National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Inventarizace a hodnocení růstu mahagonu (Swietenia humilis Zucc.) na lesnické farmě HFC a.s., Nikaragua
Rikanová, Štěpánka
This bachelor thesis observes the species Swietenia humilis Zucc., its growth and conditions of the plots at the forestry plantation La Reserva owned by HFC a.s. company. The growth of mahogany was evaluated within inventoried plots. At these plots, mahogany is planted in different systems, in pure stands, under the stands of the secondary forest or planted in plots with mixture of other tree species such as Tectona grandis, Gmelina arborea or Azadirachta indica. Within the field survey, we found the mahogany alleys or mahogany stands not recorded in the map, so they were also measured. Due to overall evaluation the most promising in terms of supply appear to be mahogany in the open field and under the secondary forest. In terms of successful growth, the most successful are mahogany planted in a mixture with Tectona grandis. Within the potential risks, another negative effect of the pest Hypsipyla grandella was ruled out. A persistent risk is the low level of maintenance causing the pressure of secondary vegetation on mahogany growth.
Plot Analysis from Book Summaries and User Reviews
Rúček, Peter ; Dočekal, Martin (referee) ; Smrž, Pavel (advisor)
The aim of this work is to create a system for analysis and classification of plot keywords from summarized storylines and user reviews in English. The chosen problem is solved using a transformer-based machine learning technique. The created solution also implements data downloading and a dataset of user reviews and information about books was created, exceeding 23 million reviews and 900 thousand information about books. The system can predict what plot keywords the data contains. 
Hodnocení stavu a vývoje přirozené obnovy na TVP “Smrk“ se zaměřením na habr obecný (Carpinus betulus L.) na polesí Vranov; ŠLP Masarykův les Křtiny
Betáková, Nikola
Hornbeam is a neglected and not very desirable tree species in our forests. Despite this, its representation in mixed and deciduous forests is increasing. This is mainly due to its excellent natural rejuvenation ability, its ability to adapt and grow in almost any habitat. This thesis deals with the assessment of the status and development of natural regeneration with a focus on hornbeam. The thesis also includes research conducted on permanent research plots ("Spruce", stand 69C9) established in the Vranov forest, Masaryk Forest Křtiny. Data measured using basic dendrometric parameters were compared. The beginning of the measurements is dated from 1958 to the present. In the results it was confirmed that hornbeam rejuvenates very well on these sites. Notwithstanding the presence of other tree species in the parent stand, the natural regeneration of hornbeam was considerably higher. It is a shade-tolerant tree species that does not show large increments in height or thickness. It holds its own in the lower echelons and thus helps to nurture target economic tree species.
Plot Analysis from Book Summaries and User Reviews
Rúček, Peter ; Dočekal, Martin (referee) ; Smrž, Pavel (advisor)
The aim of this work is to create a system for analysis and classification of plot keywords from summarized storylines and user reviews in English. The chosen problem is solved using a transformer-based machine learning technique. The created solution also implements data downloading and a dataset of user reviews and information about books was created, exceeding 23 million reviews and 900 thousand information about books. The system can predict what plot keywords the data contains. 
Reading for women in the Lada magazine
Kubínová, Eva ; Mocná, Dagmar (advisor) ; Brožová, Věra (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the profile of fiction published in the magazine Lada on the turn of the nineteenth century into the twentieth. The chosen representative sample of six volumes stretching over the period of twenty years was thoroughly analyzed, focusing on the most important aspects of the individual prosaic contributions, which are the following: the theme, both the main and the supporting characters, the plots, the time and space dimension of the stories, the autor's style, the tuning of proses and their belonging to different artistic movements. Another perspective of interest to this project is the author's background, its changes over time and its influence on the overall orientation and appearance of the magazine, with the overall characteristics of it also included. The deeper, intellectual background reflected in the individual proses is also discussed. Given the fact that the publishing timeline extends over two different historical epochs, this final thesis strives to find answers to the question of to which extent the author's thinking was influenced by the historically social context, i.e. to what degree the authors adopt the modern, progressive ideas of the newly shaping society of the twentieth century, and conversely, to what extent both their opinions and thinking are...

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