National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Female Suicide Terrorism
Kubínová, Tereza ; Makariusová, Radana (advisor) ; Kotvalová, Anna (referee)
This master theses focuses on the analysis of women's participation in suicide terrorism within two terrorist groups, the Tamil Tigers (LTTE) and the Black Widows. The aim is to examine the motivations, strategies and social consequences of women's involvement in these organizations. Comparative analysis shows that while motivations for the two groups often overlap in aspects of nationalism and resistance to oppression, there are also significant differences, with women in the LTTE emphasizing a desire for gender equality. Women in both groups were motivated by a combination of political, social and religious factors. The tactics for carrying out suicide attacks differed, with both groups using gender stereotypes to successfully carry out attacks. Women's participation in terrorism had significant social consequences, reflected in the transformation of gender roles and perceptions of women in society. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating gender considerations into terrorism analysis and highlight the need for a comprehensive approach to this issue.
Locus of control of unemployed people
The topic of locus of control (LOC) is not well known in society yet, but it concerns all of us. The LOC plays an important role in all people's life, for example, in decision-making and in dealing with life situations. Our subsequent decisions may result from the orientation of our LOC to the internal or external pole. The aim of my bachelor thesis was to find out the LOC in unemployed people registered at the Labour Office in Český Krumlov district. For this thesis I used a quantitative research with a questionnaire method, which was implemented using a standardized questionnaire. The data obtained during the research were entered into a matrix in MS Excel and further evaluated using the IBM SPSS Statistics program. Hypothesis were tested by Pearson chi-square test. The first research question was designed to find out which LOC is more common among the unemployed. Hypothesis 1 investigated the effect of age on LOC among the unemployed. According to the results obtained in my research, this hypothesis wasn´t confirmed. The second hypothesis examined the effect of duration of unemployment on LOC among the unemployed. The research results confirmed the hypothesis. It was found that external LOC prevails among the long-term unemployed. The results of my research could help to improve social work with unemployed clients. This thesis could facilitate the choice of action in dealing with their social situation of unemployed.
Counterterrorism strategies as a consequence of terrorism: understanding United Kingdom's CONTEST 2018
Orozbakieva, Aizhan ; Aslan, Emil (advisor) ; Aliyev, Huseyn (referee) ; Biagini, Erika (referee)
The relative peace that the world citizens enjoy today keeps being sabotaged by forces that kill and injure innocent civilians via terrorist attacks. In recent times, a number of violent attacks took place between 2013 and 2017 in all parts of the world. The territories that have been affected the most are the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and Western Europe. While terrorism in the MENA region, for instance, was mostly carried out by local forces, in Western Europe it was either external powers or domestic perpetrators who have been indoctrinated by foreign radicals. Western European states started becoming more cautious and alert. As a consequence of terrorism, new counterterrorism strategies have been written and implemented. The following research project seeks to analyse and interpret the United Kingdom's counterterrorism strategy in order to understand the dynamics of the legitimisation of security- oriented policies. The UK has been selected as a case study because it has predominantly struggled with the phenomenon of Northern-Irish related terrorism, long before the infamous September 11th , 2001 attacks in the US. Post-2001, the UK has been mostly targeted by jihadi- inspired terrorism. In response to the growing threat, the country initiated and implemented strategies to reduce...
Adults with Asperger's Syndrome and Their Compensatory Mechanisms
Babčaníková, Anna ; Mlejnková, Kristýna (advisor) ; Ondrušová, Jiřina (referee)
The aim of the diploma thesis entitled Compensatory mechanisms in adults with Asperger's syndrome is to answer the main research question: What compensatory mechanisms do adults with Asperger's syndrome use during integration into society and what social consequences do they face? The diploma thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and research. The theoretical part presents readers with expertise from Czech and foreign publications. The introductory part deals with the characteristic of Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), Asperger's syndromem (AS), etiology and interesting myths about the development of autism spectrum disorders. The following chapters provide information on the integration of adults with AS into society, possible barriers to social integration and social skills training that can be supported by social workers. The next chapters present a long-term prognosis, compensation mechanisms and their possible social consequences. The research part of the thesis focuses mainly on the collection and analysis of data oriented according to some elements of constructivist grounded theory (GTM). Interpretative qualitative research of the diploma thesis is realized through semi-structured interviews with adults with Asperger's syndrome and also with social workers from one organization,...
Social consequences of drug users
The work deals with the influence of drug use on the social life of addicted persons. At the beginning, the term drug is explained and its basic division is shown. I have also described what addiction to addictive substances is. What are the reasons for its occurrence and what are the stages of the development of addiction. I have shown the symptoms, risks and mental health disorders that these substances cause. The next section is about the social consequences of people who have dropped drugs. I deal with three themes - family, partnership, employment. I have used informations from literature and interviews provided by people who are or were addicted to drugs.
Natural hazards and its social consequences
Zapletalová, Jana
Hazards and disasters - both natural and man made - have a broad impact not only on the natural environment, but also cause serious economic and social problems. Conference papers are devoted to the consequences of risky phenomena caused by nature, which include the impact of extreme floods and landslides, and risks that arise due to human activities, eg. the consequences of mining activities.
Natural hazards and its social consequences
Zapletalová, Jana
Hazards and disasters - both natural and man made - have a broad impact not only on the natural environment, but also cause serious economic and social problems. Conference papers are devoted to the consequences of risky phenomena caused by nature, which include the impact of extreme floods and landslides, and risks that arise due to human activities, eg. the consequences of mining activities.

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