National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis
Bíl, Tomáš ; Kodym, Oldřich (referee) ; Španěl, Michal (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is developing convolutional neural network which is able to classify if x-ray images are suitable for cephalometry analysis. Four networks were created and trained on a dataset for this purpose. Two of them are VGG type, one is based on UNet and one is Resnet. The dataset was generated from ct scan images. VGG network with four blocks has got the best results.  Measured accuracy performed on test dataset is 97%.
Analysis and Modelling of Medical Images
Vrba, Jan ; Mekyska, Jiří (referee) ; Smékal, Zdeněk (advisor)
The main objective of this thesis is an analysis of assessment techniques face, and cephalometric evaluation methods that are suitable for treatment of jaw position and design methods for treatment of jaw. At the same time the emphasis is on studying the methods,java advance imaging, which are used for the curvature of the image and should be able to meet the objectives of the assignment. These adjustments can be made using the Warp. Result of this work is an application developed in JAVA programming language, which demonstrates the best method for modifying the image. This method is WarpGrid. The application was made in the development environment eclipse. With this application, depending on the mouse action is possible to modify the image.
Deep Learning Model Uncertainty in Medical Image Analysis
Drevický, Dušan ; Kolář, Martin (referee) ; Kodym, Oldřich (advisor)
Táto práca sa zaoberá určením neistoty v predikciách modelov hlbokého učenia. Aj keď sa týmto modelom darí dosahovať vynikajúce výsledky v mnohých oblastiach počítačového videnia, ich výstupy sú väčšinou deterministické a neposkytujú mnoho informácií o tom, ako si je model istý svojou predpoveďou. To je obzvlášť dôležité pri analýze lekárskych obrazových dát, kde môžu mať omyly vysokú cenu a schopnosť detekovať neisté predikcie by umožnila dohliadajúcemu lekárovi spracovať relevantné prípady manuálne. V tejto práci aplikujem niekoľko rôznych metrík vyvinutých v nedávnom výskume pre určenie neistoty na modely hlbokého učenia natrénované pre lokalizáciu cefalometrických landmarkov. Následne ich vyhodnotím a porovnávam v sade experimentov, ktorých úlohou je určiť, nakoľko jednotlivé metriky poskytujú užitočnú informáciu o tom, ako si je model istý svojou predpoveďou.
Influence of the occlusal plane inclination on the functional condition of the orofacial region .
Yurchenko, Maksim ; Hubálková, Hana (advisor) ; Németh, Tibor (referee) ; Jenča, Andrej (referee)
The functioning of maxillofacial complex as a one unit is an important condition of fulfilling several functions connected with this area of human body. A maxillofacial region and other parts of the body are connected through occlusion, one of the basic characteristics of which is occlusal plane. According to the number of researchers, 3D orientation of occlusal plane, its shape and possible deformation can have an influence on other anatomic structures via a system of a complex neuromuscular reactions. This theory assumes that the adjustment of occlusal plane inclination causes redistribution and redirection of the chewing forces in the adjacent structures which will subsequently manifest itself in the adjustment of the tension of different muscles. Aim The aim of an experimental part of the research was to define the influence of occlusal plane inclination on the function of maxillofacial region with the focus of jaw joints and chewing muscles. The next goal was to determine the figures of sagittal and frontal inclination of occlusal plane which can be considered as physiological. Patients and Methods The research was based on the examination of 87 people of both genders, different age groups with a complete set of teeth and without chronic diseases. The participants were divided in two groups...
Change of Cephalometric Values Focused on Labial Bone Thickness
Filipová, Diana ; Dostálová, Taťjana (advisor) ; Racek, Jaroslav (referee) ; Špidlen, Miloš (referee)
The morphology of the craniofacial complex is prone to alterations resulting from a wide range of external factors. In the first part of the presented thesis, we analysed the influence of slow long- term changes of the environment and population genome by comparing historical (11-12th century AD) and contemporary skulls using cephalometric X-ray images. The second part focuses on the effects of orthodontic treatment on bone thickness in relevant areas, with the analysis being based on Cone Beam computed tomography. A comparison of the palatal angle of 115 historical and 75 contemporary skulls revealed a statistically significant decrease of this parameter. The follow-up of 58 patients utilizing three- dimensional diagnostic imaging measurements before and after treatment revealed a statistically significant decrease in vestibular bone thickness, without changes of total alveolar width. Our analysis revealed a substantial bone response to respective forces, with relevant clinical implications - respecting the anatomical limits of the range of motion is essential to achieve therapeutic success and to avoid alveolar defects. Keywords: 3D imaging, CBCT, cephalometry, orthodontics, dentistry
Influence of the occlusal plane inclination on the functional condition of the orofacial region .
Yurchenko, Maksim ; Hubálková, Hana (advisor) ; Németh, Tibor (referee) ; Jenča, Andrej (referee)
The functioning of maxillofacial complex as a one unit is an important condition of fulfilling several functions connected with this area of human body. A maxillofacial region and other parts of the body are connected through occlusion, one of the basic characteristics of which is occlusal plane. According to the number of researchers, 3D orientation of occlusal plane, its shape and possible deformation can have an influence on other anatomic structures via a system of a complex neuromuscular reactions. This theory assumes that the adjustment of occlusal plane inclination causes redistribution and redirection of the chewing forces in the adjacent structures which will subsequently manifest itself in the adjustment of the tension of different muscles. Aim The aim of an experimental part of the research was to define the influence of occlusal plane inclination on the function of maxillofacial region with the focus of jaw joints and chewing muscles. The next goal was to determine the figures of sagittal and frontal inclination of occlusal plane which can be considered as physiological. Patients and Methods The research was based on the examination of 87 people of both genders, different age groups with a complete set of teeth and without chronic diseases. The participants were divided in two groups...
Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis
Bíl, Tomáš ; Kodym, Oldřich (referee) ; Španěl, Michal (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is developing convolutional neural network which is able to classify if x-ray images are suitable for cephalometry analysis. Four networks were created and trained on a dataset for this purpose. Two of them are VGG type, one is based on UNet and one is Resnet. The dataset was generated from ct scan images. VGG network with four blocks has got the best results.  Measured accuracy performed on test dataset is 97%.
Deep Learning Model Uncertainty in Medical Image Analysis
Drevický, Dušan ; Kolář, Martin (referee) ; Kodym, Oldřich (advisor)
Táto práca sa zaoberá určením neistoty v predikciách modelov hlbokého učenia. Aj keď sa týmto modelom darí dosahovať vynikajúce výsledky v mnohých oblastiach počítačového videnia, ich výstupy sú väčšinou deterministické a neposkytujú mnoho informácií o tom, ako si je model istý svojou predpoveďou. To je obzvlášť dôležité pri analýze lekárskych obrazových dát, kde môžu mať omyly vysokú cenu a schopnosť detekovať neisté predikcie by umožnila dohliadajúcemu lekárovi spracovať relevantné prípady manuálne. V tejto práci aplikujem niekoľko rôznych metrík vyvinutých v nedávnom výskume pre určenie neistoty na modely hlbokého učenia natrénované pre lokalizáciu cefalometrických landmarkov. Následne ich vyhodnotím a porovnávam v sade experimentov, ktorých úlohou je určiť, nakoľko jednotlivé metriky poskytujú užitočnú informáciu o tom, ako si je model istý svojou predpoveďou.
Analysis and Modelling of Medical Images
Vrba, Jan ; Mekyska, Jiří (referee) ; Smékal, Zdeněk (advisor)
The main objective of this thesis is an analysis of assessment techniques face, and cephalometric evaluation methods that are suitable for treatment of jaw position and design methods for treatment of jaw. At the same time the emphasis is on studying the methods,java advance imaging, which are used for the curvature of the image and should be able to meet the objectives of the assignment. These adjustments can be made using the Warp. Result of this work is an application developed in JAVA programming language, which demonstrates the best method for modifying the image. This method is WarpGrid. The application was made in the development environment eclipse. With this application, depending on the mouse action is possible to modify the image.

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