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Zhodnocení distribuce a početnosti vlka (Canis lupus L.) na Broumovsku, jeho vliv na zvěř a škody na zvířatech
Strnad, Vojtěch
This thesis deals with the occurrence of wolves in the Broumov region, the damage they cause to livestock and its influence on the abundance of ungulates. Interest area was a protected landscape area Broumovsko where wolves appeared in 2015. In this territory were determined areas where the attacks were recorded. Then, the damage was analyzed in more detail and risk factors associated with wolf attacks were determined. The most endangered livestock were sheep placed overnight on pastures that were directly adjacent to the forest or within 600 meters of it. Another important risk factor is the calving of cows on pastures. The only effective fencing seems to be a solid mesh fence complemented with a conductor located 15-20 cm above the ground. The presence of wolves was significantly reflected in the number of mouflons, when there was a decrease of almost 90 % in the area with the longest confirmed occurrence of wolves. The number of other ungulates were not significantly affected. Based on the found residential signs and the distribution of attacks, it can be judged that the wolves are staying mainly in the vicinity of the Adršpašsko-teplické skály, Broumovské stěny and Javoří hory. Based on photos of wolves puppies from photo traps, the number of wolves moving in the Broumov region can be estimated at a minimum of 16.
Analýza vybraného krajinného a sídelního prostoru v CHKO Broumovsko
Kučera, Vojtěch
This graduation thesis has as its object to descripe historical colonisation of choice land CHKO Broumovsko. In the second part of the thesis are interpreted pozitive and negative influence in development area CHKO Broumovsko. It the third part of the thesis is analysed part of area where are build the Dientzenhofer's country churches. For all thesis was selected area of protected landscape area Broumovsko.
Renewal of a Pilgrimage Tradition in Czech Context
Madro, Tomáš ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Mléčka, Jan (advisor)
Involvement of Czech Republic to the Europe-wide network of pilgrimage routes, which are leading to Santiago de Compostela. Bring back the tradition of traveling through the physical and mental landscape. Form of the path and its meaning as a part of the whole, but also on one’s own, independently, with its own beginning and destination. Presentation of unique landscape and human values and their mutuall blending and influencing in the course of history
Fragments of silence
Machač, Ondřej ; Chuchlíková, Ida (referee) ; Mléčka, Jan (advisor)
Diploma thesis “Fragments of silence” explores the landscape of Broumov region. This thesis reacts to a current problematic relationship of people and nature - overturism. This work endeavors to bring an alternative to visiting nature and to inspire people to take a trip even outside the main center of interest. The proposal consists of seven small architectural interventions in hidden places, which have been already altered by human activity. Interventions seek for the essence of these places, they present new ways how to complete those places and initiate new relations, experiences and feelings. The goal of this thesis is to show vision of gentle ways how micro architecture can enter the valuable landscape.
Krajinářská studie modelového území
Weberová, Anna
This bachelor thesis is devoted to the topic of Landscape study. The thesis represents tools and methods that affect, assess and protect the landscape of the Czech Republic. It is mainly international and national legislative tools and tools of economic support. Out off methods it is devoted to the ones that are concerned about landscape protection and preservation. Thorough survey of all the available basis and field research were made in the model area, the area of cadastre of the village Šonov, Based on this analysis the overall concept of the area was created. This concept leads to preservation of natural and social-cultural values in this area. In some areas it is executed more in detail and these proposals are for instance about antierosion measures, territorial system of ecological stability, rehabilitation of sacred sites etc.
Fragments of silence
Machač, Ondřej ; Chuchlíková, Ida (referee) ; Mléčka, Jan (advisor)
Diploma thesis “Fragments of silence” explores the landscape of Broumov region. This thesis reacts to a current problematic relationship of people and nature - overturism. This work endeavors to bring an alternative to visiting nature and to inspire people to take a trip even outside the main center of interest. The proposal consists of seven small architectural interventions in hidden places, which have been already altered by human activity. Interventions seek for the essence of these places, they present new ways how to complete those places and initiate new relations, experiences and feelings. The goal of this thesis is to show vision of gentle ways how micro architecture can enter the valuable landscape.
Perception of Present Cross-border Cooperation by Representatives of Municipalities in the Czech-Polish Borderland: Case Study of the Broumov Region
Fiala, Marek ; Chromý, Pavel (advisor) ; Osoba, Petr (referee)
The thesis deals with cross-border cooperation in the Czech-Polish borderland. The Broumov region is a peripheral region which is situated along the border. The location provides good oportunities for cooperation. The aim of the work is to discover how possibilities of cross-border cooperation are perceived in the region by the municipality representatives. The research is based on a structured interview.
Návrh zážitkové naučné stezky v okolí Broumova
Machková, Lenka
Educational trail was proposed to connect town of Broumov historical city centre and the Broumov Walls. Trail begins in the town square, then reaches cemetery church, continues through the village Krinice and ends in Hvezda. This trail follows local folk tales which are the main topic. The trail length is 7,7 km and has 10 information panels. The trail also has an accessories. There are 8 benches, one pavilion with seats and one bike stand in place, from where you can't continue on the bike. Trail also contains interactive elements where visitors can try various games. This thesis has construction schema of all elements, budget and options for funding. Thesis contains proposal for promotion, including leaflet design.
Zhodnocení distribuce a početnosti vlka na Broumovsku, jeho vliv na zvěř a škody na zvířatech
Strnad, Vojtěch
The return of the permanent population of wolves in the Czech Republic is a frequently discussed topic, especially in connection with the harms caused by wolves to livestock farmers. This thesis deals with the distribution and abundance of wolves in the Broumov region, where the wolves returned in 2015 and have successfully reproduced since 2016. Furthermore, it evaluates the harms to livestock and the impact on animals. This issue is solved in three levels. The first level provides information about the harms to farm animals, which was registered between 2015-2018, divides the territory of the PLA Broumovsko into several areas of attacks and informs about the number of farmed animals in these areas. The second level deals with the influence of the presence of wolves on the number of cloven-hoofed game between 2015-2018 in the area where the wolves are observed for the longest time and there are the greatest harms to livestock. The last level solves the abundance and distribution of wolves in the Broumov region, based on pictures from photo traps and found droppings.

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