National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
How a Gypsy child can speak Gypsy
This thesis finds out Gypsy children{\crq}s knowledge of the Gypsy language in Český Krumlov. The theoretical part briefly covers the origin of the Gypsies, the history of the Gypsies in our territory, and the Gypsy language and its specifics. The coexistence of the Gypsies and the major society in Český Krumlov is emphasized in the thesis. The practical part presents the outcomes of a research which asked about the extent of Gypsy children{\crq}s knowledge of the Gypsy language. Further, the outcomes are compared with professional literature which deals with Gypsy children{\crq}s education and their knowledge of the Gypsy language. The practical part also includes information about children{\crq}s understanding the difference between two Czech words, both calling the Gypsy language, ``romština{\crqq} (a correct, neutral term) and ``cikánština{\crqq} (a common spoken term, sometimes evoking negative connotations).
Social services and their accessibility in Pardubicky region, case study of microregion Usti nad Orlici
Langrová, Žaneta ; Kouřilová, Jana (advisor) ; Prudká, Šárka (referee)
The aim of this master thesis is analysing the accessibility of social services in Pardubicky region and analysing the accessibility of social services in the area around the town of Usti nad Orlici. In the theoretical part of this thesis is the definition of social politics and principles and models of social politics. Next, this thesis describes models of social politics in the selected states of EU- in Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, France and Slovakia. Following of this section follows description of the social politics and system of social services (definition, quality standards and types of the social services) in the Czech Republic. The last section of the theoretical part compares legislations of the social services in the Czech Republic,France and Slovakia. The practical part of this thesis is focused on social services in Pardubicky region. The introduction of the practical part describes the planning of social services in Pardubicky region. The next section analyse the accessibility of social services for different groups in Pardubicky region. More detailed analyses of accessibility of social services in Pardubicky region is focused on area around the town of Usti nad Orlici
Selected strategic group and communal planning process of social services for the city of Jindrichuv Hradec
Viktorinová, Dana Bc. ; Sedláková, Jaroslava (advisor)
Práce podává přehled o procesu komunitního plánování sociálních služeb v ČR. Nastiňuje problematiku sociální politiky ČR pro seniory. Dále vymezuje pojmy komunitního plánování, jeho principy, metody ,cíle a přínos pro obce a občany. V praktické části uvádí do problematiky procesu plánování sociálních služeb v Jindřichově Hradci pro pracovní skupinu seniorů, informuje o silných a slabých stránkách v oblasti stávajících sociálních služeb pro tuto cílovou skupinu.
Shelters and it's sufficiency in the České Budějovice district
PÁBL, Petr
The work first describes asylum care in general and specifies the individual asylum facilities in the target area. Furthermore, it summarizes the results based on surveys carried by South Bohemian region, statutory capital of the České Budějovice and results of a survey conducted among employees of selected shelters. The following discussion and the conclusion is based on comparing the results of investigations and my own experience with the topic, the question of whether there are enough shelters in České Budějovice district.

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