National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Bonding and non-bonding interaction potentials for simulations of coarse-grained protein models
Pavlíková, Markéta ; Nová, Lucie (advisor) ; Bačová, Petra (referee)
Protein folding involves the transformation of an amino acid chain to a unique 3D structure. The conformation of a protein is determined by its amino acid sequence. Understanding the process of protein folding and dynamics is crucial since protein function is closely related to its structure and dynamics. These processes can be investigated by means of molecular simulations. Coarse- grained models, which are used in molecular simulations, provide a favorable trade-off between computational efficiency and accuracy. To employ such mod- els, a reasonable force field is necessary. The force field includes both bonding and non-bonding interaction potentials, which are derived either from atomistic simulations or from known, experimentally determined protein structures. We derived such potentials using dataset of more than 4,500 structures from PDB database. 1
Study of interactions of organic matter and its components via molecular dynamics
Humic acids and humates are principal components of humic substances major organic constituents of soil, peat, coal and water around the world. I was involved in research into molecular dynamics simulations of interactions of quartz surfaces with aqueous solutions of ions and small organic molecules representing basic building blocks of larger biomolecules and functional groups of organic matter. We studied interactions of molecules with surfaces for a set of surface charge densities corresponding to the experimentally or environmentally relevant ranges of pH values employing molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics and ab initio techniques. Simulated quartz surfaces covered the range of surface charge densities 0.00, -0.03, -0.06 and -0.12 C-m-2, approximately corresponding to pH values 4.5, 7.5, 9.5 and 11. As model molecules, benzoic acid, phenol, o-salicylic acid and their conjugated bases were chosen. My task was to prepare topologies and parametric models of selected organic matter basic building blocks organic molecules. I focused on studying interactions of these molecules in an aqueous environment with mineral surface quartz. The aim was to process simulation results and analyse conformations of the adsorption complexes and their thermodynamic properties such as interaction energies, free energies and adsorption geometries.
Software for molecular dynamics
ŠILHAVÁ, Kristýna
The software for molecular dynamics provides the ability of simulating systems that consist of millions of particles, just for a few nanoseconds. This method allows for the carrying out of virtual experiments without real laboratory equipment and only with computer technology. Molecular dynamics play an important role in understanding the structure and function of biological, organic and inorganic systems. The objective of this thesis was to introduce the basics of molecular dynamics, solve model tasks in Amber software and Gromacs and to compare their capabilities. I have worked on the Hermes Computer Cluster that belongs to the Faculty of Science at the University of South Bohemia and this was part of the MetaCentrum Project. I have worked with both programs using the command line of the Linux Operating System. This thesis describes all of the file formats that are needed for working with these programs, and how they are to be used. I have built up several systems in Gromacs and Amber: 1) water 2) water and ions 3) solvated lysozyme. Based upon these sample systems, I have compared the basic utilities for preparation, the execution and the analysis of these simulations. This thesis should serve as a quick introduction and familiarization with Amber software and Gromacs.

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