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Příležitosti rozvoje vybraného ekologického chovu
Kněžourová, Tereza
The bachelor’s thesis deals with the standard production and economic analysis of a specific ecological farm for a one-year period. The farm is primarily focused on breeding beef cattle and horses. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the company’s activities and to propose possible steps leading to the optimization of its activities. The thesis is divided into two main parts – the theoretical, and the practical. The theoretical part introduces the issue and focuses on the description of this issue. After getting acquainted with the theme, the description of the selected farm is performed. Furthermore, the basic economic analyzes were also explained and performed. This is followed up by the calculation of economic results and the evaluation of the company’s economy. Finally, the possible steps were proposed to improve methods and profitability of the farm.
Dotační možnosti v živočišné výrobě se zaměřením na chov skotu
Pešová, Pavlína
The topic of the bachelor thesis is subsidies in agriculture with a focus on cattle breeding. The aim of this work is to characterize subsidies and describe their functioning in agriculture based on concrete measures in the Czech Republic. It focuses on the conditions that grant applicants must follow and on the control institutions that supervise the correct functioning of the entire system. Moreover, the thesis deals with the importance of cattle breeding and its distribution. The most common breeds of dairy, meat and combined cattle in the Czech Republic are characterized. The practical part of the thesis includes the current use of subsidies in the Agris, a. s. company.
Vliv ročního období na užitkovost a chování krav bez tržní produkce mléka
Hlaváčková, Marta
The literature review of the thesis describes a season effect on the suckler cows behaviour and performance. The work itself is divided into three parts. The first part is devoted to the evaluation of the influence of extreme ambient temperatures on the rest of cattle by the proportion of standing and lying animals. Observations showed, that, under these conditions cows prefer to rest by standing. The second part, was the evaluation of the performance of cows, according to the breed, the order of lactation and the weight of their calves at birth, at 120 and 210 days of age. It was found, that the calves from cows on the second lactation with a higher proportion of the Charolais breed, reached higher weights. The weight gain of calves was evaluated in connection with indicators of the metabolic profile of the blood of their mothers, when abnormal cholesterol levels affected the performance of calves. The last part was devoted to the analysis of eliminated cows. Charolais breed achieved higher meat yield. Aberdeen angus cows were eliminated at higher lactation, making them more economically viable.
Faktory ovlivňující chování krav masného skotu na pastvě
Štůralová, Dagmar
The purpose of the thesis was to evaluate factors that affect the behaviour of the beef cattle at the pasture. Amongst included factors that affect the behaviour was mainly the temperature of the air (°C), season of the year and the age of the cows. The behaviour mainly included the frequency of standing and laying down, among laying cows was observed the laterality, in other words the preference of laying on the right or the left side. Observations were held at the ecofarm of Jana Hůlková in Staré město u Bruntálu. The subjects of research were cows of charolais breed. The research took place during one whole calendar year, from December 2019 to November 2020. In the observed herd, there were 33 cows, 4 heifers and 1 (stock/breeding) bull. The ob-servation took place once a month, in the time intervals of 7:00, 12:00 and 19:00. Total number of 36 observations and 1368 evaluations were made. The influence of air temperature on the rest behaviour of the animals was statis-tically evidential (p < 0,05) in the temperature zone below 5°C, the observed animals stood more and for the rest they chose left side, which was also statistically evidential (p < 0,05). Furthermore, there was statistically evidential greater portion of animals laying on right side in the temperature zone between 5,1 °C to 15 °C. There was also evaluation that in the temperature zone between 15,1 to 20 °C or more precisely above 15,1 °C the animals laid more and stood less. In this temperature zone they also consis-tently preferred to lay on right rather than left side. Discovered differences were however not statistically evidential. Seasons afflicted the ratio of standing and laying animals. The animals laid most-ly during summer season, when they sought shade for their rest. Daytime had most im-pact in the afternoon, when due to average temperatures the ration of standing was at the highest also the period of standing and grazing was the longest compared to mor-ning and evening. From the aspect of laterality, among all age categories and genders, preference of laying on the left side rather than right side was observed.
Ekonomické aspekty chovu masného skotu
Kinclová, Tereza
The bachelor's thesis analyzes the current situation in selected cattle breeding. The work is divided into two parts, theoretical and analytical. First, the theoretical part concerning cattle breeding is elaborated. The theoretical part describes the importance of breeding and its aspects in the Czech Republic (it focuses on the importance and current situation of beef cattle breeding, characteristics of the most commonly bred breeds in the Czech Republic, breeding and fattening systems, converting into money and economic context of beef cattle breeding). The analytical part primarily describes a family farm engaged in beef cattle breeding. Furthermore, the economic situation of the surveyed company is analyzed (stocks numbers, reproduction indicator, costs, revenues and economic result) and a comparison of the company's costs with the Czech average. In the end, there is an evaluation and recommendations on how to improve the state of the economy of the studied breeding.
Ekonomika chovu krav bez tržní produkce mléka využivajících travní porosty jako základ krmné dávky
Juříková, Petra
This bachelor thesis is focused on breeding beef breeds of cattle on pasture. Within this issue, cattle breeds were characterized, suitable for grazing use. The next chapter summarized the organization of grazing and its technical equipment. Great emphasis was placed in this work on the composition of grasslands and their treatment. The bachelor thesis was prepared based on professional literary sources and scientific articles. The Charolais breed is the most suitable breed for beef cattle breeding in our conditions. According to the breeding standard, it reaches the highest daily gains. After studying the available materials, it turned out that the most important grass species in pastures is perennial ryegrass. At the end of the, work the costs and profitability of beef cattle breeding were commented which remain in negative values.
Ekonomické zhodnocení chovu skotu plemene Highland na konkrétní ekologické farmě
Janýšková, Marie
The bachelor thesis is focused on the breeding of the Highland cattle breed, which is bred in only a few places in the Czech Republic, mainly in the foothills and mountain areas. The first part of the work is focused mainly on beef cattle, organic farming, meat breeds of cattle and in more detail on the selected breed. In the second part there is a description of the family farm breeding this breed. The subsidy titles of the farm and its surroundings are analyzed. Economic analysis of the last four years that the farm has been operating are analyzed. Revenues and expenditures and an overall comparison of previous years are evaluated. Subsequently, a recommendation is created using the SMART method.
Výživa chovných zvířat masného skotu
Záboj, Dominik
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to conduct a literary review of the principles of nutrition of breeding individuals of beef cattle, with a focus on a particular breed. The literary search includes specifics and recommendations for the nutrition of all categories of beef cattle bred in our conditions. In this theses there are listed the needs of energy, nitrogenous substances and other nutrients, which have a place in the field of nutritional requirements of cattle. The next point is focused on assessing the physical condition of cattle using the body condition scoring (BCS) method and other methods, such as animal live weight records and linear description of breeding cows and bulls. In the practical part, observation of the physical condition (BCS) of the selected herd is recorded over a period of more than one year. Furthermore, the practical part is devoted to the evaluation of the increase of calves from birth to the age of 210 days. Changes in BCS values and daily calf gains are compared to the recommended standards.
Zhodnocení stávající farmy v obci Orličky a možnosti jejího rozvoje v oblasti agroturistiky
Černohous, Matěj
This thesis aims to evaluate a family farm that is situated in the village Orličky that focuses on beef cattle breeding and to create a proposal for the development in the field of agrotourism. The literary part characterizes the mountain area of Orlické hory from the tourism point of view along with the village Orličky and its surroundings. The following part describes the ex-isting farm together with its history and current farm situation. The main goal is met through the reconstruction plan, where the cottage would serve as an accommodation for guests as well as a place of agrotourism services. Following the proposal, SWOT analysis of the farm was made from the tourism point of view. The resulting economic evaluation concludes that the complete realization of the farm development in agrotourism would achieve an estimated return in the order of 6 years without the use of subsidies for rural developments. If this sub-sidy was included, the return would be possible in order of 3-4 years. From the data obtained, it can be argued that it would be worthwhile to do business on a given farm in the field of agrotourism. The end of the thesis offers additional suggestions for development.
Analýza růstové schopnosti mláďat v ekologickém chovu
Kurtin, Aleš
The Master thesis analyzes the growth ability of young in organic breeding. It deals with the analysis of the growth ability of young in the breeding of dairy cattle, beef cattle and sheep breeding on a selected organic farm. The monitoring took place in 2019 on the organic farm Branná located in the microregion Jesenicko. During the monitoring, sheep of the Wallachian breed, cattle of the Czech Fleckvieh breed and cattle of the hereford breed were chosen. In the practical part, the characteristics of the organic farm Branná and the characteristics of the Wallachian breed, hereford and Czech Fleckvieh cattle were presented. As part of the growth assessment, live weight was observed in sheep at birth, at 20, 50 and 100 days of age, and in cattle at birth, at 120 and 210 days of age. 60 lambs, 30 hereford calves and 40 Czech Fleckvieh cattle calves were observed. Observations have shown that gender influences weight. Lambs weighed on average 23.67 kg and young rams 26.07 at 100 days of age, hereford heifers at 210 days of age 258.2 kg and young bulls 271.3 kg and Czech Fleckvieh cattle heifers at 210 days of age 233.7 kg and young bulls 254.3 kg. Daily weight gain was influenced by gender. The average daily gain in lambs in the interval 0-100 days was 0.206 kg / day and in young rams 0.227 kg / day. In calves of the Hereford breed heifers in the interval 0-210 days of age 1.04 kg / day and young bulls 1.1 kg / day, in the breed Czech Fleckvieh cattle then heifers 0.97 kg / day and young bulls 1.06 kg / day.

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