Návrh interiéru restauračního komplexu se zaměřením na pivnici
Kozák, Miroslav
The first part of this bachelor thesis is a theoretical part. The thesis discusses the requirements of public interior. This section summarizes the rules and regulations wchich govern the formation of the interior, especially for security issues. A research of existing restaurants in Brno was carried out for the purpose of market research and inspiration. The second part of this bachelor thesis is practical. It includes a design solutions of interior of the pub. The design includes a ground plan layout, electrical and item plan. The resulting design is displayed via 3D visualization. When drafting this plan, the emphasis was put on maximizing the capacity while maintaining the functionality of the interior.
The Operation of Distribution Grid with High Penetration of Renewable Sources
Modlitba, Petr ; Kozák, Miroslav (referee) ; Toman, Petr (advisor)
This work deals with the connection of distributed generation into the distribution grid. The first part describes the methodology for calculating the steady state of alternating current network. The second part deals with the conditions of connecting distributed generation into the grid. The third part describes the types of power sources and distribution system 110 kV in the area supplied from the transformation 220/110 kV Sokolnice. On the basis of the simulation model there were performed calculations of 110 kV network steady-state operation in the nodal area Sokolnice to verify the electrical network conditions during operation of distributed generation. There were also evaluated possibilities for an increase in installed capacity of distributed sources.
The Analysis of the Possibility of Realization of a New Substation 400/110kV as a Substitute for TR Tábor
Modlitba, Petr ; Kozák, Miroslav (referee) ; Toman, Petr (advisor)
This thesis deals with the assessment of the location of the new transformer station 400/110 kV in terms of conditions in the 110 kV network, which will be supplied from this substation. The new 400/110 kV transformer station will replace the current transformer station 220/110 kV Tábor, which will be decommissioned in connection with the overall 220 kV system attenuation in the Czech power transmission system. On the basis of the load flow simulation of the 110 kV distribution network and calculations of the short-circuit conditions performed by simulation SW LUG two variants of the location of a new 400/110 kV transformer station were assessed. The 110 kV network calculations were focused on the evaluation of voltage conditions, the 110 kV lines loading in the standard operating scheme and in failure states according to the N-1 criterion, short-circuit conditions and losses. On the basis of the computational analyses, the technical measures necessary to ensure the reliable operation of the 110 kV network in the given area are designed and economically evaluated.
Modelling ethanol production in simultaneous equations model of global food demand and supply
Kozák, Miroslav ; Janda, Karel (advisor) ; Macháček, Vít (referee)
This thesis conducts an econometric analysis for the relationship between food price and ethanol production. A system of simultaneous equation models for the demand and supply for food are estimated, paying attention to the effect of ethanol production. The two-stage and three-stage least-squares estimation methods are adopted, which explicitly account for endogeneity in the system. Using annual data from 1981 to 2020, it is found that the ethanol production has little economic impact on food price. This may be closely related with inelastic demand and supply with respect to price that have been found in this study, where exogenous shocks such as an increase of ethanol production may have small effects on price. JEL Classification C12, C13, D12 Keywords Ethanol, Endogeneity, Food Price, Elasticity, Si- multaneous Equations Model Title Modelling ethanol production in simultaneous equations model of global food demand and sup- ply Author's e-mail kozakmiroslav92@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail karel-janda@seznam.cz
Hrací prvky pro děti do veřejného prostoru
Kozák, Miroslav
The first part of this thesis is theoretical. The thesis discusses the requirements of children furniture and toys. This section summarizes standards and regulations that products must comply with primary for security pruposes. There is a historical development toys and playgrounds, and research the current situation in the neighborhood. On the basis of the market, with children's houses, we evaluated the competition and at the same time we have some products inspired. The second part of this thesis is practical. It contains its own design Playhouse intended primarily to the public, but also private interior. The design part includes three designs, one of which was prototyped for verification functionality. Any designs are presented using 3D visualization or photograps. When drafting this plan, the emphasis was put on functionality, aesthetics and philosophy of art.
The Analysis of the Possibility of Realization of a New Substation 400/110kV as a Substitute for TR Tábor
Modlitba, Petr ; Kozák, Miroslav (referee) ; Toman, Petr (advisor)
This thesis deals with the assessment of the location of the new transformer station 400/110 kV in terms of conditions in the 110 kV network, which will be supplied from this substation. The new 400/110 kV transformer station will replace the current transformer station 220/110 kV Tábor, which will be decommissioned in connection with the overall 220 kV system attenuation in the Czech power transmission system. On the basis of the load flow simulation of the 110 kV distribution network and calculations of the short-circuit conditions performed by simulation SW LUG two variants of the location of a new 400/110 kV transformer station were assessed. The 110 kV network calculations were focused on the evaluation of voltage conditions, the 110 kV lines loading in the standard operating scheme and in failure states according to the N-1 criterion, short-circuit conditions and losses. On the basis of the computational analyses, the technical measures necessary to ensure the reliable operation of the 110 kV network in the given area are designed and economically evaluated.
The Operation of Distribution Grid with High Penetration of Renewable Sources
Modlitba, Petr ; Kozák, Miroslav (referee) ; Toman, Petr (advisor)
This work deals with the connection of distributed generation into the distribution grid. The first part describes the methodology for calculating the steady state of alternating current network. The second part deals with the conditions of connecting distributed generation into the grid. The third part describes the types of power sources and distribution system 110 kV in the area supplied from the transformation 220/110 kV Sokolnice. On the basis of the simulation model there were performed calculations of 110 kV network steady-state operation in the nodal area Sokolnice to verify the electrical network conditions during operation of distributed generation. There were also evaluated possibilities for an increase in installed capacity of distributed sources.