National Repository of Grey Literature 17,392 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.61 seconds. 

Vacuum level by very low energy electron reflectivity vacuum level by very low energy electron reflectivity
Pokorná, Zuzana ; Frank, Luděk
The local density of states is an important characteristic of solids, in particular the crystalline ones. A scanning electron microscope equipped by the cathode lens can effectively map the reflectivity of very low energy electrons with a high lateral resolution.

Impact of low oil and natural gas prices on the economy of Qatar since 2014
Šamánek, Ondřej ; Stuchlíková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Hasík, Gabriel (referee)
The bachelor thesis examines the impact of the oil and gas prices slump, which befell the world in 2014, on the economy of Qatar. The main objective of the thesis is to evaluate if and to what extend the price collapse influenced the relevant economic indicators and behaviour of the state and companies active in the affected field. The selected objective is examined using the method of data comparison, namely before and after the price slump, and with the help of the case study, in which the qatari company operating in the oil and gas is examined. From the conducted analysis it is possible to conclude that Qatar was directly influenced by the oil and gas prices collapse: its GDP slumped, fiscal deficit increased. The analysed company also experienced troubles caused by low prices: one year after the price slump, total amount of assigned tenders to company decreased substantially and historically high number of tenders was cancelled. Conclusions deriving from the thesis might be applied to other oil and gas export economies in the Persian Gulf, for fundamental traits of such economies are shared with the economy of Qatar.

Comparison of Business Intelligence implementation using open source solutions for middle size companies
Schmidt, Róbert ; Maryška, Miloš (advisor) ; Sládek, Pavel (referee)
The main goal of master thesis is to analyze and propose possible low cost Business Intelligence solution with open source technologies and comparison of available tools for implementation in middle size company. We compare Pentaho and Jaspersoft tools implemented on local hardware and cloud environment with Microsoft Azure services. The theoretical part focuses mainly on understanding the business intelligence and its architecture, because architecture is an important part of the work. Actual tools are designed as stand alone modules for specific activities in the business intelligence lifecycle. Low cost tools are often connected with open source technologies and cloud computing. This part of the work contains explanation of these terms and their advantages and disadvantages for our chosen target group of companies. The analytical part includes defined parameters by which it is conducted analysis of tools and their comparison. Business Intelligence solutions are divided according to arcitectural layers. The evaluation criteria are divided into financial, technical and user category. In conclusion, chosen tools are compared and evaluated. The main contribution of this thesis is comparison of open source business intelligence tools for implementation in middle size company. According to the EU directive, middle size company does not exceed 250 employees or profit is less than 50 million euros. The reader can compare the different solutions and their pitfalls or shortcomings that could be critical for the implementation.

Matějíček, Jiří ; Veverka, J. ; Čížek, J. ; Kouřil, J.
Plasma sprayed alumina coatings find numerous applications in various fields, where they enhance the properties of the base material. Examples include thermal barriers, wear resistance, electrical insulation, and diffusion and corrosion barriers. A typical structure of plasma sprayed coatings, containing a multitude of voids and imperfectly bonded interfaces, gives them unique properties - particularly low thermal conductivity, high strain tolerance, etc. However, for certain applications such as permeation barriers or wear resistance, these voids may be detrimental.\nThis paper reports on the first experiments with remelting of plasma sprayed alumina coatings by electron beam technology, with the purpose of densifying the coatings and thereby eliminating the voids. Throughout the study, several parameters of the e-beam device were varied - beam current, traverse velocity and number of passes. The treated coatings were observed by light and electron microscopy and the thickness, structure and surface morphology of the remelted layer were determined and correlated with the process parameters. Based on the first series of experiments, the e-beam settings leading to dense and smooth remelted layer of sufficient thickness were obtained. In this layer, a change of phase composition and a marked increase in hardness were observed.\n

Lifelong Education as a Part of the Social System
Neckařová, Jana ; Šrédl, Karel (advisor) ; Hana, Hana (referee)
The diploma thesis discusses about education of adult population, while pointing out necessity of education in any age. This thesis explain importance of education of the adult population, mention forms and possible methods which are used in this type of education the most. Besides the theoretical outcome there is practical aspect included as well in form of questionnaires. Investigation in form of research was focused directly on employees, who as well as on employers whose employees attended the program. In summary both parties consider adulthood gained knowledge as a great benefit to employee as well as employer. In any case, people with higher level of education have better chances of getting a possible job than those with no or low level of education.

Total contents and speciation of arsenic and selenium in plants growing in soils with different physico-chemical properties
Tremlová, Jana ; Száková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Vymazal, Jan (referee)
This dissertation thesis deals with uptake, accumulation and transformation of arsenic and selenium in plants growing on soils with different chemico-physical soil properties. The contents of arsenic were investigated in 99 wild plant species, coming from 27 different families and 6 different vegetables growing in arsenic contaminated soils. The results suggest that there are species-specific mechanisms which protects certain plants from the excessive uptake of arsenic from the soil. On the other hand, there are plants using a strategy of accumulation, which theoretically may increase the risk of arsenic entry into the food chain, whether through grazing cattle and wildlife or through consumption of vegetables growing on arsenic contaminated soils. The most prevalent arsenic compounds are AsV and AsIII. Other arsenic compounds occure as minor species. An important finding was detection of arsenobetaine in Plantago lanceolata L. and Carex praecox Schreb .. The contents of selenium were examined in 73 species of wild plants, coming from 29 different families. The results suggest that naturally low levels of selenium in the soil of selected locations along with a low capability of selenium uptake via collected plant species lead to the low content of selenium in plant biomass which may contribute to selenium deficient throughout the food chain. Foliar application of selenate on wild plant communities and on some types of vegetables in our case Brassica oleracea var. italica can have a positive impact on increasing the selenium content in the aboveground biomass of these plants and by extension, increase the selenium content in the human diet. Dominant selenium compounds in the aboveground biomass of the analyzed plants were SeVI and selenomethionine, with variable proportion of other commonly occurring organic selenium compounds, which is mainly affected by plant species.

Diamond coated AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors - effect of deposition process on gate electrode
Vanko, G. ; Ižák, Tibor ; Babchenko, O. ; Kromka, Alexander
We studied the influence of the diamond deposition on the degradation of Schottky gate electrodes (i.e. Ir or IrO2) and on the electrical characteristics of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). In present study, the diamond films were selectively deposited on the AlGaN/GaN circular HEMT by focused (ellispoidal cavity reactor) and linear antenna (surface wave) microwave plasma at different temperatures from 400°C to 1100°C. The preliminary results on electrical measurements on the diamond-coated c-HEMTs showed degraded electrical properties comparing to c-HEMTs before deposition process, which was attributed to degradation of the Ir gate electrodes even at temperatures as low as 400°C. On the other hand, metal oxide gate electrode layer (IrO2) can withstand diamond CVD process even at high temperatures (~900°C) which make it suitable for fabrication of all-in-diamond c-HEMT devices for high-power applications.

Optical low dispersion rezonator as length sensor using optical frequency comb
Pravdová, Lenka ; Hucl, Václav ; Lešundák, Adam ; Lazar, Josef ; Číp, Ondřej
Ultra-high precis measurements are domain of lasers interferometers. An optical resonator measuring method using broad spectrum of radiation of an optical frequency comb was designed and experimentally verified at our workplace. The measuring of a quantity – a distance of resonator mirrors – is provided by its conversion to the value of repetition frequency of the pulse laser with mode-locked optical frequency comb. In this paper the comparison of the absolute scale of the optical resonator with an incremental interferometer scale is introduced. The incremental interferometer is implemented for verification of the optical resonator scale. The double beam incremental interferometer is operating at the wavelength of 633 nm and the measuring mirror with piezo actuator is used as one of its reflectors. It turns out that the major error signal is the reflection of the periodic nonlinearity of the incremental resonator scale. The relative resolution of our method reaches values up to 10-9 while maintaining measuring scale.

Packet Classification Algorithms
Puš, Viktor ; Lhotka,, Ladislav (referee) ; Dvořák, Václav (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá klasifikací paketů v počítačových sítích. Klasifikace paketů je klíčovou úlohou mnoha síťových zařízení, především paketových filtrů - firewallů. Práce se tedy týká oblasti počítačové bezpečnosti. Práce je zaměřena na vysokorychlostní sítě s přenosovou rychlostí 100 Gb/s a více. V těchto případech nelze použít pro klasifikaci obecné procesory, které svým výkonem zdaleka nevyhovují požadavkům na rychlost. Proto se využívají specializované technické prostředky, především obvody ASIC a FPGA. Neméně důležitý je také samotný algoritmus klasifikace. Existuje mnoho algoritmů klasifikace paketů předpokládajících hardwarovou implementaci, přesto však tyto přístupy nejsou připraveny pro velmi rychlé sítě. Dizertační práce se proto zabývá návrhem nových algoritmů klasifikace paketů se zaměřením na vysokorychlostní implementaci ve specializovaném hardware. Je navržen algoritmus, který dělí problém klasifikace na jednodušší podproblémy. Prvním krokem je operace vyhledání nejdelšího shodného prefixu, používaná také při směrování paketů v IP sítích. Tato práce předpokládá využití některého existujícího přístupu, neboť již byly prezentovány algoritmy s dostatečnou rychlostí. Následujícím krokem je mapování nalezených prefixů na číslo pravidla. V této části práce přináší vylepšení využitím na míru vytvořené hashovací funkce. Díky použití hashovací funkce lze mapování provést v konstantním čase a využít při tom pouze jednu paměť s úzkým datovým rozhraním. Rychlost tohoto algoritmu lze určit analyticky a nezávisí na počtu pravidel ani na charakteru síťového provozu. S využitím dostupných součástek lze dosáhnout propustnosti 266 milionů paketů za sekundu. Následující tři algoritmy uvedené v této práci snižují paměťové nároky prvního algoritmu, aniž by ovlivňovaly rychlost. Druhý algoritmus snižuje velikost paměti o 11 % až 96 % v závislosti na sadě pravidel. Nevýhodu nízké stability odstraňuje třetí algoritmus, který v porovnání s prvním zmenšuje paměťové nároky o 31 % až 84 %. Čtvrtý algoritmus kombinuje třetí algoritmus se starším přístupem a díky využití několika technik zmenšuje paměťové nároky o 73 % až 99 %.

Subspace Modeling of Prosodic Features for Speaker Verification
Kockmann, Marcel ; Kenny, Patrick (referee) ; Nöth, Elmar (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
Předložená disertační práce se zabývá ověřováním mluvčího pomocí prozodických příznaků zahrnujících hodnoty základního tónu, energie a délek řečových úseků. Studovali jsme dvě rozdílné techniky pro parametrizaci: první vede k dobře definované sadě menšího počtu příznaků, druhá k vysoko-dimenzionální sadě heterogenních prozodických příznaků. První část práce se věnuje vývoji příznaků reprezentujících prozodické kontury, zde jsme vyvinuli a ověřili několik modelovacích technik, s důrazem na modelování v reprezentativních podprostorech. Druhá část práce se zaměřuje na nové pod-prostorové modelovací techniky pro heterogenní prozodické parametry s velkou dimenzionalitou. Model je teoreticky odvozen a experimentálně ověřen na oficiálních datech z NIST evaluací ověřování mluvčího (NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation). Ve srovnání s ostatními současnými prozodickými jsme dosáhli podstatně lepších výsledků. Na konci práce presentujeme také novou techniku pro elegantní kombinaci dvou prozodických systémů. Tato technika může být použita rovněž pro fúzi prozodického systému se standardním přesným cepstrálním systémem, což vede k dalšímu podstatnému zvýšení úspěšnosti verifikace.