Čambalová, Kateřina ; Tomáš, Jiří (referee) ; Doupovec, Miroslav (advisor)
The goal of the thesis is to create an overivew of geodesics. At the beginning of their study, they were considered shortest paths connecting two points on surfaces. In the thesis we will show more of the complexity of the term and introduced the properties, some uses of the geodesics and methods of their computation. Later, the Clairaut patches and their geodesics will be analysed. Clairaut patches are characterized by a specific property which makes computation of geodesics simpler. 3D plots of some Clairaut patches and their geodesics are also included.
Lie groups and their physical applications
Kunz, Daniel ; Kureš, Miroslav (referee) ; Tomáš, Jiří (advisor)
In this thesis I describe construction of Lie group and Lie algebra and its following usage for physical problems. To be able to construct Lie groups and Lie algebras we need define basic terms such as topological manifold, tensor algebra and differential geometry. First part of my thesis is aimed on this topic. In second part I am dealing with construction of Lie groups and algebras. Furthermore, I am showing different properties of given structures. Next I am trying to show, that there exists some connection among Lie groups and Lie algebras. In last part of this thesis is used just for showing how this apparat can be used on physical problems. Best known usage is to find physical symmetries to establish conservation laws, all thanks to famous Noether theorem.
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Robust feature curve detection in 3D surface models
Hmíra, Peter ; Dupej, Ján (advisor) ; Pelikán, Josef (referee)
Most current algorithms typically lack in robustness to noise or do not handle T-shaped curve joining properly. There is a challenge to not only detect features in the noisy 3D-data obtained from the digital scanners. Moreover, most of the algorithms even when they are robust to noise, they lose the feature information near the T-shaped junctions as the triplet of lines ``confuses'' the algorithm so it treats it as a plane. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Robust feature curve detection in 3D surface models
Hmíra, Peter
Most current algorithms typically lack in robustness to noise or do not handle T-shaped curve joining properly. There is a challenge to not only detect features in the noisy 3D-data obtained from the digital scanners. Moreover, most of the algorithms even when they are robust to noise, they lose the feature information near the T-shaped junctions as the triplet of lines ``confuses'' the algorithm so it treats it as a plane. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Lie groups and their physical applications
Kunz, Daniel ; Kureš, Miroslav (referee) ; Tomáš, Jiří (advisor)
In this thesis I describe construction of Lie group and Lie algebra and its following usage for physical problems. To be able to construct Lie groups and Lie algebras we need define basic terms such as topological manifold, tensor algebra and differential geometry. First part of my thesis is aimed on this topic. In second part I am dealing with construction of Lie groups and algebras. Furthermore, I am showing different properties of given structures. Next I am trying to show, that there exists some connection among Lie groups and Lie algebras. In last part of this thesis is used just for showing how this apparat can be used on physical problems. Best known usage is to find physical symmetries to establish conservation laws, all thanks to famous Noether theorem.
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Robust feature curve detection in 3D surface models
Hmíra, Peter
Most current algorithms typically lack in robustness to noise or do not handle T-shaped curve joining properly. There is a challenge to not only detect features in the noisy 3D-data obtained from the digital scanners. Moreover, most of the algorithms even when they are robust to noise, they lose the feature information near the T-shaped junctions as the triplet of lines ``confuses'' the algorithm so it treats it as a plane. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Robust feature curve detection in 3D surface models
Hmíra, Peter ; Dupej, Ján (advisor) ; Pelikán, Josef (referee)
Most current algorithms typically lack in robustness to noise or do not handle T-shaped curve joining properly. There is a challenge to not only detect features in the noisy 3D-data obtained from the digital scanners. Moreover, most of the algorithms even when they are robust to noise, they lose the feature information near the T-shaped junctions as the triplet of lines ``confuses'' the algorithm so it treats it as a plane. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)