National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Monetary policy of Czech National Bank
Orlovskij, Alexandr ; Kopecká, Lenka (advisor) ; Svoboda, Roman (referee)
The bachelor thesis is dedicated to the monetary policy of Czech National Bank. Thesis is also addressing on the issue of low acceptance of euro in Czech Republic. The work is divided into two parts, the theoretical part is focused on the essential characteristic of central banks, as well as the functions and objectives of the monetary policy of the Czech National Bank and monetary tools by which the central bank achieve stability and balance in the money market and other financial assets. In addition, it defines the most common forms of inflation and deflation, along with impacts on residents and business companies. In the end of theoretical part, thesis characterizes the Maastricht criteria, which Czech Republic must fulfill to accept the common currency. The practical part is devoted to the development of monetary tools, their impact on the economy and the acceptance of the euro in the Czech Republic. It also outlines the development of the Maastricht criteria by Czech Republic. Furthermore the work is focused on comparison of the Slovak economy before and after the introduction of the euro. Also how did Slovak economy developed after the acceptance of the euro. In order to investigate public opinion, was created an anonymous questionnaire, which was distributed in electronic form and took place in the second week of February 2016. The subject of a research is an analysis of the preparedness of Czech citizens to adopt the common currency. In order to view the results of this survey there have been created a chart and commentary on the issue.
Changes in the instruments of ECB monetary policy in connection with the debt crisis in the euro area
Mádle, Miroslav ; Koderová, Jitka (advisor) ; Kaimova, Nadira (referee)
The aim of this work is to identify and valorize the efficiency of ECBs monetary policy instruments change as a reaction on debt crisis in euro area. This work introduce ECBs main objectives and targets. The main focus is placed on ECBs monetary-policy instruments both in the pre-crisis period, and especially during the debt crisis. Work is also trying to determine the effectiveness of non-standard policy of the ECB during the debt crisis, and reveal the hidden risk that this policy brings for the euro area.
Vývoj monetární politiky ČNB v letech 1993-2006
Faltys, Miroslav ; Pichaničová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Skopeček, Jan (referee)
Tato práce sleduje vývoj monetární politiky ČNB. Ukazuje, co monetární politika dělá a jaké monetární nástroje k tomu používá. V další fázi analyzuje chování ČNB v období let 1993-1997, především kompatibilitu cílů, praktickou i teoretickou. Zabývá se i finanční krizí v roce 1997, která měla za následek, že ČNB přešla k novému transmisnímu systému, cílování inflace. Práce vystihuje problémy, se kterýma se musela ČNB potýkat v důsledku transformace české ekonomiky a vstupem České republiky do EU. Shrnuje účinnost monetární politiky, co se týče plnění svých cílů.

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