National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Psychological and social aspects of healthcare personnel's work with a dying patient
Sláviková, Karolína ; Šivicová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Šturma, Jaroslav (referee)
The goal of this thesis, "Psychological and social aspects of healthcare personnel's work with a dying patient", is to examine the socially unattractive issue of dying. Despite the fact that dying is a natural process, we often treat it with contempt and concern. We inspect this topic through a prism of healthcare personnel view, who is in contact with dying and death on a daily basis. In the theoretical part, we have first described the concept of death from historical point of view and afterwards we have narrowed it down to psychological-medical view of dying. Next, we have introduced the area of lenitive care for a dying patient, which is closely related to the topic of euthanasia. Of course, in relation to euthanasia, we then talked about medical ethics. This way we have circled around the relationship between a medic and his patient, the specifics of their communication, and finally we have described the psychological stress of healthcare personnel, possible coping strategies and eventual defensive mechanisms. Bibliography also features current research, both domestic and foreign. In the empirical part, we have attempted to map and describe psychosocial aspects relevant to working with a dying patient, with emphasis on identifying stress factors and strategies for healthcare personnel to cope...
Dying in Medical Institution from the Point of View of Nursing Staff
The bachelor's thesis deals with dying in medical institution from the point of view of nursing staff. The thesis is divided into theoretical and research parts. The theoretical part of the thesis contains basic information and concepts related to dying and death, the impact of dying on nursing staff and the specifics of nursing care for dying patients. The main aim was to find out what support the nursing staff receives from the management and how the nursing staff provide for the needs of the dying patient. In order to achieve these objectives, five research questions were identified. The empirical part of the thesis was done through a qualitative research investigation in the form of a semi-structured interview, which included twenty-one questions. The research population consisted of nurse practitioners and general nurses in the selected hospital wards. The collected information was then processed in the form of open coding and then categorized into seven categories. From the results, it is clear that psychological support from the management is mainly provided to the nursing staff by the station or head nurse. In case of psychological need, the nursing staff refer more to family and friends. A large number of informants were identified with burnout syndrome, which can result from a lack of psychological support from the management, that could be provided for example in the form of seminars or through visiting a psychologist. The second objective revealed that the pain control, hygienic care adapted to the patient's health condition and the provision of food according to the patient's wishes are essential to ensure biological needs. The support from the staff is important to meet psychological needs, which is often neglected due to the lack of time and staff. The social needs are mainly provided by the family of the dying patient through visits or by a hospital chaplain. The most common obstacle is the arrangement of patient rooms, which is not suitable for ensuring the privacy of the dying patient and his/her family. The results of the thesis research were used to form the basis of a workshop for nurses.
Preparedness of students for encountering the care for dying patients and death
The thesis aims to map the current state of preparedness of students of non-physician medical disciplines for meeting with the care for dying patients and death. On the basis of the set objective the following hypotheses were formed: H1: At the chosen disciplines, the preparedness of the students for meeting with the care for dying patients and death differs. H2: With age of the students, the preparedness of the students for meeting with the care for dying patients and death differs. H3: With the length of the practice of the students, the preparedness of the students for meeting with the care for dying patients and death differs. H4: At undergraduate and postgraduate study of nurses, the preparedness of the students for meeting with the care for dying patients and death differs. H5: On the basis of previous experience with terminally ill patient, the preparedness of the students for meeting with the care for dying patients and death differs. In the empirical part of the thesis was used the method of quantitative research using survey which was distributed among the students of the chosen disciplines at Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The research connected with the thesis was realized within solution of the team grant project of Grant Agency of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice - Utilization of Measuring Tools in Nursing (058/2018/S). The survey had two parts. Non-standardized part was focused on finding out of the basic identification data of respondents, information connected with approach and experience of the students with dying and with death not only of patients, with teaching of the palliative care within preparation of students at Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The second part of the survey was made up of standardized tool "Frommelt Attitude Toward Care of the Dying Scale (FATCOD-B)" containing 42 questions. The gathered filled in surveys were after optical inspection entered into the program SASD. In it and also in the program SPSS were then conducted subsequent data analysis with utilization of the first and the second level of sorting. During the research it was confirmed that at the chosen disciplines, with age and with the length of practice the preparedness of students for meeting with the care for dying and death differs. On the contrary it was not confirmed that the preparedness of the students for meeting with the care for dying patients and death at undergraduate and postgraduate study of nurses and on the basis of previous experience with terminally ill patient would differ. The results of the research reveal weaknesses in the preparedness of the students for meeting with the care for dying patients and death especially in the area of practical application of obtained theoretical knowledge. The students in survey expressed that they are afraid, feel anxious and do not know how to communicate in caring for the dying and dead. To these and other problems we react in the thesis output in the form of the university subject that should help to improve their preparedness.
Faith in a terminal stage of disease
This work examines faith development of people in the terminal phase of illness. The theoretical part of this work describes faith from the theological point of view and from the perspective of the psychology of religion. It also aims to characterize the meaning of terminal phase and focuses on dying patients. The practical part consists of interviews with dying patients situated in the Hospice of Saint Lazarus in Pilsen. The practical part also describes human approach towatds faith in the last part of their life. It addresses the importance of faith in this uneasy situation.
The Palliative Care in Slovak Republic and Opportunities of Social Work - Comparison of selected Aspects with Czech Republic
Hrušková, Adriána ; Cimrmannová, Tereza (advisor) ; Ondrušová, Jiřina (referee)
This diploma thesis describes Opportunities of Social Work in paliative care in Slovak republic and compares seleccted aspects with Czech republic. Main goal of this work was describe system of paliative care in Slovak republic and compare selected aspekts with Czech republic. Empirical part of this work is focused on blind spaces in paliative care and system of paliative care which was mapped especially by literature and ilustrative intriview with one respondent. Work poits to the need to provide social servoces in paliative care.
Psychological and social aspects of healthcare personnel's work with a dying patient
Sláviková, Karolína ; Šivicová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Šturma, Jaroslav (referee)
The goal of this thesis, "Psychological and social aspects of healthcare personnel's work with a dying patient", is to examine the socially unattractive issue of dying. Despite the fact that dying is a natural process, we often treat it with contempt and concern. We inspect this topic through a prism of healthcare personnel view, who is in contact with dying and death on a daily basis. In the theoretical part, we have first described the concept of death from historical point of view and afterwards we have narrowed it down to psychological-medical view of dying. Next, we have introduced the area of lenitive care for a dying patient, which is closely related to the topic of euthanasia. Of course, in relation to euthanasia, we then talked about medical ethics. This way we have circled around the relationship between a medic and his patient, the specifics of their communication, and finally we have described the psychological stress of healthcare personnel, possible coping strategies and eventual defensive mechanisms. Bibliography also features current research, both domestic and foreign. In the empirical part, we have attempted to map and describe psychosocial aspects relevant to working with a dying patient, with emphasis on identifying stress factors and strategies for healthcare personnel to cope...
Palliative Care Confronted with Euthanasia and Consequent Meaning of Social Work
The study deals with fundamental issue of palliative care which is defined as active and complete care of the patient with sickness unresponsive to curative care, it shows the possibilities of palliative care and its ways to achieve the most possible quality of patient´s and his family´s life. The ideal is to relieve symptoms such as physical pain, psychical, social and the spiritual one also. The study focuses mainly on the mission and the tasks of medical profession as well as on the social work during the care of uncurable patient and of his family. There are some reflexions about dying and death in the first chapter, and in that context it´s not possible to avoid the problematic of euthanasia which has as many fervent proponents as opponents. The fourth chapter deals with this ethic dilemma. The meaning of social work in palliative care emerged from the confrontation of the euthanasia with the palliative care is treated in the fifth chapter.

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