National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Russian federation - energy policy and economization of foreign policy
Řezáč, Tomáš ; Kučerová, Irah (advisor) ; Petříček, Tomáš (referee)
The paper clearly shows that Russia has been diversifying its export routes during past 20 years, in order to by-pass third countries and to avoid paying additional transportation fees. The overall Russian export capacities of oil and gas are increasing, but in the same time the export volumes are stagnant. In case of oil transportation, pipelines are progressively substituted by sea transport, which enables Russia to participate on the world market. Situation with gas is different. Despite increasing export capacity Russia nowadays export almost the same amount of gas to the same locations as it did in 1990. It means that if there is any political or economical pressure it is laid against transition countries, which can be substituted, rather than against importing countries. Russian economical gains from export are following increasing oil and gas prices. To make the gains even higher, Russia initiated transition to world gas prices in the CIS countries as well as at the domestic market. To support the hypothesis of this thesis that primary goal of Russia is to increase its economical gains rather than to strengthen its political leverage, it is important to mention that majority of energy disputes of past twenty years were ignited by quarrel over prices and were settled by trade agreement. The...
Production and trade with crude oil in Russia
Ulybina, Olga ; Kuna, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Rysová, Hana (referee)
Oil industry is one of the basic parts of Russian economy. Russian federation is currently the third biggest producer of oil in the world. The current situation, relating to decreasing prices of oil is unfortunately, not favorable for this country. Dependency on oil prices is stopping Russian economy from growth and this influence has bad impact not only on Russia but other countries as well. Therefore western countries are still supporting sanctions that are used against Russia because of the Ukrainian conflict. This work will focus on the topic of oil stocks, bearings and production of oil in the world and in Russia. In the thesis there is outlined history of oil extraction, oil stocks, the development and contemporary situation of oil industry. The reader will find out, how long will last verified resources of oil and will learn about the biggest oil producers. The main part of this bachelor thesis, however, belongs to the issues of costs. There it will explain the reason of oil costs decrease and its influence on the current economical situation of Russian federation and overall evaluation of given issue.
Problems of pipeline functioning in global business oil and gas operations
Shtanko, Elizaveta ; Novák, Radek (advisor) ; Mervart, Michal (referee)
Under the current intensive development of the world economy, there is a significant increase in integration of strategic sectors in countries towards the regional and international networks. Therefore, the potential of pipeline transport begins to take special foreign economic and geopolitical importance. The current status and development of this field is the object of an increased interest of all parties that are involved in the transport of raw materials. The more trades there are with oil and gas, the more issues related to its transport are occurred which all parties involved in the transport system faced to deal with. In the context of rapidly developing interconnection of global economies on regional level along with its undeniable reflection on international situation, it makes the functioning of already existing system of pipelines and realization of new projects related to construction of pipelines, with issues of economic, ecological and technical character that play an important role in delivering strategic energy products to world markets. At the same time the strong competition for the construction of pipeline facilities increases its geopolitical significance.
Potential of the cooperation of Turkey with the Transcaucasus and Central Asian countries
Sobotková, Jana ; Dubský, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Matějka, Zdeněk (referee)
Práce se zaměřuje na analýzu spolupráce Turecka se zakavkazskými a středoasijskými státy zejména z hlediska zájmu Turecka a Evropské unie na diverzifikaci dodávek ropy a zemního plynu. Cílem je také ohodnocení potenciálu této spolupráce v oblasti kulturní, ekonomické a politické, zmapování vlivů EU a USA, kteří podporují Turecko v této spolupráci a souběžně vlivů Ruska, Íránu a Číny, jejichž zájmy se s těmi tureckými v daném regionu kříží. Rovněž záměrem práce je posouzení některých vnitropolitických změn v těchto zemích ve vztahu k Turecku.

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