National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Spatial and temporal variation of UV reflectance in relation to environmental factors in genus Pieris and Colias.
Stella, David ; Kleisner, Karel (advisor) ; Bogusch, Petr (referee) ; Morehouse, Nathan (referee)
A bst r a ct Ultravi olet ( U V) mea ns' bey o n d vi olet' (fr o m t he Lati n - ultra - bey on d), w here by vi oletis t he c ol o ur wit h hig hestfre q ue nciesi n t he'visi ble'lig ht s pectr u m. By'visi ble' we refer t o h u ma n visi o n b utit m ust be ta ke n i nt o acc o u nt t hat h u ma n vis ual perce pti o n is i n c o m paris o n t o ma ny ot her orga nis ms rat her li mite di n ter ms of wavele ngt hsit ca n perceive. isis w hy c o m m u nicati o ni n t he U V s pectr u mis of- te n calle d hi d de n, alt h o ug hit m ostli kely plays a ver yi m p orta nt r olei n t he c o m m u nicati o n of vari o us ki n ds ofi nf or mati o n a m o ng a wi de variet y of orga nis ms. e ai m of t he prese nt t hesis is t o el uci date t he fu ncti o ns a n d relative i m p orta nce of U V pa er ns mai nl y i n L e pi d o ptera fr o m a h olistic ec ol o gical a n d ev ol uti o nar y pers pective. U V re fl ecta nce ca n- n ot be st u die d i n is olati o n: i m p orta nt i nteracti o ns a m o n g several ot her varia bles s uc h as li g ht c o n - dit i o ns, ge neral o ptic pr o perties of nat ural o bjects, t he vis ual s yste m, a n d si g nal pr ocessi n g are t h us disc usse d as well, b ut a n overall e m p hasis o n U V re flecta nce is mai ntai ne d t hr o u g h o ut. M ore over, t his w or k...
Spatial and temporal variation of UV reflectance in relation to environmental factors in genus Pieris and Colias.
Stella, David ; Kleisner, Karel (advisor) ; Bogusch, Petr (referee) ; Morehouse, Nathan (referee)
A bst r a ct Ultravi olet ( U V) mea ns' bey o n d vi olet' (fr o m t he Lati n - ultra - bey on d), w here by vi oletis t he c ol o ur wit h hig hestfre q ue nciesi n t he'visi ble'lig ht s pectr u m. By'visi ble' we refer t o h u ma n visi o n b utit m ust be ta ke n i nt o acc o u nt t hat h u ma n vis ual perce pti o n is i n c o m paris o n t o ma ny ot her orga nis ms rat her li mite di n ter ms of wavele ngt hsit ca n perceive. isis w hy c o m m u nicati o ni n t he U V s pectr u mis of- te n calle d hi d de n, alt h o ug hit m ostli kely plays a ver yi m p orta nt r olei n t he c o m m u nicati o n of vari o us ki n ds ofi nf or mati o n a m o ng a wi de variet y of orga nis ms. e ai m of t he prese nt t hesis is t o el uci date t he fu ncti o ns a n d relative i m p orta nce of U V pa er ns mai nl y i n L e pi d o ptera fr o m a h olistic ec ol o gical a n d ev ol uti o nar y pers pective. U V re fl ecta nce ca n- n ot be st u die d i n is olati o n: i m p orta nt i nteracti o ns a m o n g several ot her varia bles s uc h as li g ht c o n - dit i o ns, ge neral o ptic pr o perties of nat ural o bjects, t he vis ual s yste m, a n d si g nal pr ocessi n g are t h us disc usse d as well, b ut a n overall e m p hasis o n U V re flecta nce is mai ntai ne d t hr o u g h o ut. M ore over, t his w or k...
Influence of environmental variables on the shape of ultraviolet pattern in Gonepteryx rhamni
Pecháček, Pavel ; Kleisner, Karel (advisor) ; Hořák, David (referee)
Many species are sensitive to a light in ultraviolet spectrum. Some species have surface patterns that reflect ultraviolet light. These markings have been observed in many animal taxa; butterflies (Lepidoptera) are no exception. UV-reflectance in butterflies has been primarily connected to sexual selection and in this respect it has been a subject of many studies. In my work I propose an alternative view to this phenomenon. The aim of my work is to reveal how a particular environmental factors influence the morphospace of UV- reflectant patterns and wing shape of the Gonepteryx rhamni (Pieridae). The effect of various environmental factors (latitude, longitude, altitude, mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation, normalized difference vegetation index - NDVI or net primary productivity - NPP) on wing morphospace was tested using the methods of Geometric morphometrics. I have also studied shape variability among the males and females, specimens from different locations and differences in morphospace of several G. rhamni subspecies. The dataset used in this analysis includes 118 males and 67 females from the Palearctic ecozone. The effect of almost all environmental (except to NDVI and NPP) predictors on shape of the UV-pattern and wing margin was significant in the case of males. In the...

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