National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Investment Construction Co-financed from EU Funds
Sklenářová, Hana ; Mach, Drahomír (referee) ; Hrabincová, Dagmar (advisor)
This theses is focused on the European Union and EU funds. Description of structural policy and its history, with a focus on structural and cohesion funds. Furthermore, attention is focused on the subsidy received from the ROP southeast. In summary is given a new programming framework 2014-2020. The practical part of the thesis was to describe, analyze and evaluate the project co-financed by EU structural funds. The project was implemented within the ROP SE and tackle integrated transport in the region Breclav.
Rozvoj venkovského cestovního ruchu prostřednictvím ROP v kraji Vysočina
Hadroušková, Michaela
The main focus of this diploma thesis lies on an evaluation of the support of the rural tourism industry provided by ERDF's Regional Operational Programme Southeast. Diploma thesis contains theoretical explanation of concept of rural tourism and potential development through EU funding. Theoretical part explains the concept of tourism, rural tourism and the beginnings of rural tourism. Contains argue about rural tourism in context of the sustainable development of the tourism. Thereafter follows an explanation of the principles of regional politics and functioning of support through EU funding. Last chapter of the literature research defines analyzed area from the viewpoint of its potential for the development of the tourism industry. The applied part of the diploma thesis contains an analysis of realized projects in the priority axis 2: Development of sustainable tourism (fields of support 2.1 and 2.2). Projects are analyzed according to selected criteria of rural tourism. Finally, an evaluation of the support of rural tourism provided by ROP Southeast and contains the final recommendations for the develompment of the rural tourism.
Investment Construction Co-financed from EU Funds
Sklenářová, Hana ; Mach, Drahomír (referee) ; Hrabincová, Dagmar (advisor)
This theses is focused on the European Union and EU funds. Description of structural policy and its history, with a focus on structural and cohesion funds. Furthermore, attention is focused on the subsidy received from the ROP southeast. In summary is given a new programming framework 2014-2020. The practical part of the thesis was to describe, analyze and evaluate the project co-financed by EU structural funds. The project was implemented within the ROP SE and tackle integrated transport in the region Breclav.
Ex-post evaluace neinvestičních projektů z oblasti propagace v cestovním ruchu financovaných z ROP Jihovýchod
Burdíková, Hana
BURDÍKOVÁ, H. Ex-post evaluation of non-investment projects in the field of tourism promotion financed from ROP South-East. Thesis. Brno, 2015. This thesis is concerned with evaluation in conditions of EU Cohesion Policy. The subjects of evaluation are non-investment projects financed from the Regional Operational Programme South-East, whose implementation falls within the programming period 2007-2013. It was selected a sample of five projects, which are focused on the development and promotion of tourism in the South Moravian Region and the Region Vysočina. The theoretical part is devoted to literature review, which focuses firstly on the general definition of regional policy, its specific application in the European Union and the Czech Republic. After putting in this necessary context, it is proceeded to explain the concept of evaluation, especially the difference between program and project evaluation and detailed description of subsequent (ex-post) evaluation. The conclusion of this part is determination of procedure of ex-post evaluation, which the author observes in practical part of the thesis. This part is devoted to a brief description of selected projects and the establishment of evaluation questions, together with its own indicator system. Quantitative analysis of the data is done in consideration of the goals of the thesis, which is assessment of cost-effectiveness of projects through cost-utility method CEA. Its conclusions are complemented and explained using information from qualitative analysis - individual interviews with representatives of the grant recipients. The results of this analysis are used to answer a set of evaluation questions and also to perform comparisons using the benchmarking method. In the last part of the thesis are formulated suggestions and recommendations for improving cost-effectiveness and quality of the examined projects for the grant recipients and the managing authority of the operational program.
Podpora rozvoje venkovského cestovního ruchu v Jihomoravském kraji prostřednictvím ROP Jihovýchod
Drápalová, Monika
The main focus of this diploma thesis lies on an evaluation of the support of the so-called "rural tourism industry" in a selected area of the South Moravian Region, provided by the ERDF`s Regional Operational Programme "Southeast". The theoretical part of the thesis includes literature research; it also analyses and explains basic terminology on the fields of tourism industry and rural tourism industry, deals with the beginnings of the rural tourism in the Czech Republic and other countries; thereafter follows an explanation of the various forms of the rural tourism including an assessment of the significance of this kind of tourism while regarding the enormously important aspect of the sustainable development of the tourism industry in general. After defining important basic theoretical terms follows the second, regional politics concerning part; specifically a short explanation of the systematic implementation of the grants provided by the EU Structural Funds. This part deals mainly with the support of the tourism industry through the Regional Operational Programme. The next chapter gives an insight into the specifics of the analysed area of the South Moravian Region from the viewpoint of its potential for the development of the tourism industry, determined by the area's local and implementational preconditions. The applied part of the diploma thesis consists of the main analysis of all EU-supported projects from the priority axis 2, field of support 2.1 (Infrastuctural support for the tourism industry). The first chapter of this part shows the general conclusions following from the main analysis' results. The individual projects are sorted by the type of beneficiary, the project's focus and population count in the area of realisation. However, the focus of this diploma thesis lies on the support of the rural tourism industry; therefore it was necessary to define the standards for the determination of relevant projects, which follow the ideas of the rural tourism. These determined projects are further divided into specifical categories and described in regard of their benefits. Finally, an evaluation of the support provided by the Regional Operational Programme "Southeast" and of the possibilities of further development of the rural tourism industry.
Analysis of drawing financial resources from Regional Operational Programme South-East
Kalasová, Petra ; Potluka, Oto (advisor) ; Lemperová, Stanislava (referee)
This thesis deals with regional policy of the European Union and drawing of financial resources from the Structural Funds in the Czech Republic. The aim is to analyze the drawing of funding from the Regional Operational Programme South-East during programming period 2007-2013, which is financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The theoretical part is focused on regional policy in the European Union, its principles, instruments, and objectives. The thesis also describes the regional policy of the Czech Republic and its connection to the EU. In the practical part I analyzed drawing of financial resources and unsuccessful projects. The analysis is observed from three aspects: the area of support, the geographical distribution and the type of applicant.

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