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External sources of financing business
KOHLOVÁ, Martina
The aim of this thesis is to introduce the basic terminology used in the financial management, to characterize the development of financing business field and the availability of various funding sources. To elaborate particularly the area of bank credit products and tools for their comparison. To analyze the current condition of funding sources and suggest prospective measures in the financing structure considering the requirements of corporate strategy in selected unnamed company. The thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part includes basic terms and relations between them. In the practical part there is an analysis of funding sources of the company from 2008 to 2010 and there is determined the most optimal funding source for the investment project, which is the purchase of recycling and sorting line.

Private equity fund greenhouse business plan focusing on the financials
Bartoš, Jan ; Krause, Josef (advisor) ; Machek, Ondřej (referee)
The thesis analyses and discusses the creation of a business plan inside a private equity fund. The business plan deals with the development and management of a fully illuminated and heated greenhouse and focuses mostly on the financial part, due to reasons explained in the thesis. In the theoretical section, the author discusses the developments in the entrepreneurship and private equity field and follows by describing the important terms concerning a business plan, its structure and the approach to its creation. The practical section deals with the circumstances in which this business opportunity is considered and covers the business plan itself, specifically the market analysis, marketing approach, operational side and financials in detail. The aim of this exercise is to validate the market expectations and economic rentability of the whole project. To this end the author utilizes several standardized criterions for investment assessment.

Progress, outcome, future scenarios and threats of multilateral trading system (WTO)
Kozáková, Michaela ; Štěrbová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Trojanová, Kamila (referee)
This diploma thesis aims to set a complex view on the current process of multilateral trade agreements under the World Trade Organization and point out the direction of DOHA negotiations. The emphasis is put on the Tenth Ministerial Conference, which took place in Nairobi in December 2015. Stances and demands of the WTO member are analysed step by step. The thesis considers threats that possibly come from plurilateral, bilateral and regional agreements and evaluate a potential risk for the multilateral trading system. For this purpose, the thesis is divided into four chapters. First chapter examine theoretical introduction to WTO and particularly to Development Doha Agenda, which is important for subsequent understanding of actual issues. Second part analyses in detail the negotiations in main negotiating parts of DDA before and after a summer break. Following chapter fluently continues with analyse of the progress after summer break and points out some current questions about preparations for MC10 and expectations. Space is also given to the MC10 and its outcomes. Finally, the last chapter gives a thought to future scenarios concerning function of the WTO.

Corporate social responsibility of SAP
Vaníková, Zuzana ; Müllerová, Františka (advisor) ; Sitter, Barbora (referee)
The thesis deals with corporate social responsibility. The subject of investigation is the CSR strategy of the chosen company. The theoretical part describes the corporate social responsibility from a historical and a current perspective. Above all, the thesis puts emphasis on the social pillar, namely the activities of the company in relation to its stakeholders, particularly employees and volunteering. Volunteering is an important part of corporate social responsibility. The questionnaire and subsequently its statistical evaluation answers the question whether the students currently studying in two economic universities consider SAP as a responsible company and how they relate to volunteerism.

Interpretive principles in Verdi's operas
Beneš, Andrej ; HAJÓSSYOVÁ, Magdaléna (advisor) ; VOTAVOVÁ, Yvona (referee)
The master’s thesis deals with the theme creation of the opera production of Giuseppe Verdi with the focus on his opera Falstaff and deals with significant important interpretations of this opera. This dissertation is supposed to bring a complete picture of Verdi’s opera production pointing out some details which are not commonly known nor from the public nor in the professional music world. What appears in this work is Verdi’s correspondence (letters). I consider these letters an authentic source to understand Verdi’s creative and artistic intentions. Hereafter I portray an idea of how to perceive opera Falstaff not only from my point of view but I used the lead from the Italian reviews and musicology.

Lifelong Education as a Part of the Social System
Neckařová, Jana ; Šrédl, Karel (advisor) ; Hana, Hana (referee)
The diploma thesis discusses about education of adult population, while pointing out necessity of education in any age. This thesis explain importance of education of the adult population, mention forms and possible methods which are used in this type of education the most. Besides the theoretical outcome there is practical aspect included as well in form of questionnaires. Investigation in form of research was focused directly on employees, who as well as on employers whose employees attended the program. In summary both parties consider adulthood gained knowledge as a great benefit to employee as well as employer. In any case, people with higher level of education have better chances of getting a possible job than those with no or low level of education.

Navigation of mobile robots
Rozman, Jaroslav ; Matoušek,, Václav (referee) ; Šolc, František (referee) ; Zbořil, František (advisor)
Mobile robotics has been very discussed and wide spread topic recently.   This due to the development in the computer technology that allows us to create   better and more sophisticated robots. The goal of this effort is to create robots   that will be able to autonomously move in the chosen environment. To achieve this goal,   it is necessary for the robot to create the map of its environment, where   the motion planning will occur. Nowadays, the probabilistic algorithms based   on the SLAM algorithm are considered standard in the mapping in these times.   This Phd. thesis deals with the proposal of the motion planning of the robot with   stereocamera placed on the pan-and-tilt unit. The motion planning is designed with   regard to the use of algorithms, which will look for the significant features   in the pair of the images. With the use of the triangulation the map, or a model will be created.     The benefits of this work can be divided into three parts. In the first one the way   of marking the free area, where the robot will plan its motion, is described. The second part   describes the motion planning of the robot in this free area. It takes into account   the properties of the SLAM algorithm and it tries to plan the exploration in order to create   the most precise map. The motion of the pan-and-tilt unit is described in the third part.   It takes advantage of the fact that the robot can observe places that are in the different   directions than the robot moves. This allows us to observe much bigger space without   losing the information about the precision of the movements.

Extensions to Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for Speaker Recognition
Plchot, Oldřich ; Fousek, Petr (referee) ; McCree,, Alan (referee) ; Burget, Lukáš (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá pravděpodobnostními modely pro automatické rozpoznávání řečníka. Podrobně analyzuje zejména pravděpodobnostní lineární diskriminační analýzu (PLDA), která modeluje nízkodimenzionální reprezentace promluv ve formě \acronym{i--vektorů}.  Práce navrhuje dvě rozšíření v současnosti požívaného PLDA modelu. Nově navržený PLDA model s plným posteriorním rozložením  modeluje neurčitost při generování i--vektorů. Práce také navrhuje nový diskriminativní přístup k trénování systému pro verifikaci řečníka, který je založený na PLDA. Pokud srovnáváme původní PLDA s modelem rozšířeným o modelování  neurčitosti i--vektorů, výsledky dosažené s rozšířeným modelem dosahují až 20% relativního zlepšení při testech s krátkými nahrávkami. Pro delší  testovací segmenty  (více než jedna minuta) je zisk v přesnosti  menší, nicméně přesnost nového modelu není nikdy menší než přesnost výchozího systému.  Trénovací data jsou ale obvykle dostupná ve formě dostatečně dlouhých segmentů, proto v těchto případech použití nového modelu neposkytuje žádné výhody při trénování. Při trénování může být použit původní PLDA model a jeho rozšířená verze může být využita pro získání skóre v  případě, kdy se bude provádět testování na krátkých segmentech řeči. Diskriminativní model je založen na klasifikaci dvojic i--vektorů do dvou tříd představujících oprávněný a neoprávněný soud (target a non-target trial). Funkcionální forma pro získání skóre pro každý pár je odvozena z PLDA a trénování je založeno na logistické regresi, která minimalizuje vzájemnou entropii mezi správným označením všech soudů a pravděpodobnostním označením soudů, které navrhuje systém. Výsledky dosažené s diskriminativně trénovaným klasifikátorem jsou podobné výsledkům generativního PLDA, ale diskriminativní systém prokazuje schopnost produkovat lépe kalibrované skóre. Tato schopnost vede k lepší skutečné přesnosti na neviděné evaluační sadě, což je důležitá vlastnost pro reálné použití.

Experiences of health workers with acupressure
The abstract of the diploma thesis is focused on the acupressure and its influence of backache of medical staff. We chose the theme of acupressure because it is a non-invasive treatment method which can be practiced by everyone in the comfort of the home and no aid is necessary to have, just the basic knowledge and training how to perform acupressure. Acupressure is not physically or time consuming and that is why it is considered as a suitable means as an additional treatment of pain and other health disorders. It can improve nursing care. The theoretical part deals with pain and pain of medical staff who are the highest risk group of backache in the lumbar region. The backache is the most frequent cause of incapacity for work. Furthermore, in the theoretical part we deal with acupressure, one of the methods of alternative medicine. For the processing of the theoretical part, we used the available foreign and Czech literary sources. The empirical part of the diploma thesis is a quantitative method. The results obtained from the research were processed in the overview tables and case reports. For the thesis we set two research objectives. The first objective was to find out the experience of medical staff with acupressure. The second objective was to verify the influence of the techniques of acupressure for backache of medical staff. On the basis of the aim two hypotheses were created. The first hypothesis should show whether the backache will be softened by application of the acupressure techniques. The second one shows whether there is the difference in approach of nurses and doctors to perform acupressure.

Effect of a graduate of field of study Special Education - tutorship in practice of providers of social care
Theoretical part of the thesis is divided into 4 main chapters. First one deals with the helping professions generally, their definitions and definition of the Special education - Tutorship branch of study per se.It also briefly touches the subject of readiness of the future graduates to deal effectivelly with the challenges of a career in the field of social services. Chapter number two is called Special education and it defines the subject of special education itself, it's purpose and inner structure. Third chapter focuses on social services. It brings up it's definition and types and forms of social services.It also contains the examples of the institutions which fall into this category and it's providers. Chapter number four, which happens to be the last one in the theoretical part of the thesis, covers the role and purpose of graduates of the special education - tutorship studies. It brings up the definition of a social worker, necessary prerequisites as well as beneficial personality traits and feautures. In a subchapter of chapter four is a short description of a pedagogue tutor. Definition who he actually is, who are proper candidates for this position, what are desired personality traits we look for in tutors and the actual content and purpose of their work in institutions providing social services. The end of chapter four is dedicated to a position of a social worker. His activities, the position and definition of a personal assistant and again personality traits needed for a successful career in this field. The objective of the practical part of the thesis is to describe working of Special education - tutorship studies graduates in practice. Particularly their experiences "from the field", how do they evaluate the level of skill of fresh graduates during their first encounters with the reality, how satisfied are they with their choice of a career so far and what was their motivation to pursue such career. Practical part of the thesis includes qualitative research. To meet the above objectives, data collection technique had been chosen using a structured interview with the respondents, who were graduates of Special education tutorship studies. You can tell by the results of this thesis that graduates in the field of social services apply mostly to lower positions as a social service workers, even though they are qualified to perform as a social workers. The age of clients with whom the respondents work ranges from childhood to senior. The motivation that led those questioned respondents to the decision to choose the area of social services varies. Some reported that they were influenced by the actual practical experience during their studies at the university, when both the work itself and their enthusiasm for the target group played role. Others expressed they had previous experience working with people with disabilities or they just wanted to acquire new experiences. Also, involvement of a family member and their previous education was a motivation. Job satisfaction is evident from observed data, and it also contributes to work done accurately and responsibly. Personal benefits for the respondents according to findings are usually their usefulness at work, new experiences they are getting and last but not least advances of their clients. As the biggest advantage the respondents usually mention variability of their work, target group and the clients in itself and the fact, that their work is highly satisfying and they basically work in a very pleasant team of individuals. On the other hand, not exactly satisfying financial reward and challenging working hours are mentioned as disadvantages. Special education - tutorship studies - the branch they've studied, is by the majority of respondents considered to be beneficial for them and they especially highlight practical impact of practice they completed during their studies and which included visits to various relevant institutions.