National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Personal status of legal entities in private international law
Doula, Sufjan ; Pfeiffer, Magdalena (advisor) ; Pauknerová, Monika (referee)
In today's world, where globalisation and internationalization becomes part of our daily life, international entrepreneurship turns into a more actual and important issue. The role of law in this system is to set borders and give directions, which reflect the current state of global society. The aim of the diploma thesis Personal status of legal entities in private international law is both to clarify the actual legal situation of determining the personal status of legal entities and to find out the current grade of global legal integration in these aspects, that either encourages or prevents legal entities from international activities. In order to achieve that, firstly, a theoretical definition of the historically evolved theories for determination of personal status of legal entities is given. Subsequently, their main be- nefits and drawbacks are analysed. The first part is concluded with a definition of the scope of the conflict between the two main theories - incorporation theory and real seat theory. Additionally possible ways, how to solve this conflict together with their potential impact, are sought. Further parts of the thesis deal with such terms as recognition of foreign legal entities and cross-border transfer of seat. These all are essential terms that are bound with the per- sonal status of...
Companies in private international law
Lembas, Jan ; Pauknerová, Monika (advisor) ; Brodec, Jan (referee)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze legal framework of companies in private international law with focus on cross-border mobility of companies in the EU. The work consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. In the first chapter, the basic terminology used in the work and terms of private international law, collision standards, legal entities (persons) and companies are presented and defined. The second chapter is devoted to the personal statute of company and analyzes main theories of determining a personal statute - the incorporation theory and the real seat theory, their advantages and disadvantages are discussed and their comparison is mentioned at the end of the chapter. Incorporation theory enables cross-border transfer of company seats and defines law applicable to company forever, real seat theory has a protective function. Whereas incorporation theory uses the foundation of a company to determine applicable law, real seat theory uses the real seat of a company, the actual place where the company centers its activity. The third chapter discusses the subject from the point of view of the EU law. The freedom of establishment as legal basis for the movement of companies within EU is analyzed as well as basic articles of primary law regarding right of establishment....
Personal status of legal entities in private international law
Doula, Sufjan ; Pfeiffer, Magdalena (advisor) ; Pauknerová, Monika (referee)
In today's world, where globalisation and internationalization becomes part of our daily life, international entrepreneurship turns into a more actual and important issue. The role of law in this system is to set borders and give directions, which reflect the current state of global society. The aim of the diploma thesis Personal status of legal entities in private international law is both to clarify the actual legal situation of determining the personal status of legal entities and to find out the current grade of global legal integration in these aspects, that either encourages or prevents legal entities from international activities. In order to achieve that, firstly, a theoretical definition of the historically evolved theories for determination of personal status of legal entities is given. Subsequently, their main be- nefits and drawbacks are analysed. The first part is concluded with a definition of the scope of the conflict between the two main theories - incorporation theory and real seat theory. Additionally possible ways, how to solve this conflict together with their potential impact, are sought. Further parts of the thesis deal with such terms as recognition of foreign legal entities and cross-border transfer of seat. These all are essential terms that are bound with the per- sonal status of...
Private international law from a comparative perspective (comparison of a particular segment in Czech law and the law of a selected country): International company law in the Czech Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany
Lindauerová, Natálie ; Pauknerová, Monika (advisor) ; Brodec, Jan (referee)
Summary: Private international law from a comparative perspective (comparison of a particular segment in Czech law and the law of a selected country): International company law in the Czech Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany The purpose of this thesis to familiarize reader with the regulation of companies in private international law in the Czech Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany. This thesis primarily compares the approaches of these two states to the methods of determining the personal status of the company and to the regulation of companies in general. Significant part of this thesis is therefore being focused on to the incorporation theory and real seat theory. Due to the membership of both of the states in the European Union, this thesis also deals with the European regulation of companies and analyzes the case law relating to the personal status and relocation of companies within European Union. This thesis is divided in six chapters. The first chapter explains the concept of international private law and international company law. The second chapter discusses the status of the company and basic theoretical approaches to its determination. This chapter is mainly dedicated to the incorporation theory and real seat theory. The third chapter is devoted to the Czech regulation...
Companies and their mobility in the European context
Belloňová, Pavla ; Pauknerová, Monika (advisor) ; Brodec, Jan (referee) ; Poláček, Bohumil (referee)
With regard to the gradual economic globalisation markets of States become more and more interconnected, especially so in the European Union which aims to create a single internal market without internal borders and barriers to the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital. Naturally, it influences behaviour of economic participants on the market. With increase of competition it is necessary to be more innovative, active and to search for new opportunities for expansion not only in one's own State but also abroad which entails entering into relations with foreign entities. In the course of time it might be useful or even necessary to relocate the place of business. Such need might not and, indeed, does not concern only natural person but also legal entities such as companies. However, the status of companies in cross-border relations has some specific features in comparison to the status of natural persons. A company is only an artificial product of law, a mere legal fiction, and therefore, its existence is much more closely linked with a specific legal order. A company has legal personality only insofar as some legal order acknowledges it. Different approaches how to link a company to a certain State have been evolved in different States - either the connecting factor is the statutory...
Companies in Private International Law
Lörincová, Radka ; Pauknerová, Monika (advisor) ; Kučera, Zdeněk (referee)
- Companies in Private International Law The purpose of this diploma thesis is to examine regulation of companies in private international law in the Czech Republic and also from the European Union law perspective. The thesis is divided into four main chapters. First chapter provides a brief definition of the basic legal concepts that are central to this thesis - definition of a company and definition of a private international law. Second chapter explains the concept of lex personalis and two opposing conflict of law theories, which link companies to a certain system of law; the incorporation theory and the real seat theory. Third chapter focuses on the relevant Czech legislation, especially on the Czech Commercial Code, which contains provisions on determining lex personalis of a company as well as rules on cross-border transfer of seat of a company. Forthcoming re-codification of private law in Czech Republic is also discussed with regard to the regulation of companies in private international law. Fourth, the most extensive chapter of this thesis describes and analyzes the European Union law relating to the freedom of establishment of companies. First, the very concept of freedom of establishment is explained with references to primary EU law. Subsequently, six landmark decisions of the Court...
Freedom of Establishment of Companies in European Law
Horák, Milan ; Grmelová, Nicole (advisor) ; Patočka, Radim (referee)
States have traditionally dealt with foreign companies on their territory within their private international law. The arrival of European law and enactment of freedom of establishment though considerably constrained capabilities of member states, whereas companies gained the right of establishment. The aim of this thesis is characterization and specification of the relationship between the freedom of establishment, member states and companies incorporated under laws of member states. The main focus of this thesis is analysis of ten most important cases by the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning the freedom of establishment of companies, which significantly transformed mentioned relationship. Subsequently the thesis summarizes the conclusions of analyzed cases by subject of evolution of primary and secondary freedom of establishment, standing of pseudoforeign companies, conformity with incorporation theory and real seat theory and lastly ways of statutory and/or real seat transfer. The main contribution of the thesis is the very detailed case law analysis, including the newest case Vale from July 12th 2012, and also the case law classification by object.

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