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Geomorphological researches in 2008
Kallabová, Eva ; Máčka, Z.
Proceedings collected reports, which was presented on traditional international geomorphological central European conference. There are informations about soluting projects, new metodological practices and about actual questions in this geographical discipline.

The impact of different management on mountains meadows
Květ, Jan ; Mašková, Z. ; Šimek, M. ; Voženílková, B. ; Kvítek, T. ; Pižl, V.
In 1997, a long-term field experiment was based in sub-alpine mesophilic mountainous meadows in foothills of the Bohemian Forest to estitude the impact of different management on the structure and functions of grassland vegetation in mountainous regions. Four -year results show an indispensible role of regular mowing of meadow restoration.

Journey to volunteering in the Town Library in Třinec
Čadra, Martin ; Wolna, Martina
Dovedete si představit své akce bez dobrovolníků? My v třinecké knihovně NE! Všechno to nenápadně začalo v roce 2004. Od té doby pomáhalo knihovně už několik desítek dobrých duší, bez kterých by mnohé z akcí ani nebyly. Nebude to žádné akademické nebo vědecké pojednání. Bude to prezentace o akcích jedné obyčejné městské knihovny. Pro knihovníky možná motivační a inspirační, pro studenty možná i poučná a pro ty ostatní? Možná překvapující. A možná se sami budete chtít stát dobrovolníkem v té své knihovně…

Subsidies to agriculture in 2007-2013 and after 2013
PETRÁŠEK, Stanislav
Subsidies to agriculture in 2007-2013 and after 2013. The thesis is focused on the use of subsidies in agriculture with a deeper focus on fruit growing. In the theoretical part of the thesis describes the programs and subsidy schemes that have been provided to farmers and ovocnářům 2007-2013. In addition, subsidies that are provided to them after 2013. In the practical part of the thesis focuses on the fruit grower in southern and western Bohemia, where the questionnaire investigated interest subsidy programs that were offered ovocnářům period 2007-2013, the average age of fruit trees, fruit storage method, the type of storage device and method of sale fruit.

Standards of periradicular therapy under CT control of the department of imaging in the Hospital Jihlava
The topic I have chosen for my bachelor thesis is treatment of backaches. I have focused on treatment options of radicular pains. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The first part focuses on description of spinal anatomy, neuroanatomy and spine functions. Backaches belong to the most common diagnosis of not only general practitioners but also specialists. Almost everyone, at least once in their life, visits a doctor with pains related to their back. There are a lot of factors involved in the rise of backaches. The permanently developing non-vascular part of the intervention radiology helps, thanks to its therapeutic methods, with backache treatments where conservative treatment procedure is inefficient for a patient. Current medicine offers a whole range of minimally invasive treatment algorithms. One of the possible minimally invasive treatment procedures in the area of cervical and lumbar segment of the spine is a periradicular local injection. The medical treatment into intervertebral area surrounding the spinal nerve is intended and performed under regulated CT control in sterile conditions. Another newer minimally invasive method is oxygen ozone therapy. This method exploits biochemical propertiesof ozone. Minimally invasive treatment methods are being successfully carried out at the ward of imaging methods in Jihlava's hospital. The difference between the two methods presented is the contents of the curative mixture. Both methods, closely described in the theoretical part, are accessible for the patient as well as well tolerated with minimal negative reactions related to the treatment. The conclusion of the theoretical part contains the description of the indication for an examination, the contents of a particular curative mixture, the information related to contraindication of this treatment as well as possible complications and also the description of therapeutic effects it has on a patient. It includes evaluation methods and comparison from time and financial point of view and an opinion of a radiology assistant. The practical part includes a detailed procedure and performance of medical treatment where the output shows the process of local radiology standards of individual methods designed for the needs of the ward of imaging methods in Jihlava's hospital. The processed standard will improve awareness from other hospital wards about this medical treatment. Subsequently I am comparing both methods which was the given aim of this thesis. The methodology of this assignment includes the evaluation of achieved results. The observed database was a group of patients that underwent a curative therapy in 2011 to 2013. The database includes the medical treatment, the age and gender of a patient and the treated part of the spine. It also shows the overall amount of treatments divided into individual years. The final assessment was based on a total number of 668 patients and is shown in graphs and charts. The explorative question of this assignment whether the number of patients of the minimally invasive therapy will grow while their age will decrease has proved to be true. These are some of the results shown in the graphs: the overall number of patients in the observed time period of 2011 2013 grows, however in 2013 we can notice the increasing number of female patients as opposed to the decreasing number of male patients in the area of lumber spine. Dividing patients into age categories shows that the number of patients increases up to the age group of 51 to 60 years of age, after that it decreases. The above mentioned age group formed more than 35 % of all patients. Minimally invasive medical treatments performed in the spine area improve the patient's life comfort and the positive healing effect makes their physical and mental condition as good as it was before.

Reaction of selected varieties of potatoes on the amplion of foliar fertilizers
The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the reaction of chosen potato varieties to the application of leaf fertilizers. The speed of their action and, together with combination with other interventions (common application with fungicides), and also the economics of their application belong among the advantage of leaf fertilizer application. In 2012 and 2013 there was an experiment established in 380 m above the sea level. In this experiment the effect of application of urea solution, Lignohumate, and Energen Fructus was evaluated in the varieties with a different length of vegetation period Magda very early, Adéla - early, Laura and Satina semi early and Bionta - late. The rate of sprouted plants, the yield of tubers, the proportion of tubers of consumer size, the number of tubers under cluster, an average weight of one tuber, the number of stems per a plant, and the content of starch were evaluated in these plants. It was found out from the results that in 2012 Magda and Satina varieties reacted with an increased average weight of one tuber after the application of all leaf fertilizers. The effect of Lignohumate was the most positive in this year; it increased an average weight of one tuber in Magda, Adéla, and Satina varieties. In comparison to that, in the second year of the experiment there was a positive reaction to additional fertilizing with Lignohumate, Urea, and Energen Fructus, leading to the increase of an average weight of one tuber in Magda, Adéla, Laura, and Bionta varieties. In 2013 there was the highest influence on an average weight of one tuber caused by the use of Urea, namely in Magda, Adéla, Laura, and Bionta varieties.

Air Quality in the Indoor Environment of Libraries and Archives
Mašková, Ludmila ; Smolík, Jiří
The aim of this study is to investigate concentrations and sources of airborne PM and gaseous pollutants in the indoor environment of the archives, and to establish the relationship between the indoor and outdoor environment. In 2012 the measurements take place at Zlatá Koruna and Třeboň and in 2013 at Osek and Prague. The results indicated outdoor air as the most probable source of particles in the indoor environment of archives at Zlatá Koruna and Třeboň. The penetration of particles at Třeboň was higher than at Zlatá Koruna. These results were confirmed by measurements of ventilation rate, which was at Třeboň almost ten times higher than at Zlatá Koruna.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22012102615332 - Download fulltextPDF

National Repository of Grey Literature in 2012
Pejšová, Petra
National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL) was established within a project which was successfully completed in 2011. Since 2012, the operation of NRGL is part of the standard service of National Technical Library. The paper will summarize the activities, news and researched issues in 2012.
Slides: idr-506_1 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-506_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-506_3 - Download fulltextMP4

Grey Literature in VUGTK
Drozda, Jiří
Výzkumný ústav geodetický, kartografický a topografický (VÚGTK) se věnuje výzkumu a vývoji v oboru zeměměřičství, geodynamiky země a katastru nemovitostí, vývoji a testování nových technik, postupů a software a odborným konzultacím v těchto oblastech. Při těchto činnostech vzniká velké množství šedé literatury, kterou VÚGTK částečně zveřejňuje prostřednictvím svých webových stránek. V roce 2011 VÚGTK začal koncepčně řešit uchování šedé literatury s cílem vybudovat digitální repozitář. Strategickým záměrem VÚGTK je bezpečné uchování a zveřejnění šedé literatury s dodržením standardů pro výměnu dat tak, aby své výstupy mohl dále šířit prostřednictvím národních a mezinárodních bází. V příspěvku bude představeno též využití metodik a standardů Národního úložiště šedé literatury a navázání spolupráce.
Slides: nusl-126841_1 - Download fulltextPDF; nusl-126841_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: nusl-126841_2 - Download fulltextMP4

New Roman Period settlement finds from Prague-Kbely
Malyková, Drahomíra ; Bursák, D. ; Pecinovská, Monika
Presented rescue excavations took place in north-eastern part of Prague in the year 2007 within the parish of Prague-Kbely. Most of the features and artifacts belong to the Bronze Age and the late Iron Age. In this contribution authors focus only on the part of archaeological record that brought some evidence on settlement activities datable to the Roman Period. Approximately a half of the artifacts come from eight sunken features, the other part was found widespread in the wide unstratified layer, so any house or farmstead layout is hardly recognizable. Among the common pottery sherds that belong typologically to the end of 2nd-4th Century AD and bear typical signs of Germanic pottery were found also some finds of Roman-provincial provenience. Due to the small dimensions and absence of more detailed typological traces is hard to say something more concrete about these in Bohemia rarely found artifacts. Important finds also present the metallic artifacts, mostly from 2nd and 3rd Century AD.