National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Kinesiological study performed Frenchay Arm Test in patients with spastic hemiparesis
This bachelor thesis is devoted to a kinesiological study of the Frenchay Arm Test in patients with spastic hemiparesis. It is a study focused on the kinesiological analysis of selected items in modified Frenchay Arm Test, which is supplemented with mapping of electrical activity of selected muscles by surface electromyography in patients with spastic hemiparesis before and after botulinum toxin application. The theoretical part describes the different manifestations and forms of spastic paresis. Clinical scales for the assessment of spasticity and treatment options are also presented. The last part is devoted to grip functions and selected tests assessing functional abilities of the hand. One of those listed is the Frenchay Arm Test and its modified version. It is a tool that assesses common activities of daily living. In the practical part, a qualitative research was used. The research sample consisted of two probands with spastic hemiparesis who were indicated for botulinum toxin treatment. Kinesiological analysis was performed on each before and after botulinum toxin application. It included medical history, aspect, palpation, examination of sensation, reflexes and muscle strength, goniometry, spasticity examination according to Gracies and modified Frenchay Arm Test (mFAT). Three items were selected from this test, kinesiologically described in the practical section, in which the activity of selected muscles was mapped by surface electromyography (SEMG). By comparing the results, it was possible to observe the changes in muscle activity that occurred as a result of rehabilitation, botulinum toxin application and the kinesiological performance itself. It has been documented that mFAT is a suitable test for monitoring the effects of therapy in patients with spastic hemiparesis. However, it is important that it is evaluated by experienced therapists and its accurate performance is maintained. SEMG is a suitable method for mapping muscle activity, although the results and their interpretation are limited by the methodology of performance and the processing of the recording.
Therapy of spasticity with botulinum toxin and assessment of the effect by Tardieu Scale
Hochová, Anna ; Angerová, Yvona (advisor) ; Svěcená, Kateřina (referee)
Title: Therapy of spasticity with botulinum toxin and assessment of the effect by Tardieu Scale Abstract: This paper discusses paralysing effect of botulinum toxin which is used to treat spastic muscles in contemporary medicine. The paper focuses on spasticity in patients with disorder of the central nervous system caused most commonly by stroke. At first it deals with theoretical knowledge about physiology of movement, then describes active ingredient and explains the mechanism of its effect. It dedicates a lot of attention to follow-up rehabilitation as an integral part in the management of spasticity. This paper is based on two case histories. A practical part describes in detail patient's condition before and after application of botulinum toxin. A progress of the effect was assessed during periodic meetings. These instruments were used to assess: Tardieu Scale of spasticity and Frenchay arm test. In connection with the application of botulinum toxin is emphasized active co-operation of the patient. It is an essential precondition for positive results in the management of spasticity. Key words: spasticity Tardieu Scale upper motor neuron syndrome Frenchay arm test botulinum toxin kinesiotherapy occupational therapy
Using the Frenchay Arm Test in monitoring the effect of botulinum toxin in spastic patients after brain damage
Medková, Lia ; Angerová, Yvona (advisor) ; Čábelková, Alžběta (referee)
bachelor's thesis: Bachelor's thesis deals with the use of Frenchay Arm Test to study the effect of botulinum toxin to patients with spasticity after brain damage. A question is raised, whether Frenchay Arm Test, is test of self-sufficiency and hand function, is useful for monitoring the effects of botulinum toxin in these patients. The theoretical part explains the physiology of human movement and the consequences of brain damage to motoric. It deals with the increased stretch muscle, i.e. spasticity of patients after brain damage. Furthermore, it introduces the theory of application of botulinum toxin, which in small amounts affects spasticity and helps promote self-sufficiency of a patient. Frenchay Arm Test is presented as appropriate diagnostic method and benefits of applying this method by Occupational therapist are described. In the practical part, the Frenchay Arm Test is applied to two patients prior to application of botulinum toxin, month after and three months after application. The results are evaluated based on modified Frenchay scale and complemented by labels marking individual acts. The emphasis lies on the overall rehabilitation of the patient, which is considered a key to the successful treatment. Keywords: Spasticity, Botulinum, Frenchay Arm Test, Brain Damage, Occupational...
Therapy of spasticity with botulinum toxin and assessment of the effect by Tardieu Scale
Hochová, Anna ; Angerová, Yvona (advisor) ; Svěcená, Kateřina (referee)
Title: Therapy of spasticity with botulinum toxin and assessment of the effect by Tardieu Scale Abstract: This paper discusses paralysing effect of botulinum toxin which is used to treat spastic muscles in contemporary medicine. The paper focuses on spasticity in patients with disorder of the central nervous system caused most commonly by stroke. At first it deals with theoretical knowledge about physiology of movement, then describes active ingredient and explains the mechanism of its effect. It dedicates a lot of attention to follow-up rehabilitation as an integral part in the management of spasticity. This paper is based on two case histories. A practical part describes in detail patient's condition before and after application of botulinum toxin. A progress of the effect was assessed during periodic meetings. These instruments were used to assess: Tardieu Scale of spasticity and Frenchay arm test. In connection with the application of botulinum toxin is emphasized active co-operation of the patient. It is an essential precondition for positive results in the management of spasticity. Key words: spasticity Tardieu Scale upper motor neuron syndrome Frenchay arm test botulinum toxin kinesiotherapy occupational therapy

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