National Repository of Grey Literature 12 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The animal like a means to establishment the contact with an elderly person with dementia
Novotná, Martina ; Svobodová, Ivona (advisor) ; Machová, Kristýna (referee)
This product engages in using animals by the seniors which have the dementia. Our lives are longer and longer and the population all around the world is older in these days. Hand in hand with this situation we can find more chronic diseases for example the dementia. People with the dementia have a lot of problems which limit their lives. This illness grow up step by step and than the man can not také care of himself and he needs the help of other people. Men live in the Houses for seniors and their treatmens includes non-pharmacological therapies still often. The theraphy with the animal sis more using nowadays. The animals are very important in the life of the people, especially in the emotional way of live. They are very good company and we know about their great role in mental and physical health, so it means very often using of animal-assisted interventions (AAI) in all subcategories. For seniors with the dementia the animals means relief from the depression, the motivation and the opportunity to participate in various activities. The animals can help the seniors with their cognitiv functions and all quality of their lives. The dogs, cats, horses, birds and aquarium fishes are the most using for the theraphy. Every animal has own specific qualities and can be using in a different situations or can have an influence to the people with the demetia. The contanct can be in a form of visiting programmes, living animals in the Houses for seniors or ithe the flat of senoirs. The most using for the theraphy and the activities with the help of animals are AAT and AAA. It is very important to give the target of every programme. The planning is the key for the success of this animal using.
The therapeutic effect of equine on patients in psychiatry
Schenková, Jana ; Svobodová, Ivona (advisor) ; Lenka, Lenka (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on the issue of equine assisted psychotherapy. In the introduction, there are basic information about animal assisted therapy. Further it concetrates on field of hippotherapy, which deals with the use of horses within zootherapy. There are the basic information about possibilities of using horses for this activity. Fully as possible is there described subfield of eguine assisted psychotherapy (its indication, contraindication), and in terms of horses (the selection of a suitable subject for a given activity) and not least in terms of the patient (examples of specific diagnoses and exercises, which can be used in therapy). Big part of thesis is devoted to particular psychiatric diagnoses. From the diagnoses were selected mental disorders caused by addiction, affective disorders, neurotic disorders, stress-related and somatoform disorders and sexual preference. At the end are examples of case studies which should serve as a basis for further practical investigation.
Alternative components in feeding rations for marmosets and tamarins as prevention of macrosomia, diabetes mellitus and stillborn young
Polívková, Martina ; Svobodová, Ivona (advisor) ; Adéla, Adéla (referee)
This thesis evaluates the suitability of food rations in zoos keeping Callitrichidae considering the prevention of macrosomia, diabetes mellitus and stillborn young, and where needed, suggests a change in feed rations. The feed rations of Callitrichidae in zoos differ greatly and problems can occur with greater amounts of fat and sugars and often also insufficiency of calcium, which can lead to obesity and further health complications. When performing this thesis, all food rations of the pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea), the silvery marmoset (Mico argentatus), the cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus), the emperor tamarin (Saguinus imperator) and the golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) was weighted during five days in the Olomouc zoo, the Plzeň zoo and the Jihlava zoo. The values of the rations were set based on table rates of the individual components stated in the program ZootritionTM (V2.6) and the final values compared with the recommendations stated in EAZA Husbandry Guidelines 3rd edition (2015). It was found that changes are needed especially with consideration to the food specialization of the different species, presently all species of Callitrichidae are fed the same rations regardless of their food priorities in the wild. The recommended changes to rations included changing a part of the ration to a ready mixed foodstuff for Callitrichidae to save time and enable a stable ration with good values of calcium and protein, and feed the animals mainly with vegetables rather than fruit, considering the closeness of vegetables to the fruit available in the wild.
Hipotherapy in children with cerebral palsy
Kupková, Vendula ; Svobodová, Ivona (advisor) ; Lenka, Lenka (referee)
This bachelor thesis represents the summary of knowledge gained both in the Czech Republic and worldwide, concerning the use of hippotherapy at the healing process of cerebral palsy at children. The method itself is described in the summary of several studies, suggesting the effect of hippotherapy on cerebral palsy infliction. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part deals with the characteristic of cerebral palsy as a neuromuscular disease with a variety of etiology and pathogenesis being the cause of movement and posture disorders. The second part is focused on the hippotherapy as a unique therapeutic method using a specific element - the movement of a walking horse´s back. The patient is influenced in three levels - frontal, saggital and transversal. The stimuli are transmitted onto the patient with the effect on their central nervous system. Subsequently the central nervous system becomes adapted to the horse´s back deflection and a new motoric pattern is fixed. The healing proces of cerebral palsy at children is described in several studies that are presented. These are completed by factors that have their specific influence on the hippotherapeutic unit. The thesis is concluded by a text dealing with the issue of horses themselves. It suggests criteria that are important during the selection of horses suitable for hippotherapy such as breed, age and sex of horses and the morphology of the horse´s back and its motion. Last but not least the thesis also presents the basic knowledge of the general mechanics of horse motion that has an important influence on the motion of the horse´s back and thus the impact on the quality of the impulse transmittion onto the patient.
Nutritional requirements for reindeer´s breeding (Rangifer spp.)
Toporová, Kateřina ; Svobodová, Ivona (advisor) ; Adéla, Adéla (referee)
Bachelor thesis is summarizing general information about the reindeers preferred nutrient in the wild compared with a recommendation for breeding these animals in the captivity, including the information about potential health problems associated with their unsuitable feeding. Consequential theme is familiarization with the genus Rangifer (or rather with species Rangifer tarandus), from the point of view taxonomic classification, digestive system, nutrient types according to Hofmann (1989), status of populations in the nature, and threat levels in their natural conditions.
Influencing the motivation in the animals training using training logs
Ferencová, Tereza ; Svobodová, Ivona (advisor) ; Bolechová, Petra (referee)
Recently animal training has become a field that is gaining followers and even experts, breeders from all over the world are starting to show interest. One of the important factors that plays a significant role in the training of animals is the level of motivation. There are many motivation techniques available to animal trainers. A number of these techniques focuses on food as a form of motivation. They successfully put to use the recognition that food is one of the most important primary reinforcers. It can fulfill the role of reward, or it can be an element of food deprivation, and also it can serve as a regulator of body weight. Other motivation techniques are based on motivation through a simple exercise, the use of motivation with other animals, or motivating an animal in the form of a basic position. By selecting and applying the correct motivation technique it is possible to achieve a high level of motivation and successful training lessons. With a suitable motivation method trainers can prevent undesirable behavior, which can often be spotted at animals kept in zoos. A key part of each animal training is welfare that ensures appropriate conditions for training and also for the trained animal itself. With the increasing number of both experts and general interest regarding animal training, the question of keeping records of individual training lessons has emerged. It was the aim of this thesis to evaluate the various training logs known up till now used by experts on animal training. Individual animal trainers rely on their own training logs that they use during trainings at their workplaces, which is where the training logs are also most frequently created. To gain information about the form of the training logs is no easy matter, and to some extent this issue is one that is not publicized. It would be beneficial if the individual methods of keeping training logs were made public and by doing so a unified training log draft was made. It is not necessary for all animal trainers to pursue the creating of training logs, however, there is no doubt that with their aid the evaluation of the partial or entire effectiveness of individual trainings would be more precise.
Preparation, physical-chemical properties and utilization of nanoparticles in bioanalysis
Svobodová, Ivona ; Hezinová, Věra ; Lišková, Marcela ; Přikryl, Jan ; Maděránková, D. ; Klepárník, Karel ; Foret, František
The possibilities of application of nanoparticles in bioanalysis were studied. Applications of quantum dots as a fluorescent markers, silver nanoparticles in SERS and conjucation of gold nanoparticles with antibodies were shown.
Application of nanoparticles in fluorescence microscopy and raman spectrometry
Přikryl, Jan ; Svobodová, Ivona ; Hezinová, Věra ; Lišková, Marcela ; Maděránková, D. ; Klepárník, Karel ; Foret, František
This contribution is devoted to application of quantum dots as perspective luminescence labels in fluorescence microscopy (epifocal and TIR fluorescence microscopy) and application of silver nanoparticles in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.
CdTe kvantové tečky - příprava, fyzikálně-chemické vlastnosti a aplikace jako fluorescenční značky
Hezinová, Věra ; Svobodová, Ivona ; Lišková, Marcela ; Přikryl, Jan ; Klepárník, Karel ; Foret, František
The set of different sizes of CdTe nanoparticles coated with MPA was synthetized and characterized by fluorescence spectra and lifetimes. Their application as a cell fluorescent markers was tested.
Potenciál kvantových teček při detekci jediné molekuly v buňkách a organelách
Přikryl, Jan ; Klepárník, Karel ; Svobodová, Ivona ; Hezinová, Věra ; Lišková, Marcela ; Preisler, J. ; Foret, František
This contribution is devoted to quantum dots usage for cell imaging in fluorescence microscopy. Fluorescence excitation by evanescence wave (caused by total internal reflection) is compared with conventional epifluorescence microscopy.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 12 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
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