National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Somatické parametry jelenovitých - kritické zhodnocení
The content of the thesis is a review of somatic parameters of deer and their critical evaluation, as well as an assessment of the usability of the Species360 database. The thesis describes the importance of knowing the somatic parameters, problems related to the specification of these parameters, and the possibilities of comparing published data with data from the Species360 database. The work also contains a proposal for the deer measuring protocol, which could help to standardize data collection.
Optimization of delivery date in cervids
Schnebergerová, Adriana ; Dušek, Adam (advisor) ; Sedláček, František (referee)
Female mammals adjust their birth date according to actual environmental conditions and their own condition to maximize their reproductive fitness. Optimizing of birth date allows the mothers to maximize not only their own fitness but also the fitness of their offspring. The aim of my bachelor`s thesis is to document the optimization of the delivery date in the deer family (Cervidae), i.e. timing of delivery whereby females can attain successful reproduction. This family is thanks to world-wide areal an ideal taxon for the study of optimization of the delivery date. 40 species and 200 subspecies renders this family one of the most diversified and the most numerous of even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla). In general, factors that affect the timing of the delivery date are: ecological, behavioral, reproductive, physiological and genetic. These factors include, for example, seasonality, availability and quality of food, condition, social rank and age of the female, the presence of the male and the sex of the offspring. Depending on actual environmental conditions, female deer may either hasten or, on the contrary, delay the delivery date and thus maximize the chances of survival of their offspring. The synchronization of the birth date is another important strategy which allows females to reduce the...
Challenges of Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) conservation in the tropics: lessons learned from the Chitwan National Park of Nepal
BHATTARAI, Bishnu Prasad
This research deals with the challenges of the conservation of tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) in the Chitwan National Park of Nepal and aims to be a model for tiger conservation in the tropical areas of other tiger range countries. Despite the high level of public concern and major investments during the last few decades for conservation, wild tigers continue to be under grave threat, and their preservation now requires, more than ever before, using reliable ecological knowledge for their conservation interventions. In this dissertation, I investigated various factors that affect on tiger conservation in this park: population status of prey, dietary patterns of tiger and its impact on sympatric carnivores (e.g., leopard) and increasing human-wildlife conflicts, effects of habitat structures and human disturbances on prey and predator species abundance and distribution.
Evaluation of spatial environments using deer in Kaplicko
Deer are not migratory wildlife in the winter, but throughout the year. These physical activity were apparent in our surveyed sites in Kaplice. This paper aims to assess deer density in the OPR Kaplický. In the area of interest were defined plots in three categories: under 20 years of which were conducted at monthly intervals, repeated addition droppings. When evaluating the data obtained were applied methodology and Matthew Homolka. The results are an appropriate vehicle for further management of deer in the area
Evaluation of system of fenced and unfenced plots in the Horovice Division, Military Forests and Farms, state enterprise
The aim of the bachelor thesis Evaluation of system of fenced and control plots in the Horovice Division, Military Forests and Farms, state enterprise, was to introduce the complex issue of game damage in forests and the methods of assessing it, and to conduct a specific analysis of the functionality of fenced and control plots. This was done in the area of Horovice Division and its five administrations, all located in Brdy forests, Central Bohemia. Focusing on species representation, abundance of regeneration trees and browsing of terminal shoot, the analysis indicated some problems with the system of fenced and control plots in the study area, later also verified in the field. The major flaw was inadequate location and technical state of the plots, which limited their functionality and hence also usability of data for interpretation on game damage in the area.
Could fur characters be a source of phylogenetic information?
This work analysed phylogenetic utility of several characters associated with basic coloration, moulting and whorls in Cervidae via comparison of these traits with relatively robust phylogeny of this group based on several morphological, ethological and molecular data. I was able to detect probable evolutionary history of some selected traits, their ancestral state and synapomorphies of recognized clades.
Iodine content in meat
TICHÝ, Lukáš
The main goal of my diploma thesis was to review the amount of iodine in meat of foodanimals. This diploma thesis brings current information about the iodine content in meat in The Czech Republic. The samples were extracted during the years 2004 to 2007. On the whole 63 samples, in which the content of iodine was set by Sandell - Kollthof method, were taken. The average content of iodine in meat was as follows : rabbits 19,2; domestic pigs 16,17; market pigs 16,96; wild pigs 57,72 and deer 38,31 g I  kg-1 wet matter. Regional and seasonal differences were proved.

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