National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Srovnání variant obnovy lesa po kalamitě: přípravný porost, umělá obnova, sukcese
Reška, Martin
The thesis assesses three different ways of restocking a clearcut originating from a windblown in 2010 in forest district Habrůvka, ŠLP Křtiny. Each type of restocking, i.e. sowing, planting, and natural regeneration – was established in two sets, one large and the other small size. The measurement of the sites that have been carried out annually, evaluation was done comparing the restocking methods, with a focus on mortality and growth. Additionally, a cost of each restocking method was considered, and the economic profitability was estimated for each type of restocking. The results show that costs on restocking by planting are much higher than of the other types of restocking, but in a long run planting is more profitable.
Zhodnocení příčin nahodilých těžeb na LHC Svitavy v období 2009-2017
Tyller, Martin
The aim of this study was to determine causes and consequence of salvage cutting on the subjected territory in 2009-2017. Next aim was to evaluace these cutting in depending on abiotic factors. It was recommended to work with data of evidence of salvage cutting from the owner. On the base of evaluation the salvage cutting and causes was carry out the interpretation of these information. The next aim was to propose measures for stabilization the salvage cutting on the interest territor based on detected information.
The Calamity: Neoformalist Analysis and Narratological Analysis
Podskalský, Matěj ; Svatoňová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Klimeš, Ivan (referee)
In my thesis I analyze narrative structure and style of THE CALAMITY (KALAMITA, Věra Chytilová, 1981). The aim of my analysis is to discover what kind of techniques Chytilova uses to violate norms of classical narration and style, how she uses film form to reflect upon lapses in morale and tries to disrupt social tendencies of the Normalization Period. I use neoformalist theory (David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson) and narratology (David Bordwell). I briefly discuss economical, cultural and historical context related to the Normalization period and I also study production history and censorship of THE CALAMITY. Powered by TCPDF (
Technologie zpracování kalamitní těžby dříví na LSR LS Píla - Doľany
Daniš, Michal
This thesis will be focused on the intesive windstorm Gisela from 17. to 19. May 2010, specifically located in the forest perimeter Doľany. The work summarizes the extent of the disaster, the causes of the disaster and her consequences. In this thesis is also made a characteristics of a given territory and there are assessed technical and economic parameters in the processing of windstorm in various technological processes. Subsequently in the work are evaluated parameters: limited, technical, environmental, organizational for the individual use of technology. Further in the work are valuated the average prices of timber yield and proportions of the individual sortiments
Technologie zpracování dříví v kalamitních těžbách
Vašíček, Bedřich
BEDŘICH VAŠÍČEK: Technology of processing of calamity loggings The objective of this bachelor work is assessment of the calamity on the 22nd of June 2011 in the forestry management in Pec pod Sněžkou. It concerns damages caused to forest cover in the forest section Zelený potok as a result of meteorological phenomenon called downburst. To process the calamity there were used several technologies and the objective of the work is to evaluate their application in difficult mountain locations of National Park Krkonoše. Further aim is to highlight the influence of the forest calamity on bucking, converting the wood into cash and purchasing of services necessary for the wood processing. Further area solved in this work is the Occupational Safety and Health, because generally logging belongs among one of the most risky works.

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