National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The effect of IgY on bacterial adhesion on epithelial cells ex vivo
Vašková, Lucie
0 Abstract Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutation in CFTR gene coding for a chloride channel in apical membrane of epithelial cells. This disorder leads to the change in ion transport causing the increase in mucus viscosity in airways as well as changes in glycosylation of saccharide structures on the cells. Because of that these cells are the target for bacterial adhesion. Chronic bacterial infections, which lead to gradual decline of lung function and damage of lung tissue, are the major cause of death of patients suffering with cystic fibrosis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the main pathogen causing chronic infections in cystic fibrosis patients. This bacterium produces a biofilm protecting them from host immune system and antibiotics. Once the colonization with PA occurs, it is difficult to get rid of this pathogen. The prophylactic treatment with orally administered hen antibodies against the PA virulence structures could be a prevention of chronic PA infections. In this work we tested the antibody against the bacterial lectin PA-IIL, which is suggested to be involved in the adhesion of the pathogen on epithelial cells. First, it was verified that the prepared antibody from egg yolks of a hen immunized with the bacterial lectin PA-IIL recognizes this antigen expressed...
The effect of IgY on bacterial adhesion on epithelial cells ex vivo
Vašková, Lucie ; Hodek, Petr (advisor) ; Nosková, Libuše (referee)
0 Abstract Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutation in CFTR gene coding for a chloride channel in apical membrane of epithelial cells. This disorder leads to the change in ion transport causing the increase in mucus viscosity in airways as well as changes in glycosylation of saccharide structures on the cells. Because of that these cells are the target for bacterial adhesion. Chronic bacterial infections, which lead to gradual decline of lung function and damage of lung tissue, are the major cause of death of patients suffering with cystic fibrosis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the main pathogen causing chronic infections in cystic fibrosis patients. This bacterium produces a biofilm protecting them from host immune system and antibiotics. Once the colonization with PA occurs, it is difficult to get rid of this pathogen. The prophylactic treatment with orally administered hen antibodies against the PA virulence structures could be a prevention of chronic PA infections. In this work we tested the antibody against the bacterial lectin PA-IIL, which is suggested to be involved in the adhesion of the pathogen on epithelial cells. First, it was verified that the prepared antibody from egg yolks of a hen immunized with the bacterial lectin PA-IIL recognizes this antigen expressed...
The effect of IgY on bacterial adhesion on epithelial cells ex vivo
Vašková, Lucie
0 Abstract Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutation in CFTR gene coding for a chloride channel in apical membrane of epithelial cells. This disorder leads to the change in ion transport causing the increase in mucus viscosity in airways as well as changes in glycosylation of saccharide structures on the cells. Because of that these cells are the target for bacterial adhesion. Chronic bacterial infections, which lead to gradual decline of lung function and damage of lung tissue, are the major cause of death of patients suffering with cystic fibrosis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the main pathogen causing chronic infections in cystic fibrosis patients. This bacterium produces a biofilm protecting them from host immune system and antibiotics. Once the colonization with PA occurs, it is difficult to get rid of this pathogen. The prophylactic treatment with orally administered hen antibodies against the PA virulence structures could be a prevention of chronic PA infections. In this work we tested the antibody against the bacterial lectin PA-IIL, which is suggested to be involved in the adhesion of the pathogen on epithelial cells. First, it was verified that the prepared antibody from egg yolks of a hen immunized with the bacterial lectin PA-IIL recognizes this antigen expressed...
Study of bacterial adherence on lung epithelia of Cystic fibrosis patients
Vašková, Lucie ; Hodek, Petr (advisor) ; Nosková, Libuše (referee)
A b stra ct C ystic fibrosis is an autosom alrecessive disease that is one of the m ost com m on hereditary disorders. T he disease is caused by the m utation in the gene encoding C F T R chloride channe l w hich leads to the failure of ion transportand a significant increase in viscosity o f m ucus,affecting especially the respiratory system .T he increase of saltand the presence of thick m ucus in the lungs suppress the antibacterialeffects of the im m une system .B acterial infections are the m ost com m on cause of death in patients w ith C F, especially the P seudom onas aerugino sa infection. A ntibiotics are used for treatm ent of the infection by this pathogen,butthe treatm ent is frequently com plicated by developing resistance.D ue to this fact, new w ays of treatm ent have been searched for. T he m ethod of passive im m unization of patients w ith yolk IgY antibodies seem s to be prom ising. T o exam ine the effect of these antibodies in in vivo m odel system , lung epithelial cells of a healthy subject (N uL i-1) and of a C F patient (C uF i-1) w ere exposed to 3 strains of P seudom onas aerugino sa. A ntibodies against the lectin of P seudom onas aerugino sa P A - IIL , w hich is an im portant adhesion structure of this bacterium , prepared from tw o im m unized anim als w ere com pared. T o...

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