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Výběr a příprava koní pro hiporehabilitaci
Čadeni, Natálie
The aim of the diploma thesis on the topic "Selection and preparation of horses for hipporehabilitation" was to find out on the basis of data obtained from a questionnaire survey, what are the aspects of selection of horses for hipporehabilitation in recommen-ded centers of hipporehabilitation in the Czech Republic, as well as the aspects of horse selection according to the client's needs, method of breeding and preparation of horses for hipporehabilitation and finally to evaluate the economics of the operation of hipporehabilitation centers. Based on the answers, the aspects influencing the selection of horses for the given branch of hipporehabilitation, the method of preparation of the horse, its putting into operation and care for it were identified. Furthermore, the method of financing the centers was ascertained. The target respondents were the Recommended Hipporehabilitation Centers in the Czech Republic. A total of 26 centers were contacted. Two questionnaires with identical questions were prepared, one for the selection and preparation of horses for hipporehabilitation for HTFE, the other for the selection and preparation of horses for hipporehabilitation for HPSP and HTP. Factors that influence the choice of a horse for hipporehabilitation are price, clientele for which the horse is selected, breed (for HTFE), age, type of breeding, previous experience of the horse, height (for HTFE), width, character, temperament, movement mechanics (HTFE) and medical condition. Hipporehabilitation centers included horses in training between 3–6 years. The preparation time depended on the age of the horse, most often lasting 12 months. The most common method of preparation is work from the ground, work in the riding hall and field work on hand. Horses work on average 3–4 days a week. The classification of the horse during the year varies from center to center. Some centers classify horses throughout the year, some centers give horses time off as needed. Horses are out of hipporehabilitation use for recreational riding. Hipporehabilitation centers are financed mainly from clients' payments, as well as from their own activities, from foundations, donations and sponsorship donations. In this work, the criteria for selecting a horse for hipporehabilitation and its preparation were evaluated. The work could serve as a methodological help to the centers to obtain information about the selection of the horse and its preparation for hipporehabilitation.
Možnosti využití různých druhů zvířat k zooterapii
Kudlová, Lenka
This Bachelor’s thesis deals on the use of various animal species for zootherapy, and it is written in the form of literary research. The Bachelor’s thesis deals with zootherapy. Thesis contains description of zootherapy history in the world and in the Czech Republic, used species, methods and forms. World and Czech organizations dealing with zootherapy, and animal welfare in the zootherapy are also mentioned in the thesis. The next part of the thesis develops the various kinds of zootherapy. These kinds are canistherapy, hipporehabilitation, felinetherapy, ornitotherapy, dolphintherapy, farmingtherapy, lamatherapy, small animals used for zootherapy and zootherapy in zoos. Each animal therapy deals with animal selection, training and the possibility of therapeutic use of the animal for humans. The chapters about a dog, horse and cat discuss an examination, which is necessary for inclusion of the animal into therapy. The zootherapy supports motor activities, posture and loosen spasm. It has a positive effect on self-confidence and against depression and it diverts attention from pain.
Influence of horse breed and type of terrain on activation of the abdominal muscles in hippotherapy
Fraňková, Věra ; Lopot, František (advisor) ; Kubový, Petr (referee)
Title: Influence of horse breed and type of terrain on activation of the abdominal muscles in hippotherapy. Purposes: The aim of the study is to find out if horse breed and type of terrain approaches muscle activation in the position of unassisted sitting Methods: The study is of intraindividual character and incudes theoretical and practical part. The activation of abdominal muscles was measured by using surface electromyography and kinematic analysis. Results: There was differance between muscle activation with a different type of terrain. Horse breed does not influence a muscle activation but the individual biomechanic of each horse. Key words: hippotherapy, hipporehabilitation, horse breed, activation of abdominal muscles, unassisted seat, therapeutic horseback riding, electromyography
Influence of horse breed and type of terrain on activation of the abdominal muscles in hippotherapy
Fraňková, Věra ; Lopot, František (advisor) ; Kubový, Petr (referee)
Title: Influence of horse breed and type of terrain on activation of the abdominal muscles in hippotherapy. Purposes: The aim of the study is to find out if horse breed and type of terrain approaches muscle activation in the position of unassisted sitting Methods: The study is of intraindividual character and incudes theoretical and practical part. The activation of abdominal muscles was measured by using surface electromyography and kinematic analysis. Results: There was differance between muscle activation with a different type of terrain. Horse breed does not influence a muscle activation but the individual biomechanic of each horse. Key words: hippotherapy, hipporehabilitation, horse breed, activation of abdominal muscles, unassisted seat, therapeutic horseback riding, electromyography
Comparative analysis kinesiological opposite sitting in hippotherapy in two breeds of horses
Čapková, Kateřina ; Kračmar, Bronislav (advisor) ; Novotný, Petr (referee)
Title: Influence of race of horse and speed of it's walk on timing of muscles in hippotherapy Purposes: The goal of study is to find out if race of horse and speed of it's walk approaches muscles timing in the reverse sitting position. We also pretend quadrupedal locomotion activation. That would substantiate hippotherapy with sitting-unable children. : Methods: Surface Electromyography, physiotherapeutic screening Results: Muscles timing was different with selected races as well as with different speed of walk. Quadrupedal locomotion was certified. Keywords: hiporehabilitation, hippotherpy, reverse sitting, quadrupedal locomotion, race of a horse, surface electromyography
Rehabilitation effect of Hippotherapy on bad posture of older elementary school children
KOKEŠOVÁ, Michaela
This bachelor thesis deals with the influence of rehabilitation hippotherapy on poor posture in older school-age children. It is necessary to search already in childhood for development causes of musculoskeletal diseases when the muscular imbalance develops due to an incorrect load on the musculoskeletal system, leading to poor posture. In the recent years an enormous increase in the poor posture in children has been discussed, the increase being connected to the change of lifestyle, to an increase in obesity, largely to the lack of physical exercise and one-sidedness of modern lifestyle. Hippotherapy is a method of physiotherapy using the natural horse movement at the walk as a stimulating and physiotherapeutic element. By achieving kinetic harmony of the client and the horse, an activation of non-pathological movement programs occurs. A possible beneficial influence on change in poor posture in children before completion of growth is considered, the result of which could be the possibility of avoiding potential emergence of scoliosis in adolescence up to adulthood. This bachelor thesis has one research question and two objectives. The objectives are to map out the influence of hippotherapy on the improvement of body posture in older school-age children and to develop a specific therapeutic procedure of hippotherapy for the observed probands. The research question analyses whether and which changes occurred after the hippotherapy in the observed probands. The theoretical part consists of two sections, in the first section I deal with the issue of poor posture. Here is the emergence of the poor posture outlined. In the following part, the terms of poor posture, ideal posture, posture and deep stabilization system are defined. Last but not least I dedicate myself with poor posture diagnostics, namely with the most used methods such as the Matthias posture test. The last part is devoted to causes and prevention of poor posture. The second section deals with the hippotherapy as such, the terms of hipporehabilitation and hippotherapy are defined there. I also deal with brief history. In the next chapter the practical performance of hippotherapy is described, where I present the hippotherapeutic team, equipment, and outline the choice importance of a suitable horse for the given therapy. Other chapters include the mechanics of horse movement with the summary of all horse gaits. In the last chapter I introduce the basic positions used in hippotherapy. In the practical part of the bachelor thesis a qualitative research was used in the form of processing complete case studies of two probands attending civic association O.S. Krapet Dynín. To obtain all the necessary data, a kinesiological analysis was conducted and medical history taken. Interviews were conducted with the probands' parents because the respondents did not reach the age of majority and it could lead to a distortion of information. Furthermore, a static examination by front, rear and side aspection was performed with both probands. Other examinations which were performed include Trendelenburg-Duchenne test, Thomayer test, Matthias test, the posture standard according to Klein and Thomas and the examination of gait. It follows from the above that positive effects of rehabilitation hippotherapy were observed in probands. They both continue the therapy praising the positive effects achieved during it. The bachelor thesis can be used as educative and informational material for physiotherapy students and as a basis for further research. The purpose of the work is to raise awareness of the issue among both general and professional public.
Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies in Social Services in the Vysocina Region
KUBÁTOVÁ, Jaroslava
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of Equine assisted activities and therapies in social services in the Vysočina Region. The theme is up to date given by the growing interest in Equine assisted activities and therapies. The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis is focused on questions related to hiporehabilitation and more specifically on the field of Equine assisted activities and therapies (EAAT). The first chapter deals with zootherapy in general and furthermore with zooterapeutical methods. In the next chapter is described the hiporehabilitation, its structure, history and the organizations that deal with it, both abroad and in the Czech Republic. The last chapter gives a definition of the term Equine assisted activities and therapies (EAAT), the target group, the indications and contraindications, the goals or effects of EAAT. Furthermore, this chapter contains the composition of the team for EAAT, hiporehabilitation horse, the therapeutic plan of the client, techniques and methods in EAAT ad. The aim of the bachelor thesis was to map the possibilities and limits of Equine assisted activities and therapies, which are provided in social services as part of hiporehabilitation. The partial aim was to find out indications, goals, contraindications, method of work, methods and techniques used, benefit, involvement of a social worker in EAAT. A qualitative research strategy was chosen. Polling method and semi-standardized interview technique were used. The sample was made up of four parents of clients with a health, mental or combined disability who are clients of the organization AMBRA Association. This sample was also supplemented by a social worker who regularly takes part in Equine assisted activities and therapies. The informants were selected by a dedicated quota sampling. The research was carried out at the AMBRA Association in Černá in the Vysocina Region. Through qualitative research, the main and partial research questions were answered. Most surprising were the results regarding the contribution of Equine assisted activities and therapies. The benefit of EAAT is significant in the area of self-confidence or self-assurance of the client. Positive results are also in terms of motivation, communication, improvement also occurs in behavioral or social competencies. Regarding field of fine and gross motor skills, interesting results have also emerged. Parents of clients also welcome cooperation with a social worker. The results also show that client's parents would appreciate the introduction of a new service, namely therapeutic carriage driving. Therapeutic carriage driving is suitable for clients who can not ride or sit on horseback due to higher weight or health complications. The bachelor thesis also includes a SWOT analysis, which provides interesting information about operation of the organization AMBRA Association.
Hippotherapy as an effective healing method for scoliosis
The bachelor thesis deals with hippotherapy as supportive therapy for patients with scoliosis. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is divided into two chapters, first addresses hippotherapy and the second scoliosis. The chapters explain the basic concepts necessary to get familiar with the given issue. In the subchapters of the first chapter I deal with the composition of the hippotherapeutic team, course of hippotherapy in general, positioning, indications, contraindications and with the treatment principle. In the chapter scoliosis I describe the basic terminology and the classification of scoliosis, the risk factors, therapy and therapeutical approaches. In the practical part, I introduce the aims of the work and the research itself. This part is elaborated through a qualitative survey - case study, mixed research. The research is carried out in the form of case studies of three probands with diagnosed scoliosis. Probands visited once a week the farm called "U Lištičky" in Úlehle, where they practiced hippotherapy. Each proband passed 12 hippotherapeutic units. The method of data acquisition was kinesiological analysis (on entry and exit), systematic observation and an interview. The work includes initial examination, evaluation of the initial examination, individual therapy, concluding examination, evaluation of the concluding examination and of the therapy. The individual case reports are supplemented with photo-documentation from the entrance and concluding examinations, from the course of the hippotherapeutic units and the results tables. Methods used for data collection were the following: anamnesis, aspects, pelvic examination, Adams test, plummetal examination, spinal function tests, hypermobility examination, muscle examination, two-scale stand test, Véle test, trigonometric examination, anthropometric examination, movement stereotypes and neurological examination. The aim of the work was to map out the effects of hippotherapy as a supportive treatment for scoliosis and to evaluate the results before and after the influence of hippotherapy on probands with scoliosis. The results of all three probands confirmed, that due to hippotherapy, there was a reduction in asymmetry, improvement in posture, pelvic anteversion, increased muscle strength, improvement of movement stereotypes, influencing breathing functions and stability of sitting on the horse's back. The influence of hippotherapy was demonstrated also in some functional tests and in the plumbing examination. At the same time, despite their initial concerns, the psyche of all probands was positively influenced and their relationship to the animals was deepen. Based on the evaluation of the results that were recorded, I would like to state, that hippotherapy as a supportive treatment of people with scoliosis is beneficial. The outcomes of this bachelor thesis could be used in practice as well as educational material for students of physiotherapy, therapists themselves, or as a basis for further research in this field. This work is the result of an effort to deepen the awareness of Hippotherapy as a supportive method for the treatment of scoliosis, both in professional and amateur audiences, and to point out the positive effects of hippotherapy on humans.
Influence of horse breed and type of terrain on activation of the abdominal muscles in hippotherapy
Fraňková, Věra ; Lopot, František (advisor) ; Kubový, Petr (referee)
Title: Influence of horse breed and type of terrain on activation of the abdominal muscles in hippotherapy. Purposes: The aim of the study is to find out if horse breed and type of terrain approaches muscle activation in the position of unassisted sitting Methods: The study is of intraindividual character and incudes theoretical and practical part. The activation of abdominal muscles was measured by using surface electromyography and kinematic analysis. Results: There was differance between muscle activation with a different type of terrain. Horse breed does not influence a muscle activation but the individual biomechanic of each horse. Key words: hippotherapy, hipporehabilitation, horse breed, activation of abdominal muscles, unassisted seat, therapeutic horseback riding, electromyography

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