National Repository of Grey Literature 56 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.08 seconds. 
Zhodnocení zdravotního stavu potkanů v zájmových chovech
This bachelor's thesis was dealing with the issue of diseases in fancy rats (Rattus norvegicus). The literature part consisted of a brief history in the first chapter, in the second chapter there was an introduction to ideal hygiene conditions in rat care, basics of nutrition and diet and suitable breeding facilities. The third, most extensive chapter was focusing on specific diseases of fancy rats. The practical part was conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey, with 106 participants. It aimed to assess the health status and disease prevention of fancy rats in the Czech and Slovak Republics. The results were compiled into charts and graphs for better understanding and were subsequently discussed with the scientific literature and the owners' experiences.
Breeding of the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in captivity and subsequent reintroduction into huntingarea Boršov.
This bachelor thesis deals with the breeding of the wild rabbit and its release into the wild and is based on an effort to reintroduce the wild rabbit into the Czech nature. In the first part it describes the history of the wild rabbit, its breeding in captivity and subsequent transfer to the wild. The next part contains the results of successful release and sustainability of the rabbit in the Boršov hunting ground.
Classification of thorax diseases on chest X-ray images using artificial intelligence
Pijáček, Štěpán ; Mikulec, Marek (referee) ; Mezina, Anzhelika (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá výzkumem použitelných řešení pro problém klasifikace onemocnění hrudníku na rentgenových snímcích hrudníku pomocí umělé inteligence. Pro lepší pochopení problému jsou v prvních kapitolách vysvětleny základní konvoluční neuronové sítě a jejich výhody a nevýhody. Na základě těchto prvních vysvětlení jsou vybrány dvě neuronové sítě, které rozšiřují koncept konvoluční neuronové sítě. Těmito sítěmi jsou kapslová síť a reziduální síť, obě jsou dále vysvětleny v příslušných kapitolách s jejich výhodami a nevýhodami. Reziduální síť a kapslová síť jsou poté implementovány pomocí programovacího jazyka python a frameworku TensorFlow s knihovnou Keras, obě se svými příslušnými kapitolami. Na konci práce jsou uvedeny výsledky a závěr.
Pictures from Life
Hanáčková, Zuzana ; Herotová, Petra (referee) ; Rathouský, Luděk (advisor)
Výslednou prací jsou kresby vyjadřující očekávání a objekty ze sádry znázorňující určité role.Objekty jsou umístěny na čtyřech černý ch soklech, velikostně zvolené podle rozměru objektu.Sokly jsou ve tvaru kvádru, které svým geometrickým tvarem určují každou pozici, fyzickou tělesnost a stabilitu.Role studenta znázorňují knihy(literatura) položené na sobě, poznámky a skici během procesu práce.Objekt pouto za roli manželky.Role matky je spjatá s venuší, kult ženskosti, plodnosti.Za roli umělkyně, jsem představila barvy, které mají symbolizovat umění. V kontextu současného umění studuji literaturu, zabývající se pojetí rolí umělkyně, ženy ve společnosti na přelomu 19, 20 století s konfrontací ze současností.Zkoumám jednotlivé pozice z hlediska psychologie, názory, pojetí uměleckého díla, filozofické eseje, úvahy a tvorbu autorek, (Barbara Sichtermann, Nancy Chodorov, Elisabeth Badinter, Antoinette Fougel, Annie Liebovitz, Susan Sontag, Annette Messager, Patricie Piccinini , Catherine Opie, Bettina Reims, Elžbieta Jablonská). Ze současné české scény se zabývají tématy mateřstvím, rodinou, a spojení umění s běžným životem autoři (Lenka Klodová, Lucie Krejčová, Martin Péč, Marek Rejent, Milena Dopitová). V oblasti psychologie zkoumám úvahy psychoanalytika Michela Schneidera, psychologa Sigmunda Freuda. O instalace uměleckého díla přemýšlím v kontextu tvorby (Denisa Lehocká, Dan Perjovschi, Francis Alys Nedko Solakov, Luboš Plný, Alice Nikitinová, Stano Filko, Dalibor Chatrný, Julius Koller).
Analýza chovu dobrmanů v České republice
Lefnerová, Nikol
The bachelor thesis describes the issue of Doberman breeding in the Czech Republic and partially discusses the standard valid in the United States of America. The specifics of breeding, the history of the breed, including today's use of Dobermans in various segments are described. The bachelor thesis also includes breeding requirements and information on the most common diseases faced by Doberman breeders. It answers questions regarding the occurrence of the two main diseases that Dobermans suffer from and states the degree of influence of these diseases on the quality of life of the affected dogs. This work also researched the average life span of dogs with diagnosed dilated cardiomyopathy. In the thesis the method of questionnaire survey was used to obtain data, as well as the method of data processing and following transformation into graphs and charts. In the practical part of the bachelor's thesis key information on the occurrence of dilated cardiomyopathy and hip dysplasia in the Doberman population was interpreted, along with possible measures that could lead to a reduction in the occurrence of these diseases.
Výskyt škodlivých činitelů na hlízách lilku bramboru
Toma, Milan
This thesis aims to evaluate the health status of potato tubers of the Camelia variety. The practical part was carried out in the year 2022 at two different locations in the western region of Slovakia. One of the goals was to mathematically calculate the predicted, total and net yield per hectare. The yield per hectare in the main market category was also calculated in category 40–60 mm. In terms of health, the wireworm caused the greatest damage at both locations. Damage from heat stress, which resulted in premature germination, second growth, and greening of the tubers, was also a frequent kind of damage. In none of the locations was the Camelia variety attacked or damaged by a disease to which, according to the materials, it has an increased or complete resistance. The total yield was 67,5 t/ha at location No. 1 and 40,7 t/ha at location No. 2. The net yield at site No. 1 reached 60,4 t/ha, and at site No. 2, it was 33,7 t/ha. The yield in the market category reached 21,3 t/ha at location No. 1 and 22,7 t/ha at location No. 2. Location No. 1 achieved a higher yield in most categories, mainly due to the higher amount of applied nitrogen fertilizers.
An Educational Game in Teaching Human Biology at Primary Level
The goal of diploma thesis was to create three author´s didactic games of human biology designated for education of pupils of elementary school. Games were created for 2nd year of the elementary school. The goal of the games was to acquire new knowledges and deeper existing knowledges about a topic human biology. Games follow up topics: structure of human body, senses, diseases and injures. Pupils' knowledges were verified by pretest, posttest n. 1 and posttest n. 2. Results of tests were verified between the experimental group (didactic games) and the control group (common form by using interactive exercises).
Zoohygienic aspects and frequency of occurrence of various diseases and methods of their treatment in a selected zoo
This bachelor's thesis Zoohygienic aspects and frequency of occurrence of various diseases and methods of their treatment in selected zoo contains a literature search describing the welfare of animals, their life in captivity and details of breeding, inc-luding animal diseases and behavioral disorders. It also describes the importance and role of zoos, their distribution and positive and negative aspects. The part of bachelor thesis are animal diseases in connection with visitors i.e. zoonoses and the virus that flew through the world for the first time in 2019. Interactions between animals and visitors are also part of the research.
Základní aspekty výživy dojnic v průběhu laktace
KAZDA, Miloslav
This bachelor's thesis deals with the nutrition of dairy cows during lactation. There is characterized feeding of dairy cows in the whole meantime. Work contains of recommended feed rations with optimum amount nutrients during phases of lactacion. A brief description is also given to the nutrients, feeds and diseases caused by incorrect nutrition.

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