National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
New Cellular Automata Design Techniques
Baláž, Martin ; Drábek, Vladimír (referee) ; Bidlo, Michal (advisor)
The aim of this master thesis is to introduce a new technique for the design of cellular automata which will provide a better possibilities for the implementation and solving given problems in an environment of non-uniform automata. In this work, the theoretical foundations of cellular automata have been summarized and the possibilities of their design were examined using two evolutionary principles that have commonly been used - genetic algorithm and cellular programming. Two principally different issues were selected on which the possibilities and capabilities of these techniques were proven: the synchronization problem and the system of implementation of logic gates in an environment of cellular automata. Based on a review of the implementation properties and the initial results of usage of these methods a new design method for cellular automata was created - cellular evolution. The cellular evolution with its method of "prediction of the future state of surrounding cells" provides new possibilities in the design of cellular automata since it operates with structured genes which allow the gene to be active for a variety of cellular surroundings. In the conclusion of this work, all three methods were compared on two selected problems and their abilities were summarized in a detailed overview.
Advanced Electronic Circuits Simulation Methods
Kocina, Filip ; Kozek, Martin (referee) ; Kyncl, Jan (referee) ; Kunovský, Jiří (advisor)
Disertační práce se zabývá simulací elektronických obvodů. Popisuje metodu kapacitorové substituce (CSM) pro převod elektronických obvodů na elektrické obvody, jež mohou být následně řešeny pomocí numerických metod, zejména Moderní metodou Taylorovy řady (MTSM). Tato metoda se odlišuje automatickým výběrem řádu, půlením kroku v případě potřeby a rozsáhlou oblastí stability podle zvoleného řádu. V rámci disertační práce bylo autorem disertace vytvořeno specializované programové vybavení pro řešení obyčejných diferenciálních rovnic pomocí MTSM, s mnoha vylepšeními v algoritmech (v porovnání s TKSL/386). Tyto algoritmy zahrnují zjednodušování obecných výrazů na polynomy, paralelizaci nezávislou na integrační metodě atp. Tento software běží na linuxovém serveru, který komunikuje pomocí protokolu TCP/IP. Toto vybavení bylo úspěšně použito pro simulaci VLSI obvodů, jejichž řešení pomocí CSM bylo značně rychlejší a spotřebovávalo méně paměti než state-of-the-art SPICE.
New Cellular Automata Design Techniques
Baláž, Martin ; Drábek, Vladimír (referee) ; Bidlo, Michal (advisor)
The aim of this master thesis is to introduce a new technique for the design of cellular automata which will provide a better possibilities for the implementation and solving given problems in an environment of non-uniform automata. In this work, the theoretical foundations of cellular automata have been summarized and the possibilities of their design were examined using two evolutionary principles that have commonly been used - genetic algorithm and cellular programming. Two principally different issues were selected on which the possibilities and capabilities of these techniques were proven: the synchronization problem and the system of implementation of logic gates in an environment of cellular automata. Based on a review of the implementation properties and the initial results of usage of these methods a new design method for cellular automata was created - cellular evolution. The cellular evolution with its method of "prediction of the future state of surrounding cells" provides new possibilities in the design of cellular automata since it operates with structured genes which allow the gene to be active for a variety of cellular surroundings. In the conclusion of this work, all three methods were compared on two selected problems and their abilities were summarized in a detailed overview.
Advanced Electronic Circuits Simulation Methods
Kocina, Filip ; Kozek, Martin (referee) ; Kyncl, Jan (referee) ; Kunovský, Jiří (advisor)
Disertační práce se zabývá simulací elektronických obvodů. Popisuje metodu kapacitorové substituce (CSM) pro převod elektronických obvodů na elektrické obvody, jež mohou být následně řešeny pomocí numerických metod, zejména Moderní metodou Taylorovy řady (MTSM). Tato metoda se odlišuje automatickým výběrem řádu, půlením kroku v případě potřeby a rozsáhlou oblastí stability podle zvoleného řádu. V rámci disertační práce bylo autorem disertace vytvořeno specializované programové vybavení pro řešení obyčejných diferenciálních rovnic pomocí MTSM, s mnoha vylepšeními v algoritmech (v porovnání s TKSL/386). Tyto algoritmy zahrnují zjednodušování obecných výrazů na polynomy, paralelizaci nezávislou na integrační metodě atp. Tento software běží na linuxovém serveru, který komunikuje pomocí protokolu TCP/IP. Toto vybavení bylo úspěšně použito pro simulaci VLSI obvodů, jejichž řešení pomocí CSM bylo značně rychlejší a spotřebovávalo méně paměti než state-of-the-art SPICE.
Web Editor and Simulator of Logic Gate Networks
Horák, Jan ; Kruliš, Martin (advisor) ; Bulej, Lubomír (referee)
One of the topics taught in computer science is the principles of logic gates. An application that allows students to experiment with logic gates and gate networks can be used as a tool to provide better understanding of the topic. However, in order for the application to be usable, it should be available inde- pendently of the software on the user's computer. As a part of this thesis, we were able to implement such application. It provides users with the function- ality of constructing circuits from logic gates interconnected with wires. The application is able to simulate the network and display logic values on each of the wire. Additional functionality has been provided to make the application more enjoyable - unlimited canvas for circuit construction, a simple tutorial introducing new users to the basics of the application, import and export func- tionality and a library of logic circuits that can be imported onto the editing canvas in the form of gate networks or as single components. The application is easily expandable and the source code is available under an open-source license. 1

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