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Zhodnocení problematiky vlivu velkých šelem na chov hospodářských zvířat
Smékalová, Markéta
Abstract This research evaluates the impact of large carnivores - brown bear, wolf and eurasien lynx to livestock. In some European countries, carnivores colonize the territory where they were wiped out, or were pushed out. In the last decade, conflicts between predators and livestock are growing. However, there are differences between different regions and between different species. In some areas, attacks by predators are rather sporadic. In countries where populations of larger carnivores are greater, (eg in Norway) or in countries with a low occurrence of natural prey are damage to livestock signicifant. There are many preventive methods. The most effective seems to be closing livestock for the night and maximum control of dogs and people. Compensation programs are in most countries, but by themselves do not solve the heart of the matter.
Repelentní účinky silic vybraných rostlinných druhů
Mašláňová, Hana
Essential oils which plants synthesize for their own protection against phytophagous insects and pathogenic organisms, can also be used in the fight against hematophagous insects and wide range of agricultural pests. The insect is a transmitter of many diseases and in high frequencies causes a decrease in production and economic losses in livestock production. This retrieval thesis is focused on the essential oils with repellent effects and their possible use in the protection of large livestock. The advantage of repellent products based on essential oils is their safety, environmental compatibility, low toxicity to non-target organisms and low risk of resistant insect populations. Among the plants with repellent effects belong also representatives of the genus Pelargonium and family Lamiacea. Especially essential oils from Pelargonium graveolens, P. roseum, P. capitatum and their hybrid varieties and oils of Mentha spp. could be formulated for the use as repellents in livestock protection.
Development of farm animal protection in the Czech Republic
Pilařová, Anna ; Kracíková, Olga (advisor) ; Hofmanová, Barbora (referee)
Animal welfare has been recently increasingly discussed topic. Humanity ceases to be indefferent toward the fate of animals and the world returns to a more natural ways of life. This is connected with opinions, globally supporting trend of ecological or bio breeding. The issue is undoubtedly in cost. Most of end users are mainly influenced by price and they are forced to buy a cheaper product, even knowing these are not results of welfare breeding. Thus the goal should be higher state support of regional farmers, eco and bio breedings and lowering the production of mass breedings. The first part of this thesis sums up the history of breeding of agricultural animals in the region of Czech republic since zero concern in careful breeding, through first mentions of animal welfare to the law of Czech national comittee nr. 246/1992 Sb., for protection of animals against abuse, which contains most complex findings and ethological experiences in this field. In the second part are listed tables from Ministry of justice, which show evolution of crimes in the field of animal abuse in our area since 1992 till 2015. It is demonstrated in the tables, that the number of sentenced offenders in animal abuse rises. Following is description of judicial rulings obtained from relevant courts. The crime is always briefly described and then is stated the sentencing for crime committed. The results are, that the law nr. 246/1992 Sb. for protection of animals against abuse is very well designed, but the practical application is insufficient. The most of court cases ends up in probation, no matter of a motive, or death of the animal. Problematic is also the difference of definition of the animal according to different laws. Czech republic did a lot for protection of agricultural animals in its area, but it is also undoubtedly needed among other things to refine recent formulation of the law for protection of animals against abuse animal is a vertebrate except human and embryo, because this definition is insufficient and not correlating with the most advanced definitions of the term, conducted by new Civil code. The last part of this thesis contains some non-government organisations dealing with agricultural animals protection in Czech republic and in the whole world.

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