohol and medicines) on occurrence of injuries of the skeleton system, based on which it will be possible to define the measures and the procedures that may be used to reduce occurrence of these types of injuries. The research was performed in the district of České Budějovice on the surveyed set of 214 informants older than 60 years. The selected set was made out on the basis of quota random selection with respect to sex. The reason for selection of this topic was the increasing proportion of actions of the medical rescue service necessitated by injuries suffered at a higher age, and the growing number of hospitalized seniors.

Obesity in children of school age from the perspective of nurses working in GP
BURSÍKOVÁ, Drahoslava
Abstract Obesity in School Children from the Point of View of a Nurse Working in a GP's Surgery The thesis focuses on the problems of nursing care of children with overweight and obesity. This issue is very urgent nowadays, not only in the Czech Republic, but it is a global problem. Our country holds one of the leading positions in children obesity. Children suffering from overweight and obesity have not only health problems resulting from obesity complications, but also problems in the field of psyche and social relations, particularly among their peers. This is why the right insight into the issue and finding an acceptable solution for the future is so important. The theoretical part deals with the problems of children obesity, the specifics of nursing care of these children within a surgery of a general paediatrician. It also focuses on the needs of children with normal weight and on the needs of overweight children. Four aims were set within the research. The first aim was to map the situation in obesity among school and pre-school children in Benešov District. The second aim was to map services (possibilities of further assistance, treatment) that parents and practitioners may use in treatment of children with overweight and obesity in Benešov District. The third aim was to compare success rate of obesity treatment in children that have already undergone obesity treatment under specialist supervision and success rate of weight reduction in children trying themselves. The fourth aim was to map the problems of cooperation of a nurse with parents and school in treatment of a child with obesity. We used a qualitative research method in the research part of the thesis. The questioning method by means of semi structured interview was applied. Three research samples were prepared for the research purposes. The first research sample consisted of 10 nurses working in paediatrician practitioner surgeries in Benešov District. The second research sample consisted of 10 persons intentionally chosen from among parents of children with obesity that are trying to reduce the weight of their children themselves or under assistance of an obesity specialist. The children were of school and pre-school age. The third research sample consisted of 10 paediatrician practitioners practicing in Benešov District. Open-coding technique paper and pencil method was applied on interview processing. A document analysis was used for the mapping of the services in Benešov District and the whole Central Bohemia Region. Six research questions were set: 1. What are the possibilities of specialist help to obese children? 2. Are parents willing to help their obese children with overweight reduction? 3. Do parents of obese children also have problems with overweight? 4. What experience do nurses from paediatrician practitioner surgeries have with care about obese children? 5. What does cooperation between parents and a nurse from a paediatrician practitioner surgery looks like? 6. How does a nurse working in a paediatrician practitioner's surgery cooperates with the school? The thesis conclusion shows that the problem of children obesity is not just the matter of Benešov District, but it is a global problem, it is urgent and has an increasing trend.

The use of a spectrum of didactic teaching styles in tuitional units of physical education in primary shools in the district of Příbram.\\
At present it is usual that there is an effort in primary schools to shift a part of the responsibilities off the teacher on the students. Didactic styles enable the teachers to put their students into new roles and so the students are forced to solve new situations under different conditions. This is how the teachers can react effectively in educating the students by leading them from passive perception to creativness. The work gives information about using teaching operative styles during teaching physical education in primary schools in Příbram district.

Monitoring and protection of habitats nature trail Pustý rybník (Dymokury district)
Nouzovský, Petr ; Česká, Jana (advisor) ; Dana, Dana (referee)
The aim of the thesis was to perform mycological survey of the site with a focus on the incidence and inventory of rare and endangered species of macromycetes. They were also assessed anthropogenic influences that affect the value of the territory and selected habitats. It was the first comprehensive mycological site survey, which was conducted from 2011 to 2015. The Trail Pustý pond near Dymokury is a relic of medieval basic hornbeam with almost unscrupulous management. From the natural communities Carpinion the area include Quercus petraea, Quercus Robur, Carpinus betulus, Tilia cordata and Acer Campestre. Natural forest communities Carpinion provides a very strong and long-lasting mycorrhiza. Minority There exists also a natural Crataegus monogyna, Quercus petraea, Fraxinus excelsior and Alnus glutinosa. Unoriginal there is only a pioneer Betula pendula and before about 60-years ago planted vegetation Pseudotsuga menziessii. The result of mycological research, which began in spring 2011 and it was completed 31. 12. 2015 has been detected and reported the occurrence of 294 kinds of macromycetes. Of this total were found and documented 39 rare and endangered fungi. Of macromycetes, which are not protected, found and determined 27 Ascomycetes and 267 Basidiomycetes. Of law protected species in the study area has been detected in the following species: Boletus fechtneri (§1), Xerocomus moravicus (§1), Tuber aestivum (§1), Volvariella caesiotincta (§2), Otidea concinna (§2) and Russula alnetorum (§ 3), of the species were categorized into the Red list of Czech Republic fungi is one of the most important findings species: Boletus fuscoroseus (CR), Boletus rhodopurpureus (CR), Boletus satanas (NT) Rubinoboletus rubinus (NT), Hygrophorus persoonii (CR), Lactarius lacunarum (NT), Lactarius pterosporus (NT), Lactarius zonarius (VU), Amanita echinocephala (EN). In the second part the focus is on the evaluation of anthropogenic pressures and the overall management at the site, as well as to natural succession. Majority is focused on the aftercare of land depending on the occurrence of rare and protected species of fungi and plants, and to assess the monitored habitat at the site. Given the interesting transition boundaries in an otherwise coherent natural habitat, where they were found other rare species of fungi have been to several locations are measured and recorded pH of the soil. Photographic documentation, which is incorporated by reference and inventory taxa, which is listed in the results, it can be used as an opportunity to re-create the old and dark educational boards on the surveyed area, as well as may be used to create small-scale protected area. Exsiccata have so far been kept as a resource in the private herbaria author. This thesis summarizes five years mycological study of the site in question strictly and justifies the use of the most appropriate management with regard to the occurrence of rare and protected species of fungi.

Floristic survey of part natural reserve Sluneční stráň (Ústí nad Labem district)
Štrymplová, Linda ; Česká, Jana (advisor) ; Hnilička, František (referee)
The floristic survey of the part of natural reserve Sluneční stráň (Ústí nad Labem district) was carried out in the vegetation period in 2015. The studied area is located near the village of Brná in Ústí nad Labem district. Typical is primarily its geobiocenosis of the Bohemian Uplands and xerothermic flora and fauna. The aim of this thesis was floristic inventory of the given part area and re-inventory of taxa of vascular plants (related to the results of the revision of 1976 and 2012). The main focus was mainly protected and endangered species of studied area. The aim was also the assessment and evaluation of the level of applied and planned management in the context of a valid plan of this natural reserve. The occurrence of a total of 166 plant species, of which 45 species were determined to be in danger of extinction given in the Red List of vascular plants of the Czech Republic (including 7 kinds of legislatively protected) was detected by inventories in the studied area. Even though, in comparison with previous surveys, there was a partial reduction in species diversity (possible reduction factors are discussed), this location still belongs to very valuable natural areas which must be protected. Based on the inventory of plant species and its comparison with Habitat Catalogue of the Czech Republic, it was found that mainly a found group formation of secondary grasslands and heathlands represented by the subunits of Rock-outcrop vegetation with Festuca pallens (T3.1) - Association Alysso-Festucion pallentis, and Narrow-leaved dry grasslands (T3.3) - Association Festucion valesiacae (T3.3D - stands without a prominent occurrence of orchids) occurs in the studied area. To keeping recommended and approved current care plan for the period 2014-2023 can maintain phytodiversity of the communities in this important area from a botanical point of view. In the care plan are itemized in detail suitable and appropriate interventions and protectionist measures.

Bullying of teachers in primary schools
This bachelor's work is dealing with the issue of pupil´s bullying the teacher and is focused on several selected basic schools in the district of ČeskéBudějovice. The theoretical part is divided into three parts. The first part defines terms, describes attributes, stages of the bullying and divides it. The overview of temporary situation and forms of bullying is also given here. The second part of the work deals with legislative point of view. The conclusion of the theoretical part refers to the possible solution of this situation. The practical part contains the evaluation of the researches and on this basis the temporary situation in the district ČeskéBudějovice is described.

Crimes committed against seniors in the district of Český Krumlov
This bachelor´s work deals with the topic of crimes committed against the elderly people in the district of Český Krumlov. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part focuses particularly on the elderly person, the offender and the quantity and types of criminal offenses perpetrated on seniors. Forms of behavior of offenders, characteristics of seniors as victims of crime and their familiarization with the potential risks are listed. The aim of the practical part was to map the crimes committed against seniors in the district of Český Krumlov. The issue was mapped by using structured questionnaire. Important part of the work is to design measures for the elderly, which could serve as crime prevention.

Implementation of the National Action Plan to increase vaccination coverage against influenza in the district of Trutnov.
Influenza is a highly contagious viral disease with epidemic and pandemic spread of the character, which annually affects 10% of the world's population, in the course of a pandemic even 40-50%. The originator of the disease is a virus that is present as a type A, type B or type C. Source of infection is the man to transfer air or contaminated objects. Susceptibility is widespread. The disease predominantly affects the respiratory tract, has a sudden beginning and manifests itself primarily with fever, chills, muscle pain, joint pain and headache. The most common complication is inflammation of the lungs. In the diagnosis are rapid tests for the detection of the Antigen. Treatment is symptomatic, antivirals are available the type of neuraminidase inhibitors M2, which easily gives rise to a resistance of influenza virus. The basis for the prevention of influenza is annual vaccination, which dramatically reduces the risk of hospitalization and death, especially among the elderly and the chronically ill. Coverage in our population is low, and that despite the fact that the flu is the cause of the deaths of thousands of people around the world. A year in the Czech Republic will die according to qualified estimates the flu one to two thousand people. Due to the possible prevention of influenza, it is important to disseminate information on the possibilities of prevention by vaccination and educate the general public about the seriousness of this disease. Diploma thesis discusses influenza disease as such and on the issue of vaccination against influenza among the elderly in connection with the adoption of the NAP to increase vaccination coverage against the flu. The theoretical part summarises the commonly known knowledge on the causative agent of the disease, the way of transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, complications, treatment, and prevention by vaccination.

The Technology of Processing and Sensory Quality Rating of Cow?s Milk and Chosen Products Made of It
The bachelor thesis deals with the technology of processing and sensory quality rating of cow?s milk and chosen products made of it. I have set two aims and from them arising research questions. The first aim was to describe the technological procedures of the cow?s milk processing and to describe partial steps in the production of chosen dairy products. The second aim was to evaluate sensory properties of dairy products of an ecological production and the products of a common food processing operation. The thesis is divided into two basic parts, theoretical and empirical ones. The theoretical part is aimed at the technology of the milk processing. There is the description of the production of chosen types of dairy products, such as consumer milk, sour dairy products and cheese. The aim was not only to describe the technology of the milk processing and the procedures of the production of dairy products, but also to capture the most frequent sensory defects and the causes of their formation. Further, the theoretical part is aimed at the pure dairy cultures. In this section of the theoretical part there is described the procedure of their gaining, the most frequently used kinds of cultures and their defects. The last but not least in the theoretical part, there are briefly characterised the most frequently occurring diseases transmitted by milk. The processing of these pieces of information was done through the study of the technical literature and the Internet sources. In the empirical section, I examined, if the technological procedures of the milk processing and the procedures of the fresh cheese production used on the ecological farm differ from the technological procedures used by the common food company. Further, I wanted to evaluate, if the differences occur in the sensory qualities of the products of these two producers. I attempted to capture the differences in the technologies of processing with the observation directly in the factories. Two institutions were chosen for the observation. As the first one the bio farm Slunečná in the Prachatice district was chosen. A common food processing operation was the second object of the research. It was MADETA, a.s. Jindřichův Hradec. I elaborated the data gained through this research into a clearly arranged table using the application Microsoft Excel. I examined the differences in sensory quality of the products by means of sensory analysis of the chosen products. Ten non-specialist evaluators of all age groups participated in the evaluation. They received the sensory questionnaire in which they marked their subjective feeling from the product tasting using the point scale. These parameters were evaluated: colour, consistency, smell and taste of the consumer milk, yoghurt, yoghurt milk and cheese. The evaluators always had two samples of every category. One came from the ecological production and the second one from the common food processing operation. The results of the questionnaires were averaged, transformed into a table and graphically demonstrated in graphs using the application Microsoft Excel.