National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Multicriterial Tool for Analysis and Predict Human Thermal Stress
Řehák Kopečková, Barbora ; Soukup,, Radek (referee) ; Kolářová,, Jana (referee) ; Jícha, Miroslav (advisor)
The thesis is concerned with the development of a multi-criteria tool capable of determining, for given input conditions, the most appropriate model for predicting the thermal state of a person in a protective suit, based on developed objective decision scheme. Four heat stress indices or physiological models were selected for the development of this tool: PHS (Predicted Heat Strain), IPHS (Individual Predicted Heat Strain), Gagg's 2-node model and the FMTK model. The algorithms of PHS, IPHS and Gagge were implemented in Matlab. Subsequently, all 4 models were validated against the experimental results. Based on the results of the validations, the applicability of these models for predicting human heat stress was verified. For some models, the applicability conditions were possible to extend. The accuracy of rectal temperature prediction was the main criteria. Furthermore, based on the results of the validation studies, metrics were selected to build an objective decision system. This was used to select the most appropriate model for the given environmental conditions. In the cooperation with SÚJCHBO, the data for model validation were delivered: 140 tests were carried out for 4 protective suits (FOP, Tyhem, Tiger, OPCH) and 4 ambient temperatures (-10, 5, 25 and 35 °C). 12 test persons were involved, 6 male test persons aged 29-53 years, 170-187 cm tall and weighing 69-92 kg, and 6 female test persons aged 28-49 years, 158-176 cm tall and weighing 56-71 kg. In total, 1987 simulations have been carried out using selected models, for different initial values of rectum and skin temperature, and for different estimates of metabolic activity. A look-up table was created to find the most appropriate model for the given conditions according to the inputs to the multicriteria tool via a decision scheme, based on the evaluation of the results of the simulations against the experiments in terms of the MAE (Mean Absolute Error) and the difference between the predicted and measured rectal temperature at the end of the test. Finally, the resulting multicriteria tool was created in Excel, including a graphical interface for entering values.
Apparatus for measuring the thermal resistance of the gloves
Pelikán, Jakub ; Fišer, Jan (referee) ; Hejčík, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis deals with common problem health protection at work. Namely hand protection during the work in very cold environment. It’s an analysis of materials suitable for apparatus used for measuring the thermal resistance of the gloves. There was analysed a range of materials. Every single sample was tested for heat conductivity and afterwards was assessed the suitability of materials. Heat was generated by electricity. Ocured heat fields was assessed with thermocamera. After performed experiments of carbon fiber we haven’t reached any satisfying results which we could use for manufacturing of this device. On the other hand kapton film has given very interesting results which we would recommend eventually. Kapton film needs to be modify according to the method listed in the conlusion. This thesis gives us a clear overview and inspiration for additional research of this device. It finds it’s place in research facilities and companies manufacturing protective clothing.
Determination of Clothing Evaporative Resistance for - Thermo-Physiology Modelling using a Thermal Mannequin
Toma, Róbert ; Hes,, Luboš (referee) ; Lunerová, Kamila (referee) ; Jícha, Miroslav (advisor)
Globálne otepľovanie a klimatické zmeny sú aktuálne jednou z najdiskutovanejších tém na svete. Keďže začíname vidieť jasné známky klimatických zmien, je nutné sa čoraz viac zaoberať ochranou ľudského zdravia pred tepelnou záťažou aj na miestach sveta, kde táto téma nebola v minulosti aktuálna. Pracovníci vo viacerých profesiách, hlavne v tých ktoré využívajú špeciálne ochranné odevy, môžu byť potencionálne ohrozený vplyvom tepla. Je známe že vyparovanie potu z tela je hlavným termoregulačným prvkom ľudského tela a práve použitie takýchto ochranných odevov, obmedzujúcich toto vyparovanie, v kombinácií s vysokou aktivitou môže byť zdraviu nebezpečné. Z týchto dôvodov sa do popredia dostávajú termofyziologické modeli alebo predikčné modeli tepelnej záťaže, ktoré sú neustále vylepšované a aplikované v rôznych situáciách. Jednými z najproblematickejších vstupných dát takýchto modelov patria vlastnosti odevu – tepelná izolácia, faktor oblasti prekrytia oblečením a odpor odevu proti vyparovaniu, ktorých nepresné hodnoty môžu spôsobiť veľké nepresnosti vo finálny predikciách týchto modelov. Napriek tomu že meranie tepelnej izolácie odevu pomocou tepelných manekýnov je už zavedené, spoľahlivé a presné, to isté nie je možné povedať o meraní odporu odevu proti vyparovaniu, ktoré je stále vo svojich začiatkoch. Cieľom tejto práce bolo vyvinúť a implementovať experimentálne zariadenie, procedúru merania a spôsob kalkulácie pre získanie odporu odevu proti vyparovaniu pomocou manekýna NEWTON-a na VUT v Brne. Výsledky merania boli validované na základe dát nameraných pomocou manekýna TORE na Univerzite v Lunde. Reprodukovateľnosť merania bola na úrovni do 4 % rozdielu od strednej hodnoty takmer vo všetkých prípadoch. Výsledky ukazujú že je možné dosiahnuť dobrej reprodukovateľnosti merania pri striktnom dodržaní metodológie merania. Výsledky taktiež ukázali dobru opakovateľnosť merania, kedy bol dosiahnutý výsledok opäť na úrovni 4 % na oboch manekýnoch, čo je zároveň aj požadovaná hranica určená v normách pre meranie tepelnej izolácie odevu. Ďalším bodom práce bola verifikácia samotnej kalkulácie výparného odporu. Aj keď mass loss metóda určuje priamo intenzitu prenosu hmoty vyparovaním a najbližšie opisuje samotný jav vyparovania potu z ľudského tela, nie je vhodná pre určenie lokálnych hodnôt odporu proti vyparovaniu odevov z dôvodu technických limitácií senzorov a tepelných manekýnov. Z tohto dôvodu je použitá heat loss metóda, ktorej výpočet však musí byť korigovaný. Súčasťou práce bolo testovanie a verifikácia viacerých korekcií tejto metódy, čo môže byť prínosom výskumných pracovníkov z oblasti termofyziológie, keďže tieto lokálne hodnoty vlastností odevov sú pre dosiahnutie presných predikcii priam nevyhnutné. Úspešná implementácia a validácia možnosti merania odporu odevu proti vyparovaniu na VUT v Brne pomocou tepelného manekýna prináša taktiež nové možnosti pre ďalšie projekty a kooperácie v rámci výskumnej ci komerčnej činnosti Univerzity.
Apparatus for measuring the thermal resistance of the gloves
Pelikán, Jakub ; Fišer, Jan (referee) ; Hejčík, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis deals with common problem health protection at work. Namely hand protection during the work in very cold environment. It’s an analysis of materials suitable for apparatus used for measuring the thermal resistance of the gloves. There was analysed a range of materials. Every single sample was tested for heat conductivity and afterwards was assessed the suitability of materials. Heat was generated by electricity. Ocured heat fields was assessed with thermocamera. After performed experiments of carbon fiber we haven’t reached any satisfying results which we could use for manufacturing of this device. On the other hand kapton film has given very interesting results which we would recommend eventually. Kapton film needs to be modify according to the method listed in the conlusion. This thesis gives us a clear overview and inspiration for additional research of this device. It finds it’s place in research facilities and companies manufacturing protective clothing.
Toxic smoke in the burning of selected substances, detection and protection intervening fire
ŠEBA, Jaroslav
Toxic products of combustion released by selected substances {--} their detection and the protection of firefighters I have opted to focus my Bachelor paper on this subject on the strength of my 20 years of working at the law-enforcing department of Fire Rescue Service; consequently, I am well aware of the difficulties that the firefigthers meet in their attempts at obtaining vital information. I have decided to investigate the subject and offer the results so that the fireman units could be properly trained. The paper is divided into several sections. The first aims to find out to what extent the units of the South Bohemian Fire Rescue Service are equipped with detection devices; the second examines the options of protection available to the firefighters in action; and the third section pays attention to the current standards of training given to the firefighting units deployed in the regional Service. The fourth section contains a comprehensive chapter on the noxious products of combustion, presenting available information on substances most often released in their burning. The next section provides a questionnaire survey designed to map the knowledgeability of firefighters and, to permit comparisons, also the awareness that the general public has of the substances and the toxicity of their combustion products. The chapter included to present evaluations and analyses starts with a description of materials to be ignited. The products of their burning were gathered using the Tenax tubes to be later analyzed in the laboratory. The lab analysis results are presented together with the major effects that the substances may have on human body. With the questionnaire survey evaluated, it became obvious that the firefighters were considerably better informed than the general public in all areas thus surveyed. Still, the incorrect answers returned by the freighters testify to a great deal of deficiencies that the system of training should address and regular training sessions of units should remedy. Excellent results were obtained for firefighters in action, since in most cases their level of protection was found higher than what was actually necessary. The level of knowledge encountered in the general public respondents proved to be below the average. Their awareness of hazards that the combustion products may pose for humans should be heightened (e.g. through a campaign able to provide information on the subject) since the products may be detrimental to the health of just anybody.
The aktivity of municipal volunteer fire company with a view to decontamination
MALÍK, Daniel
In this thesis the procedures and methods of simplified decontamination carried out by fire brigade voluntary troops of a municipality with the help of available technique and acquired knowledge are elaborated. At present state the system and categories of fire protection troops, the plan of area coverage and the determination of selected fire protection troops to decontamination are described. The next part is devoted to decontamination itself. This term, the description and division of intervention place into zones, further the description of decontamination station and its space are analysed. Decontamination carried out by emergency facilities is used as the base for the created methodology. At the end of this part the decontamination of individuals and the technique is mentioned. In the questionnaire research the state of knowledge and equipment of fire brigade voluntary troops concerning decontamination is found out. On the basis of these facts the methodological list Simplified Decontamination in Fire Brigade Voluntary Troops of a Municipality was created. It will serve as a tool for professional preparation and education of their members, especially determined fire protection troops for decontamination.

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