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Specifics of nursing care for a patient with the disease Epidermolysis bullosa congenita.
This Bachelor's thesis is aimed at the specifics of the nursing caring of patients suffering from congenital epidermolysis bullosa (EB). The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretic and scientific. The theoretic part describes the diagnosis and therapy of the disease. The main focus of this section is on the nursing care. Particular focus is on eliciting the specifics of the nursing care of patients with congenital epidermolysis bullosa. Two questions are discussed: 1. What is the specific nursing care of the EB patient? 2. What are the nursing tasks in the treatment of the patient? Fact gathering was carried out with quantitative research, using the process of semi-structured interviews. The first research sample was compiled with three nurses who have had some experience with the nursing care of EB patients. The second research sample was compiled with some mothers whose children suffer from EB. The information gathered was processed in two schematics, consisting of 7 categories and 34 subcategories. The final scientific results led to the conclusion that the nursing care of the EB patient is very individual, with its main requirement being treatment of the damaged skin. The specifics of nursing care are focused on caring and preventing blisters and infections. Other nursing care duties basically include attention to newly formed blisters and injuries due to rubbing and scratching the fragile skin, nutrition, dealing with the patient's mental trauma, patient education to avoid scratching blisters, special communication with the patient, dealing with patient pain, explaining the main points of care during hospitalisation, and a focus on the problems of pseudosyndactyly. EB disease is a very rare, inherited and incurable disease. This Bachelor's thesis should be helpful to nurses, EB patients, parents caring for children with EB, and to the general public as well, with regard to obtaining more information about the disease of congenital epidermolysis bullosa.
Nursing care of children with selected visual impairments.
DĚDIČOVÁ, Kristýna
The sense of sight is considered to be the fundamental human sense which enables us to perceive three quarters of all impulses and information that we need for our life. Sight is the only sense through which we can accept optical effect. The connection between sight and the central nervous system is equally as complicated as the function of the sense organ itself. A considerable deterioration in quality of sight, or complete loss, always results in a considerable impact on a human life. The theoretical part of this work will concisely analyse the anatomical and physiological aspect of visual perception as well as the characterization of the selected visual handicaps: strabismus, refraction errors (hyperopia, myopia) and blindness. The objects of this work are patients in the children's age, who suffer from the above mentioned handicaps. In consideration of the child's age, nursery care becomes even more difficult with younger patients. The theoretical sections reviewing nursery care are striving to summarize the accessible knowledge of the main principles of care in these particular branches of nursery, whilst the focus of the theoretical section of the report as well as the following research lays in nursery care within children's hospitalization. From the qualitative point of view, problems involved with the care for children with light visual impairment are distinctively separated from those associated with the care for a child with serious impairment. Two objectives were set for this bachelor work: to investigate the specifics of nurse care for visually impaired children at a children's ophthalmology clinic and the approach taken by nurses when dealing with visually impaired children at a common paediatric ward. To determine the objectives of the work were structured three main research questions: What are, from the point of view of nurses, the main specifics in nursing care for a child with light visual impairment? What are, from the point of view of nurses, the main specifics in nursing care for a child with a serious visual impairment? What are the differences between nursing care for a child with visual impairments at ophthalmology clinic and common pediatric ward? In the research section has been applied a qualitative form of the research survey. The qualitative research survey was conducted by the method of semi-structured interview which enabled the respondents to accent particular problems according their own discretion. The open encoding method was used in the processing of the research survey and for the analysis of interviews with nurses. The research survey was being conducted in two hospitals: in Fakultni Nemocnice Motol (Faculty Hospital in Prague - Motol) at its ophthalmic ward for children and adults, and in Nemocnice Pisek (County Hospital in Pisek Town) at a paediatric ward. Five nurses were interviewed at each hospital. According to statements by nurses employed at the hospital in Pisek, it is evident, that the issues of visually impaired children do not constitute a statistical serious problem, when compared to the other definable groups of paediatric patients. Results of the research survey confirm that the main requirement for the care of visual impaired children is a need for permanent communication. The benefit of this bachelor work for a practice of a nurse who works at ordinary paediatric ward could be considered the opportunity to get acquainted with theoretical as well as practical possibilities which are available at the specialized ward at clinic hospital in Prague - Motol. The theoretical section of this work could be used as a reference material for supplementary studies in the branch of treatment for visually impaired child patients.
The role of a nurse concerning subsequent care of a patient after reimplantation of total hip joint endoprosthesis.
The topic of my Dissertation is a role of a nurse in subsequent care at a patient after reimplantation of a total coxe endoprosthesis. The aim of this Dissertation is to find whether nurses provide patients with specific (medical) intervention (after reimplantation of a total coxe endoprosthesis) according to the diagnosis for care or in a standard way according to the performed act. Another aim was to find specific needs of patients (after reimplantation of total coxe endoprosthesis) and to create a plan of care, as possible. The last aim is to find whether patients after reimplantation of a total coxa endoprosthesis are provided with sufficient information about prevention of possible complications.To gain the necessary data, quantity research in combination with quality one was carried out. The hypothesis that nurses provide nursing intervention in a standard way, no matter if patients are after a primary implantation of a total coxa endoprosthesis or after a reimplantation of a total coxa endoprosthesis, was not proved. The other hypothesis, that nurses does not differ nursing care of clients after a reimplantation of a total coxa endoprosthesis from nursing care of clients after a primary implantation of a total coxa endoprosthesis, was not proved.
Language barrier and accompanying issues as seen by a midwife while providing nursing care to Vietnamese women giving birth.
With an ever-increasing number of ethnic Vietnamese residing in the Czech Republic, midwives see a growing number of Vietnamese women giving births in Czech maternity hospitals. New trends in nursing care and the holistic approach have midwives provide all women, no matter what race, with such level of nursing care that meets their bio-psycho-social and spiritual needs. The essential element in meeting the needs of ethnic Vietnamese clients is effective communication. The objective of the bachelor?s thesis at hand is to observe specifics of nursing care provided to Vietnamese women during a childbirth and postpartum period and to find out whether nursing staff see a language barrier while providing care to Vietnamese women. The empirical part of the thesis is based on quantitative and qualitative researches, in which two research corpora were scrutinized. The technique used in gathering data in the first research corpus was a questionnaire completed by midwives working in maternity hospitals. The outcome of the quantitative research is shown in graphs. The technique used in gathering data in the second research corpus was a semi-structured interview, which was held with Vietnamese women giving births in Jindřichův Hradec maternity hospital. Following the interviews, case reports were created to provide for a research base that was used while compiling categorization tables containing summaries of the most important outcomes of the research. The outcomes of the research see the main problems in the areas of informed consents, communication while admitting the women giving births to the delivery room, and communication during the second stage of birth. Based on both of the researches, two information leaflets were compiled in order to help improve the communication between the midwives and Vietnamese women giving births.
Interpreter as a part of team in nursing of patient
KASOVÁ, Simona
Abstract: Many foreign-language minorities live in the territory of the Czech Republic; therefore nursing care of other nations in healthcare facilities is not unusual. Mutual communication and understanding influence greatly the quality of nursing care for foreign patients. If a nurse does not know the needs of her foreign patient because of ineffective communication, she is unable to satisfy these needs and thereby provide quality nursing care. This thesis, focusing on topic Interpreter as part of a team taking care of foreign patients, describes, in its theoretical part, the movement of foreigners in the Czech Republic, the principles and elements of intercultural communication for healthcare professionals, interpreters work and involvement in multicultural nursing, and also some interesting facts concerning the communication of certain nationalities. The second part of this thesis consists of quantitative research, which is accompanied by a qualitative survey, through structured interviews with foreigners living in the Czech Republic. The quantitative research was conducted using questionnaires for nurses working in hospitals of South Bohemia. The thesis objective, to identify nurses knowledge needed to ensure a successful and good communication with foreign patients, has been met. Hypotheses for the objective were set as follows: H1 Nurses are already experienced with treating of patients foreigners. H2 Nurses have experiences in communication with members of foreign language minorities. H3 Nurses have some knowledge of the practices of successful communication with foreign patients. H4 Nurses know the contacts to people who they can address if an interpreter is necessary. H5 An interpreter is included in the nursing team treating a foreign patient. On the basis of research results, first two hypotheses have been confirmed; the other hypotheses have not been confirmed by the research. The results of this thesis could serve as an indicator of the need to educate nurses in a multicultural nursing. They could also point out in practice to the suitability of involving an interpreter in a nursing team treating members of foreign-language minorities.
Problems in nurse care of delf birth women
Problems in nursing care of deaf women giving birth Thanks to opening the frontiers and migration of population, the structure of clients of Czech maternity hospitals has changed during the past fifteen years, and the hospitals have responded to this circumstance accordingly. We are able to create suitable conditions for women of various cultures and religious backgrounds. We should create unlimiting and friendly environment also for deaf women giving birth. I work in the Institute for Mother and Child Care, which became a center for deaf women giving birth in 2004. The main aim of this undergraduate thesis is to find out what are the major difficulties the nursing staff faces in care for deaf women giving birth. The theoretical part describes specific features of care for deaf women giving birth. Further chapters outline the anatomy of the auditory system, hearing impairments and their diagnostics and also deal with communication of deaf people and their identity. The objective of the thesis is to find out whether the nursing staff is able to communicate with deaf women, whether maternity hospitals can procure an interpreter and what are the problems deaf women and nursing staff face. As a hypothesis it was assumed that nursing staff does not have basic information on communication with deaf women giving birth, they are not acquainted with means of communication, that maternity hospitals can procure an interpreter for deaf women and that in health care the main problem for the nursing staff and the deaf women is communication. In order to achieve the research objective, quantitative survey was chosen in the form of a questionnaire for nursing staff in the Institute for Mother and Child Care, together with qualitative research, represented by four interviews with deaf women giving birth in the same place. Data were collected in February and March 2010. From the results of the survey it follows that nursing staff lacks basic information about communication with the deaf and is not acquainted with even the basics of the communication and the biggest problem in the nursing care for deaf women giving birth according to midwives, children{\crq}s nurses and the deaf women is communication. A conclusion was drawn from the results of the survey that the problem of communication with deaf women giving birth has to be addressed. One of the main recommendations is to improve informing the nursing staff about the world of the deaf, improving the attitude to the deaf and respecting their personalities. We do not have to know the sign language in order to communicate with the deaf, it is sufficient to be sensitive, kind and willing to understand.
Influence of stress upon the quality of the provided nursing care at the emergency ambulances.
I have selected the topic of my bachelor thesis ``The effect of stress on quality of nursing care provided by nurses in acute care facilities`` as I have been always interested in work of nurses in acute care facilities and in mental demands imposed on nurses as a result of such work. Stress is a set of responses by the organism to internal and external impulses, which disturb regular functioning of the organism; stress is an individual response to excessive physical, emotional or intellectual requirements . Communication is viewed as a significant aspect in healthcare. It is a fundamental and integral part of healthcare provided by nurses. Effective communication favorably contributes to recovery of patients as it alleviates fear and confusion and helps to mitigate anxiety and stress. Although we sometime fail to realize that, we assess patients immediately after they arrival to the surgery. We notice whether the patient communicates, whether he/she is nervous, whether his/her appearance is neat and we can see that the patient is in a wheelchair or on crotches. The current nursing standards require a nurse to be a recognized expert in her independent sphere of action. The burnout syndrome is described as a condition of mental and physical exhaustion, most frequently observed in the so-called helping professions. In Czech literature the burnout syndrome has been most frequently mentioned in connection with persons in nursing professions, where the work consists of serving to other people. In the research for my bachelor thesis I have used a qualitative survey using inquiry with a questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed for nurses working in acute care facilities. The survey was conducted in hospitals in České Budějovice, Jindřichův Hradec, Prague Motol, in a psychiatric institution in Jihlava and outpatient clinic in Telč, always subject to approvals granted by the respective head nurses. This thesis sought to find out whether the stress influences the quality of nursing care provided by nurses in acute care facilities. All the three hypotheses - number 1: Stress affects quality of the provided nursing care; number 2: Stress affects health condition of nurses in acute care facilities; and number 3: Good team at the workplace favorably influences work in acute care facilities - have been confirmed . This means that the objective of the work has been achieved. My thesis may be used as a supporting source material for education of medical personnel in hospital practice.
Need visiting service of midwife near mothers in post partum period
Midwifes in visiting service are specialists for all problems, that annoy women and children in their lying-in. Full care of midwifes at mother{\crq}s house comes immediately after the medical care and provides health services trying to ensure well-timed and professional help. According to our law of health insurance is the care of midwifes provided usually 1 visit before and 3 visits after the birth of a child.
Specifity nurse care about oncology patients in terminal stage
Terminal stage is gradual failure of life functions with death as it`s consequence. This stage lasts hours, days or weeks in some cases. Continuous must be taken to satisfy biological, psychical, social and spiritual needs of a dying patient. In nowadays, care in terminal state is being provided by after care departments, by oncological department and hospics.

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