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Qualitative aspects of adherence to antiresorptive treatment in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis
Ravingerová, Aneta ; Vytřísalová, Magda (advisor) ; Doseděl, Martin (referee)
QUALITATIVE ASPECTS OF ADHERENCE TO ANTIRESORPTIVE TREATMENT IN WOMEN WITH POSTMENOPAUSAL OSTEOPOROSIS Author: Aneta Ravingerová Supervisor: Magda Vytřísalová Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy INTRODUCTION: Compliance is using of medication in accordance with a prescription drug regimen. Qualitative aspect of compliance represents use of drugs in correct way. significantly affects treatment outcomes.Suboptimal compliance The study aim was to assess qualitative compliance with bisphosphonates (BIS)AIMS: among Czech women with osteoporosis in common clinical practice. METHODS: Data collection was performed using anonymous questionnaire in five outpatient Compliance with fivecentres in the Czech Republic from November 2012 to March 2013. dosing instructions for safe use and adequate absorption of BIS was evaluated. : A total of 363 patients were involved in the analysisRESULTS (mean age 68.9 years). once a week dosing forms ofPatients were treated with BIS - alendronate, alendronate + once a month dosing formvitamine D in a fixed combination, risedronate (N = 36.6 %) or - Only 46.6 % of respondents from weekly subgroup were compliantibandronate (N = 63.4 %). with all five dosing recommendations in monthly subgroup....
Qualitative aspects of adherence to antiresorptive treatment in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis
Ravingerová, Aneta ; Vytřísalová, Magda (advisor) ; Doseděl, Martin (referee)
QUALITATIVE ASPECTS OF ADHERENCE TO ANTIRESORPTIVE TREATMENT IN WOMEN WITH POSTMENOPAUSAL OSTEOPOROSIS Author: Aneta Ravingerová Supervisor: Magda Vytřísalová Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy INTRODUCTION: Compliance is using of medication in accordance with a prescription drug regimen. Qualitative aspect of compliance represents use of drugs in correct way. significantly affects treatment outcomes.Suboptimal compliance The study aim was to assess qualitative compliance with bisphosphonates (BIS)AIMS: among Czech women with osteoporosis in common clinical practice. METHODS: Data collection was performed using anonymous questionnaire in five outpatient Compliance with fivecentres in the Czech Republic from November 2012 to March 2013. dosing instructions for safe use and adequate absorption of BIS was evaluated. : A total of 363 patients were involved in the analysisRESULTS (mean age 68.9 years). once a week dosing forms ofPatients were treated with BIS - alendronate, alendronate + once a month dosing formvitamine D in a fixed combination, risedronate (N = 36.6 %) or - Only 46.6 % of respondents from weekly subgroup were compliantibandronate (N = 63.4 %). with all five dosing recommendations in monthly subgroup....
Bone metastases
This bachelor's thesis deals with the topic ?Bone metastases?. The topic is split into the theoretical and practical part. To understand better the whole topic, I describe in the theoretical part at first the general anatomy of the bone tissue, subsequently the structure and growth of bones. There are described individual types of bone shapes. Also the process of occurring metastases or primary tumors in surrounding tissue is described, way of spreading and growth of tumor cells in the bone tissue is specified. Moreover I specify the occurrence of bone metastases and their diagnostics. In the diagnostics we notice at first the clinical symptoms bringing the patient to the physician. Three targets were determined for this thesis. The first target was to find out the most frequent places of occurrence of bone metastases. The second target was to find out the most frequent diagnostic method. And the third goal was to find out the most frequently used type of treatment during the occurrence of bone metastases. Also research questions were postulated. Research question No. 1: Do the bone metastases occur most frequently in the parts of red bone marrow with a rich blood circulation? Research question 2: Are the bone metastases diagnosed more frequently at women? To acquire the results, the databases of patients of the hospital České Budějovice a.s. and the hospital Na Homolce in Prague, radio-diagnostics, radiotherapy wards and ward of nuclear medicine were used. In the radio-diagnostic ward in České Budějovice and in Prague it was necessary to go through the records of all the diagnosed patients who underwent X-ray, CT and MR examination in the years 2011, 2012 and the subsequent records of data of patients with described (by physicians) occurrence of meta-static process in skeleton. There are among the necessary recorded data: age, sex, primary diagnosis, location of bone metastases and the applied examination method. In the practical part of the bachelor's thesis, these data were processed in diagrams and subsequently answers to set targets and research questions were formulated. In the radio-therapeutic wards the records of patients with indication of palliative radiation for the year 2011, 2012 were checked and in case of finding a patient radiated by palliative method due to occurrence of bone metastases the information concerning the age, sex, primary diagnosis, location of bone metastases and the applied radiation method (targeted or half-body radiation) were recorded. The acquired information was processed into diagrams in the practical part of bachelor's thesis again. Unfortunately, from the department of nuclear medicine no information about the amount of performed bone scintigraphy for metastatic process in skeleton were acquired, only information about patients treated by radio-nuclides. The answer to the research questions 1, ?whether the most frequent place of bone metastases is the part of red bone marrow with a rich blood circulation? was given already in the information about the most frequent location of bone metastases, as in the adult age, the red bone marrow occurs most frequently in the vertebra bodies, pelvis bones, breast bone, rips, flat bone of scull and long bones, where the red bone marrow occurs in the joint ends and based on my research, the metastases were located most frequently in these places. The answer to the research question 2: ?Are the bone metastases diagnosed at women more frequently?? It followed from my research that more bone metastases were diagnosed at men. Also the information leaflet for lay public was elaborated to my bachelor thesis informing of symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment of metastatic process in bones.

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