National Repository of Grey Literature 25 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Optimization of infill selection with an emphasis on maximum dynamic resistance
Konvalina, Michal ; Svoboda, Petr (referee) ; Jopek, Miroslav (advisor)
The thesis deals with the study of the effect of different wall thicknesses of 3D printed infill patterns at constant cross-sectional area on their final properties under static and dynamic loading. Based on literature study, two experimental methods are chosen. The quasi-static test and the Taylor anvil test. For the experiment, square and hexagonal grid specimens are printed using FDM technology from PLA material. Quasi-static test is used to measure the static properties such as maximum compressive strength, yield stress, modulus of elasticity and to derive material model of Johnson-Cook. The dynamic impact test TAT is used to evaluate different types of patterns at high impact velocities. In ANSYS, the specimens that resisted the highest impact velocities in TAT are simulated and strain rate sensitivity parameter is optimized for the specific velocity. The highest dynamic resistance was achieved by a square infill pattern with wall thickness of 0,4 mm at an impact velocity of 37 ms-1.
Computational simulation of mechanical behaviour of living cell
Wojtek, Lukáš ; Fuis, Vladimír (referee) ; Jadrná, Lucie (advisor)
The presented thesis deals with the structure of animal cells and their mechanical response to mechanical loading. Mechanically important component in the creation of a computational model of a cell is cytoskeleton. It consists of actin filaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules. The work focuses on determining the stiffness of microtubules and its effect on the overall stiffness of cells. Due to the different properties of microtubules in tension and compression, an effective modulus of elasticity has to be found using computational modeling. The influence of the newly found modulus of elasticity on the overall mechanical response of the cells was ensured by a simulation of a mechanical test of an adherent cell under pressure. That was achieved by using a hybrid computational model of cells containing, in addition to the cytoskeleton, the continuum of cells – nucleus, cytoplasm and cytoplasmic membrane. The results of this thesis should serve as a basis for further research on the effect of cytoskeleton stiffness on the mechanical response of the cell.
Computational simulation of the compression test of the open cell metal foam
Homola, Václav ; Skalka, Petr (referee) ; Ševeček, Oldřich (advisor)
The thesis presents computational simulation of compression test of a nickel foam and the 3D reconstruction of micro-CT images was utilized to generate the foam’s model of geometry. Explicit FEM is used to simulate compression test using software tool LS-DYNA and the stress–deformation curve is obtained together with deformed model’s mesh used for subsequent analysis. Sensitivity analyses were performed to configure the model and ensure best fit with values obtained during real-life experiment. The ANSYS Classic environment was then used to simulate tensile test of the foam compressed to various thicknesses. The tensile moduli in three mutually perpendicular directions of nickel foam were computed and the results were compared to experimental values as well. The results of tensile test simulation revealed considerable anisotropy of the foam’s elastic behavior. It can be said that the measured experimental data correspond very well with the elastic properties obtained from simulation up to certain level of compression. Analysis of the relationship between the element size and tensile moduli showed a significant difference between fine and coarse mesh. The optimal level of discretization and the overall model configuration ensuring high level of accuracy is proposed in this thesis.
Experimental analysis of anchor zones of reinforced concrete elements strengthened with steel plates
Vepřek, Karel ; Láník, Jaromír (referee) ; Žítt, Petr (advisor)
Anchorage method of external reinforcement for verification anchor areas by experimental analysis. Design and manufacture of trial units for laboratory testing. Running tests of chosen mechanical qualities of trial units. Experimental analysis of trial units in laboratory and creation of mathematic model by Athena software.Evaluation of experimental analysis and comparing with figures of numeric analysis and statistical calculation.Graphical comparing of results and concluding overall assessment.
Computational Simulation of Mechanical Tests of Isolated Animal Cells
Bansod, Yogesh Deepak ; Kučera,, Ondřej (referee) ; Florian, Zdeněk (referee) ; Canadas, Patrick (referee) ; Burša, Jiří (advisor)
Buňka tvoří složitý biologický systém vystavený mnoha mimobuněčným mechanickým podnětům. Hlubší pochopení jejího mechanického chování je důležité pro charakterizaci její odezvy v podmínkách zdraví i nemoci. Výpočtové modelování může rozšířit pochopení mechaniky buňky, která může přispívat k vytvoření vztahů mezi strukturou a funkcí různých typů buněk v různých stavech. Za tímto účelem byly pomocí metody konečných prvků (MKP) vytvořeny dva bendotensegritní modely buňky v různých stavech: model vznášející se buňky pro analýzu její globální mechanické odezvy, jako je protažení nebo stlačení, a model buňky přilnuté k podložce, který vysvětluje odezvu buňky na lokální mechanické zatížení, jako třeba vtlačování hrotu při mikroskopii atomárních sil (AFM). Oba zachovávají základní principy tensegritních struktur jako je jejich předpětí a vzájemné ovlivnění mezi komponentami, ale prvky se mohou nezávisle pohybovat. Zahrnutí nedávno navržené bendotensegritní koncepce umožňuje těmto modelům brát v úvahu jak tahové, tak i ohybové namáhání mikrotubulů (MTs) a také zahrnout vlnitost intermediálních filament (IFs). Modely předpokládají, že jednotlivé složky cytoskeletu mohou měnit svůj tvar a uspořádání, aniž by při jejich odstranění došlo ke kolapsu celé buněčné struktury, a tak umožňují hodnotit mechanický příspěvek jednotlivých složek cytoskeletu k mechanice buňky. Model vznášející se buňky napodobuje realisticky odezvu síla-deformace během protahování a stlačování buňky a obě odezvy ilustrují nelineární nárůst tuhosti s růstem mechanického zatížení. Výsledky simulací ukazují, že aktinová filamenta i mikrotubuly hrají klíčovou úlohu při určování tahové odezvy buňky, zatímco k její tlakové odezvě přispívají podstatně jen aktinová filamenta. Model buňky přilnuté k podložce dává odezvu síla-hloubka vtlačení ve dvou různých místech odpovídající nelineární odezvě zjištěné experimentálně při AFM. Výsledky simulací ukazují, že pro chování buňky je rozhodující místo vtlačení a její tuhost určují aktinová povrchová vrstva, mikrotubuly a cytoplazma. Navržené modely umožňují cenný vhled do vzájemných souvislostí mechanických vlastností buněk, do mechanické úlohy komponent cytoskeletu jak individuálně, tak i ve vzájemné synergii a do deformace jádra buňky za různých podmínek mechanického zatížení. Tudíž tato práce přispívá k lepšímu pochopení mechaniky cytoskeletu zodpovědné za chování buňky, což naopak může napomáhat ve zkoumání různých patologických podmínek jako je rakovina a cévní choroby.
Study of influence of input parameters for the numerical modeling of the compression test
Polách, Marek ; Keršner, Zbyněk (referee) ; Lehký, David (advisor)
The thesis analyses influence of input parametres of the 3D Non Linear Cementitious 2 material model for the numerical modeling of compression test performed in ATENA 2D and ATENA 3D software. The aim is to identify parametres with considerable influence and subsequently replicate the load-deflection curve obtained from laboratory compression test by numerical modeling. The effects of selected model and material model settings are studied on three kind of models in total. As tools for analyzing the effects, deterministic and statistic sensitivity analyses were chosen. Parametres with significant influence will be highlighted and added to the group of parametres obtained from numerical modeling of three-point bending test. This will create a set of parametres of considerable influence when it comes to modeling advanced structures with different types of stresses.
Experimental and numerical analysis of strenghtened reinforced concrete member loaded to bending
Vepřek, Karel ; Láník, Jaromír (referee) ; Žítt, Petr (advisor)
Design and manufacture of test elements for experimental testing laboratory. Testing of selected mechanical characteristics of test elements. Experimental analysis of test elements in the lab, creating a mathematical model in ATENA software and static calculation. Evaluation of experimental analysis and comparison with the values of numerical analysis. Graphic comparing the results of a final overall evaluation.
Diagnostics of flooring failures and defects in the housing and civic construction
Vrtal, Roman ; Žítt, Petr (referee) ; Schmid, Pavel (advisor)
The object of the thesis is a description of preparation process, realization and subsequent treatment of floors based on calcium sulphate, including problems related to the issue. The aim of the work is to closely acquaint the reader with methods used in diagnostics of flooring failures and defects in the housing and civic construction, including practical applications of these methods on real structures. The work also includes experimental analysis of a real floor construction during local load effect.
Experimental and numerical analysis of strengthened reinforced concrete member with rigid boundary conditions
Ptáčková, Kristina ; Láník, Jaromír (referee) ; Žítt, Petr (advisor)
A proposal how to conduct a compression test of reinforced concrete objects with one beam inserted from both sides exposed to a four-point bending. A theoretical proposal of the most appropriate form of reinforcement of the reinforced concrete object including a suggestion how to increase its tensile strength based on the chosen crushing load and the positioning of the beam (static calculation). Presentation of the project, static compression test measurement and all the other necessary measurements (elastic modulus, strenth of the material etc.). Development of a mathematical model with the help of Atena software. Evaluation and comparison of the results in analytical and experimental part of the project. Recommendations for implementation of similar experimental tests.
Optimization of the safety shoe
Scholz, David ; Hrůza, Václav (referee) ; Sláma, David (advisor)
This thesis deals with designing shape modifications of a toecap used in Honeywell brand safety shoes. The thesis shows algorithm of compression test and impact test FEA in ANSYS software. The toecap was divided into areas according to von-Misses stress. Several modifications were made in all areas separately, according to design of experiments. Best of the modifications were combined together and two best combinations selected. The goals were verified by experimental testing of manufactured toecaps. The results were even a little bit better than simulations.

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