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Analýza složení komunálního odpadu v oblasti Velké Meziřičí se zaměřením na využitelné složky
Havelková, Kristýna
This Bachelor thesis entitled "The Analysis of a Structure of Municipal Waste in the area of Velké Meziříčí with a Focus on Useable Components" deals with problems in the waste management and with the situation of waste sorting in the municipalities of Jabloňov, Ruda, Ořechov, Jívoví, Martinice, Vídeň, Blízkov, Otín, Uhřínov and Lavičky as well. The thesis focuses on an analysis of the quantity of waste sorting pursuant to the data I have obtained from the management of the municipality of Lavičky and of the CEO and waste manager of Technické služby VM s.r.o. This analysis deals with data for years 2013-2015. Last but not least there are the results of obtained information resumed with some aims and recommendations that the municipalities should follow to improve their situation in waste management.
Optimalizace svozové trasy sběrných míst
Novotná, Jana
This bachelor thesis attends to the optimization of separated waste collection routes, the waste is being collected by the company Technické služby VM s.r.o. The solution is carried out according to the salesman's methods with farthest insertion's algorithm. This algorithm provides possible solutions in an interface of two algebraic systems Maple and Bjornson's application. The routes for separated waste collection, which are compared, constitute an output.
Zhodnocení nakládání s odpady v mikroregionu Letovice
Sáňková, Lucie
The goal of my bachelor's thesis was to evaluate waste management system in the microregion Letovice. The microregion is located in the most northern part of Blansko district in South-Moravian region. In the beginning of my thesis, I was dealing with selected legal standards of the Czech Republic. The next section, was dealing with basic definitions in the waste management. The final part described the waste management in selected microregion Letovice. At the end of my thesis I conducted a discussion and evaluation of the whole bachelor thesis. Waste management system in the microregion is very good and it works well , based on good communication with the public.
Návrh svozové trasy odpadu s využitím algoritmů pro řešení úlohy obchodního cestujícího
Novotná, Jana
This diploma thesis deals with the optimization of collection routes of separated waste in Velké Meziříčí. This waste is collected by the Technical Services VM s.r.o. The solution is designed using the well-known Traveling salesman problem method and the proposed algorithm is a combination of these methods. The algorithm is designed to work in the Maple algebraic system and the data were analysed using ArcGIS and Statistica. Gradual development and functionality of the algorithm is represented by resulting separate waste collection routes.
Zhodnocení nakládání s odpady v mikroregionu Letovice
Sáňková, Lucie
The goal of my bachelor's thesis was to evaluate waste management system in the microregion Letovice. The microregion is located in the most northern part of Blansko district in South-Moravian region. In the beginning of my thesis, I was dealing with selected legal standards of the Czech Republic. The next section, was dealing with basic definitions in the waste management. The final part described the waste management in selected microregion Letovice. At the end of my thesis I conducted a discussion and evaluation of the whole bachelor thesis. Waste management system in the microregion is very good and it works well , based on good communication with the public.
Optimalizace svozové trasy sběrných míst
Novotná, Jana
This bachelor thesis attends to the optimization of separated waste collection routes, the waste is being collected by the company Technické služby VM s.r.o. The solution is carried out according to the salesman's methods with farthest insertion's algorithm. This algorithm provides possible solutions in an interface of two algebraic systems Maple and Bjornson's application. The routes for separated waste collection, which are compared, constitute an output.
Analýza složení komunálního odpadu v oblasti Velké Meziřičí se zaměřením na využitelné složky
Havelková, Kristýna
This Bachelor thesis entitled "The Analysis of a Structure of Municipal Waste in the area of Velké Meziříčí with a Focus on Useable Components" deals with problems in the waste management and with the situation of waste sorting in the municipalities of Jabloňov, Ruda, Ořechov, Jívoví, Martinice, Vídeň, Blízkov, Otín, Uhřínov and Lavičky as well. The thesis focuses on an analysis of the quantity of waste sorting pursuant to the data I have obtained from the management of the municipality of Lavičky and of the CEO and waste manager of Technické služby VM s.r.o. This analysis deals with data for years 2013-2015. Last but not least there are the results of obtained information resumed with some aims and recommendations that the municipalities should follow to improve their situation in waste management.
Smysluplnost povinné recyklace odpadů
Kurková, Lenka ; Ševčík, Miroslav (advisor) ; Loužek, Marek (referee)
Bakalářská práce řeší problém povinné recyklace odpadů. Příčinou tohoto problému je nařízení třídění odpadů Evropskou unií a následně zákonem o odpadech č. 185/2001 Sb. a zákonem o obalech č. 477/2001 Sb.. Hlavní otázka je, zda recyklovat či nikoliv. V teoretické části jsou vysvětleny některé ekonomické pojmy a teorie, například externality nebo vzácnost zdrojů, a legislativa, která se zabývá odpady. V praktické části je představena případová studie nakládání s odpadem Statutárního města Mostu. Lze zde najít popis celé cesty, kterou musí odpad absolvovat, než se dostane jako nový produkt ke konečnému spotřebiteli. Snaha byla i o zhodnocení zájmu obce o využívání odpadů a nástroje k její motivaci.

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