National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Calculation program for heat exchanger design
Švec, Dalibor ; Baláš, Marek (referee) ; Pospíšil, Jiří (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on creating a calculation software for designing heat exchanger. The software will not calculate one single heat exchanger but will recommend all heat exchangers which meet the requirements. Then, user can decide which heat exchanger is best suited for the specific application and make a comprehensive calculation. Part of the diploma thesis is to verify correctness of the software and make a parametric studies. Parametric studies will be focused on baffle cut, baffle spacing, tube pitch, and tube thickness and its effect on heat transfer and pressure drop.
Design of fan for electric machines
Švec, Dalibor ; Appel, Martin (referee) ; Vlach, Radek (advisor)
Aim of this bachelor thesis is to program a design calculator for different types of ventilators. Calculator should be able to display design of ventilator, draw characteristics to a graph and show characteristic numbers of ventilator. Calculation is based on characteristic numbers and theory developed especially for ventilators.
Calculation program for heat exchanger design
Švec, Dalibor ; Baláš, Marek (referee) ; Pospíšil, Jiří (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on creating a calculation software for designing heat exchanger. The software will not calculate one single heat exchanger but will recommend all heat exchangers which meet the requirements. Then, user can decide which heat exchanger is best suited for the specific application and make a comprehensive calculation. Part of the diploma thesis is to verify correctness of the software and make a parametric studies. Parametric studies will be focused on baffle cut, baffle spacing, tube pitch, and tube thickness and its effect on heat transfer and pressure drop.
Design of fan for electric machines
Švec, Dalibor ; Appel, Martin (referee) ; Vlach, Radek (advisor)
Aim of this bachelor thesis is to program a design calculator for different types of ventilators. Calculator should be able to display design of ventilator, draw characteristics to a graph and show characteristic numbers of ventilator. Calculation is based on characteristic numbers and theory developed especially for ventilators.

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4 Švec, Daniel
7 Švec, David
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