National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Constructions Verbonominales in Specialized Texts from the Contrastive Perspective (Czech and Spanish)
This master's thesis is called Verbonominal Constructions in Specialized Texts in Contrastive Perspective (Spanish-Czech) and its aim is to perform a contrastive analysis of verbonominal constructions in Spanish specialized texts. It consists of two parts - a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on defining this phenomenon from the perspective of both languages and in terms of formal, functional and translation points of view. It also briefly examines the linguistic aspects of Spanish specialized texts. The practical part is based on working with the latest version of the InterCorp parallel corpus, which is used to perform a translation analysis of the means of expression used for translating these constructions from Spanish into Czech.
Verbonominal constructions in Italian legal texts
Bizzuto, Dagmar ; Štichauer, Pavel (advisor) ; Špaček, Jiří (referee)
This Bachelor thesis will endeavour to cover the conception of verbo-nominal constructions and their usage in the language of legal writing. It is divided into two parts: the theoretical one - where the basic terms are defined with a comparative digression on the state of verbo-nominal constructions in the Czech language; and into the practical one - which deals with the analysis of these constructions used in the Italian legal writing, focusing on both gramatical and semantic viewpoint of structures and their Czech equivalents. The Bachelor thesis will include the Italian-Czech terminological dictionary.
The complex predicate in Italian
Galli, Jitka ; Štichauer, Pavel (advisor) ; Obstová, Zora (referee)
The aim of the present thesis is to study the issue of complex predicates and their application in Italian language in order to help students of Italian language to understand the role and possible usage of these constructions. The paper is subdivided in a theoretical part and in applications. The theoretical part defines the basic concept of predication and the types of predicates (the verbal predicate, the verb- nominal and complex predicates). The second part is dedicated to possible applications of the presented phenomenon. The applications are structured in sample constructions drawn from language textbooks and in sample new constructions generated by the rules described in the theoretical part.
Verbonominal constructions in Italian legal texts
Bizzuto, Dagmar ; Štichauer, Pavel (advisor) ; Špaček, Jiří (referee)
This Bachelor thesis will endeavour to cover the conception of verbo-nominal constructions and their usage in the language of legal writing. It is divided into two parts: the theoretical one - where the basic terms are defined with a comparative digression on the state of verbo-nominal constructions in the Czech language; and into the practical one - which deals with the analysis of these constructions used in the Italian legal writing, focusing on both gramatical and semantic viewpoint of structures and their Czech equivalents. The Bachelor thesis will include the Italian-Czech terminological dictionary.

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