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Archaeologia historica 51. 100 years of Czech and Slovak archaeology of Middle Ages. State castle Křivoklát 23-26 September 2019. Book of abstracts
Maříková-Kubková, Jana ; Válová, Katarína
The 51st conference Archaeologia Historica was dedicated to the centenary of the founding of the State Archaeological Institute in Prague. It was divided into topics that were devoted to the history of archaeological institutions, methodological development of medieval archaeology, long-term researched localities and important personalities of the field. In the next section, there were contributions devoted to current research.
Misuse of doping substances
Valová, Katarína ; Vopršalová, Marie (advisor) ; Jirkovský, Eduard (referee)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Student: Katarína Valová Supervisor: PharmDr. Marie Vopršálová, CSc. Title of diploma thesis: Misuse of doping substances My diploma thesis describe the term doping, possible causes of doping and its prevalence. It contains the outline of doping substances and methods, the characteristics of individual groups, the mechanism of action as well as the adverse effects of the substances on the health of sportsmen. I also focused on anti-doping organs and testing methods or describing new possibilities in in the fight against doping. I briefly described the process of the doping control and as well as the sanctions.

See also: similar author names
1 Valová, Kamila
1 Valová, Katarína
8 Valová, Kateřina
3 Valová, Klára
3 Valová, Kristýna
2 Válová, Karolina
2 Válová, Karolína
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