Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Mechanical analysis of the front wipers mechanism of a Škoda car
Košinová, Laura ; Hájek, Petr (oponent) ; Fuis, Vladimír (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the mechanical analysis of the front wipers mechanism of a Škoda Felicia and Škoda Octavia cars. Firstly, the explanation of necessary terms of mechanics needed for the solution to the problem is provided, followed by a brief history of windshield wipers. The aim of the practical part was to find the driving moment and contact forces in the links and further analyze the behavior of the mechanism after overcoming the static stability limit. The creation of mechanism models in Solidworks was also included. The unknown parameters were determined using Matlab. The dynamic analysis was solved numerically using Ansys software.
Finding kinematic quantities of a mechanism and a structural analysis of its members after blockage
Zvozil, Ondrej ; Vosynek, Petr (oponent) ; Fuis, Vladimír (vedoucí práce)
The master's thesis, which has originated in cooperation with company AUFEER DESIGN (AFD), focuses on an analysis of particular windshield wiper mechanism of an automobile. First, brief history of windshield wipers is stated. Wiper systems are then divided by their layout and way of their actuation. Particular mechanism which is being analyzed is then introduced. In the following chapter, a problem situation, problem and a system of substantial quantities are formulated. Kinematic quantities of the mechanism's key points are determined using analytic and numeric approach. A computational model for kinematic analysis is developed in Matlab and SimMechanics. The next part is dedicated to creation of a FE model in ANSA. All structural analyses are performed in Abaqus. The first of them is a parametric study, which reveals critical positions of the mechanism in terms of compressional loading of certain parts. Loading of the mechanism with blocked wiper arms in critical positions is then performed. Finally, linear buckling analyses of parts which have possibility of buckling are performed, followed by nonlinear analyses with involved imperfections.
Finding kinematic quantities of a mechanism and a structural analysis of its members after blockage
Zvozil, Ondrej ; Vosynek, Petr (oponent) ; Fuis, Vladimír (vedoucí práce)
The master's thesis, which has originated in cooperation with company AUFEER DESIGN (AFD), focuses on an analysis of particular windshield wiper mechanism of an automobile. First, brief history of windshield wipers is stated. Wiper systems are then divided by their layout and way of their actuation. Particular mechanism which is being analyzed is then introduced. In the following chapter, a problem situation, problem and a system of substantial quantities are formulated. Kinematic quantities of the mechanism's key points are determined using analytic and numeric approach. A computational model for kinematic analysis is developed in Matlab and SimMechanics. The next part is dedicated to creation of a FE model in ANSA. All structural analyses are performed in Abaqus. The first of them is a parametric study, which reveals critical positions of the mechanism in terms of compressional loading of certain parts. Loading of the mechanism with blocked wiper arms in critical positions is then performed. Finally, linear buckling analyses of parts which have possibility of buckling are performed, followed by nonlinear analyses with involved imperfections.

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